[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Like game says, enemies make louder noises, than allies. But healers make much less noise with healing, compared even to allies. Mercy is almost completely silent with her healing beam, save single phrase when she begins healing, so any enemy with tunnel vision will have no clue of her nearby.

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Alright guys/gals and everyone in between here is my new thread have a look! :smile:

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But later on they made Mercy unable to ult from spawn. There were complaints that Mercy was able to rez from the final point in Gibraltar, and soon after she WAS unable to.

The strangest thing is that people know what they have to do, often teams can identify an issue but they lack the ability to take action.

It like if Pharah carrying the game for the other side and we know she an issue… then why is it our two DPS are still playing Junkrat and Genji?

Or if Hanzo and Widow are sniping like crazy, then why aren’t people attacking her.

Or if Mei been holding point by her self, why is it that we all ignore her.

It’s like people play too look cool on the PoTG reel


I think THAT is a good point. Many DPS or Tank players (Seagull and xQc respectfully) didn’t like their “Hard Work” of THEM pulling their Ultimates (E.G. Pressing “Q”) and getting the game winning play taken away by a, as they put it, “No skill Hero” healer stealing their SICK POG and Mercy Resurrecting the enemy team in a clutch Rez and then proceeds to kill their entire team while they are Emoting on the point. There are quite a few “FUNNY” videos of one team thinking they had won, only for the Mercy player running back from Spawn and pulling a “Huge Rez” while their team was trying to rub salt in the wound by Emoting on the point, then getting their tails handed to them on a silver platter because they were STUCK in their Emote and couldn’t move or defend themselves. Sort of like Mercy is stuck in a cast time while attempting Rez now.


Check my forum post out and see if you like that idea.

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It’s not strange, though, just players expecting someone else to take care of the problem.

Like the last time I played Overwatch, trying to get an achievement on “Uprising” with other Heroes. I went Junkrat, someone else went Zenyatta, etc. The LAST person to choose went Hanzo with only seconds left to choose…
We NEEDED a tank, we did not need a 3rd DPS like Hanzo…
Needless to say, we lost the fight due to not having a Tank…


Dva with her defense matrix can also absorb Tracer’s ultimate. Can’t even keep count of the number of time my brother saved us against Zarya’s, Tracer’s and Mei’s ultimate with it. You can’t always have your matrix ready 100% of the time to counter these ultimates, but you can still greatly reduce the number of time your team will die because of those. Especially if people play as a team and everyone tries to keep track of ultimates, and judging by the Tracer’s behavior too, you can guess when it will be coming and ask your Dva to start watching Tracer more closely. Overwatch is a fast pace game, not all the teams in every match will be evenly matched, and nothing works 100% of the time either, but there are still ways to outplay a player.

So just wanted to highlight something. Regarding OWL these are the list of Support Players/Support Flex Players.

A lot of people have been arguing Mercy is viable because she has a high pick rate.

We have 12 teams, 9 out of 12 teams have a Mercy player signed on to play.

Out of 42 Support players, 11 of them are Mercy players and only 2 are Mains. The other choices are generally Zen and Lucio Players

If the 9 out of 12 teams were to run Mercy as a primary healer all the time there would be naturally high pick rate for Mercy


I’m currently a bit bored so i thought that i post my idea again. Adding and changing some stuff as always. I’m trying to satisfy as many aspects as possible with this idea, which is based on all the information i could get from many players, conversations and such.

Healing/dmg buff (Caduceus Staff)

stays the same.

Mercy’s healing ability is in a good spot and should not be changed. Her healing is neither to strong or to weak. It feels good to use and it feels good to be healed. Her dmg buff is fine as well.

Caduceus Blaster

Obtains a new effect: Bounce Back
If the projectiles hit a wall, they get reflected (like Moira’s Orbs). That can happen once. If they hit a wall a second time, they disappear.
Dmg, fire rate, projectile speed and reload time stays the same.

Mercy’s Caduceus Blaster was always very good for self defense and for the final blow, but in most other cases it was a bit useless. This change makes the Blaster to an area denial ability which could be used in choke points and tight rooms without making it to strong in 1v1 situations.
However, this side effect might be to strong/pointless and is, for that reason, marked as Optional.

Guardian Angel

Cooldown increased to 2.5s

Fix: The exploit that can throw you straight in the air if you use GA on close distance get’s removed.

GA is already in a really good spot. The only downside of it is that you can’t use it if you have no teammates around you. The cool cooldown increase is for keeping Mercy’s movement in check and to make it fit for the new E ability.

Angelic Descent

stays the same.

It just doesn’t need more. It is very useful and fun. It also fits already very good to the new E ability.

New E ability: Angelic Ascent

Mercy uses her wings to create a small Aoe knock back around her (no dmg, range: 2.5 m radius). After that she jumps 15m straight into the air. You can bend the trajectory a bit by using W, A, S and D (L Joystick, Max is at 125-145°). It gives Mercy a better overview over the battlefield and increases her survivability and mobility.
CD: 8s
Duration: 2s
Cast time: 0.5, Guardian Angel blocked for the Duration (2s), other abilities and movement are not disrupted.

A new E ability. The Mercy player could combine it with GA and AD to get better movement over the battlefield. The small Aoe knock back can also be used to get some environmental kills. A bad side effect would be increased visibility if you use it + a small cast time. It alos helps her to use Her Resurrect properly.

Ultimate: Resurrect

Can Resurrect the entire team. It has a limited Los requirement (Only solid objects) and a cast time of ~1.25 s befor the Resurrect and its side effects are used.
If a teammate misses the impact of her Ult (not in radius/range) he/she wont get any benefits from it. The effects are range independent after receiving them. ~15m radius. All movement abilitys are still available over the ~1.25 s cast time (Melee, Caduceus Blaster, Caduceus Staff blocked for 1.25s). Revived allies start with 100HP and regenerate 350HP with 70HP/s.
If Resurrect hits an ally which is still alive, it regenerates their HP instantly and they get the self heal buff as well (A total of 130 HP/s for one if Mercy is healing as well). Resurrect can heal up to 650HP max in 5s on one teammate + The HP burst heal.
Resurrect can now be used without dead allies and Mercy get’s full health and the 70HP/s for 5s (no invulnerability).
As long as the regeneration lasts, Mercy can’t gain new Ultimate charge.
Dva still get’s her Ult “Call Mech”.
Charge required: 1925 points

The new Resurrect would still be relatively easy to use if you time it right. With the self heal and the full health restore, Mercy can be killed after she uses her Ultimate without making it imposible for her to survive and the cast time adds more counter play to it. However, revived allies will always start with 100HP, which allows to counter it with fast actions as well. The new side effects, instant full HP and HP regeneration for allies which are still alive, could be used in some more strategic ways, you would be encouraged to keep your team alive and Mercy players would have no reason to hide. Reviving multiple allies is also more difficult because of the HP penalty for resed allies.
Overall, this would increase the learning curve of Mercy, while still being easy to pick up for newcomers and it fixes many problems as well.

Note: This version of Resurrect might have to much counter play to it and could come out as to weak. However, small changes like invulnerability after the cast, full HP for all teammates or instant cast could help with that. But only ONE of the 3 and not all at the same time.

the numbers mentioned are for visualization only

does someone know how long the invincibility for resed teammates is?

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Tbh, I REALLY dont like your idea, but that is just my personal feeling. Mercy’s problem with Resurrect ult is she then has no mid-fight play. There isn’t a reason for her to be in the fight if she can’t out-heal it or provide any form of utility in the midst of the fight. Adding all of these nerfs to resurrect on a hero who was already an F-tier hero with Resurrect as an ultimate is a terrible idea.

Invulnerability lasts for 2.5s. Allies can move at 2s.


Also, bunny hop is not an exploit. Blizzard added it to her kit when it WAS initially a bug, but the big was EXTREME. She would literally shoot from one end of the map to the other and fly off a cliff. It was fixed, but people really liked it and it added a lot of dynamic to Mercy’s base kit that they patched in a reasonable bunny hop with a huge fix to the range.

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Possible unique ability, that has resurrect theme:

Mark of heavens: this player can be healed back to life, if killed, by any healer, not just Mercy. Effect doesn’t last long, making it bad choice for tanks.

Or, if that’s too much:

Combined power: combines both beams in one and increases effects(90 hp/s and 45% more damage) for 5 s. Cooldown 15 s.

Well, as an ultimate it was fine, the problem was that as an E ability it’s extremely powerful if pulled off, and with current restrictions, it’s bad design because it destroys Mercy’s mobility, breaks her own game forcing her to stop doing her job and sneak around for a rez, and contradicts the main concept of Mercy as a main support.

Resurrect as an E ability is not good design. If it’s not overpowered it’s bad design (as it got proved during game’s alpha/beta when it had long cast time and stationary mode). The only place it can fit is her ultimate. Mercy needs another E ability. Valkirie could fit there.

No, sorry, but if you stop doing your job as a support and sneak around trying to find a place to hide and rez you are not contributing in the fight and that’s how current rez is designed. Also, flying far far away or behind a wall and holding a button without doing anything special is not what I could call contributing, considering that a good Mercy could do the same without that ez mode pro simulator called valkirie.

There are plenty of videos about different dpss hiding and ulting. Mercy was not so special in that matter. I can confidently say I saw dpss hiding and ulting a lot of times, but never a Mercy doing so. I played Mercy since before Ana’s release and NEVER saw her hiding nor hide. I was always in the mid of the fight taking cover when ults came, because, as you said, it would be idiotic to not do that and receive the enemy’s ults with the face. I never had to stop doing my job. Now it’s part of current Mercy.

Well, the point there was that 1.0 had a lot of her power concentrated in her ult. She was balanced before the rework, but without an E ability, once you knew how to deal with mass rez (and it was already easy despite not having a magical and specifical key for that like Sym being countered by Winston) she was only her M1 and M2, which was the reason why she wasn’t picked at pro ranks, because they knew how to counter mass rez. If they gave her an E ability (not rez anymore) and set her rez into her ultimate, that hybrid between 1.0 and 2.0 wouldn’t suck anymore at any rank and surely wouldn’t be op neither.

Yeah, they call it vocal minority because it’s a joker argument. Politicians use it too as an excuse when there is a massive manifestation and they want to make up the situation. They talk about those who didn’t go, wheter if they wanted or not, that doesn’t matter. However, using that argument we could state some interesting things like “only a minority play Ow, so it’s not a real success” (nice nonsense isn’t it?) or “every single community and everybody wanting changes or not wanting them is a minority so everything needs to be changed and doesn’t needs changes at the same time” (brain explode logic).

Okay, let’s break down this.

How would be Mercy with the changes people suggest to her mass rez?

1- Okay, mass rez would be nerfed, so she wouldn’t deny the first pick anymore. Not a problem, indeed a solution, becuase rez would be earned again, not given. Also, rez wouldn’t be a chore anymore, unlike now. It would punish bad plays, not reward them, and hide and rez exploit couldn’t work anymore (at least, this is what we pretend to achieve). Finally, it would have some added counterplay, so people wouldn’t be allowed to complain anymore because of Mercy rezzing their kills. If they missed, that’s would be their fault and no one else.

2- GA changes would remain! That means bunny hop still being a thing, and that buffed Mercy’s mobility, so that would be still there.

3- New E ability. Since Resurrect can’t work as an E ability at all without contradicting Mercy’s main concept as a mobile support and being bad design because of the extreme risk VS low reward and a lot of more reasons, she would have another one, not rez anymore. This means that she would have something she lacked before the rework, so she would have added mid game utility. In addition, this would allow you to remove some power from mass rez as compensation, because now you wouldn’t have the need to concentrate it so much. For example, you could bring her added mobility or other kind of utility ability.

Summing up. I don’t think this would be a nerfed Mercy 1.0 at all. If you want to define it, she would be an hybrid between both Mercys 1.0 and 2.0.

Junkrat can do it all the time indeed. He doesn’t need LoS to hit his targets and his ult literally work by hiding and ulting and does massive impact. I’m only showing you one, but almost every single dps with high impact can do that.

But we have here other high ranked Mercys that did not hide, so it wasn’t so common. It was an exploit from a minority of her playerbase, and that only needed QoL changes, never a rework back to her two worst designs ever.

With an ez mode like valkirie allowing even the worst player to make up his lack of skills healing his team, that wouldn’t work all the time, and that’s a great problem. No one should have a button that allows you to do the same as someone could do with a lot of effort just hiding in the skybox or behind a corner.

I think you are saying that we hide when we didn’t hide. You are making a huge mistake there. You can’t hide and rez when you aren’t hiding, just taking cover when you hear things like “Nerf this!”. If you were sitting behind a corner like a lot of dpss did, that would be hiding, but sadly, you are accusing us of something we never did.

Yeah, I remember two cases that happened to me. The first one was that bad Pharah killing my entire team while I was running from King’s Cross point to the statue, in middle of everyone’s LoS. She didn’t touch me, so I rezzed my team, totally deserved.

The other one was incredibly comical because I achieved to win a 1 VS 3 against Soldier, Junkrat and Hanzo after losing my two teammates against Junkrat’s bombs. However, the enemy team ignored and underestimated me so hard that finally I killed them all with my pistol (excepting Soldier, who fell down a cliff). The last one was Junkrat, who was hiding behind a corner waiting for… Idk what.

Tbh, having Resurrect as an E ability is not good because if it’s not overpowered it’s bad design because it contradicts Mercy main concept as a main support. The only healthy place where I can see that ability is in her ult. That being said, she would need a different E ability for mid game utility, and if mass rez is nerfed the nerfs should be directed to avoid hide and rez and encourage her to be in the fight.


Yknow, I honestly forgot about D.Va. Thank you for reminding me about that!

Does Defense Matrix work after it has landed, though? I was specifically thinking about after it was finished landing/sticking, rather than in the air.

Your points are very good, though. Thanks for bringing it up!

I’m just gonna ask this here…
Has anyone else been having weird issues with Rez lately? I swear that it used to override the respawn timer. Because I haven’t had this many failed Rezzes while both in range, and having my teammates see the animation. It also gives me the Rez back… ._.

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Oh my god xD… laughing so hard at Stylosa right now. He trying to debunk Death Match competitive because the GM on their high horses were placed into Plat and Diamond.


Here’s why I think you’re on to something with this post.

Valkyrie feels like an ability that is easy to scale down. If it moved to E, a simple and obvious nerf is to significantly reduce its duration. I’ve suggested it be 3s.

Rez may be the strongest non-ult ability in the game. The workaround for this has been to also make it the riskiest ability in the game—a fact that some people who don’t play Mercy seem to have an amazingly difficult time understanding.

Now that Mercy and Zen are the only two heroes that have been in the new meta and the old meta, and now that even more Mercy nerfs are probably in the pipeline, it only makes sense to swap Valk and Rez and balance them accordingly. But for all the positive changes Blizzard has made to the game, I do not have faith in them to get further Mercy changes right. I fear that they’re just going to give her a ridiculous nerf like removing Rez entirely. :frowning:


I’d be down for Rez to be removed. They would be able to make Valkyrie and actually useful ultimate that’s fun (Valkyrie is bad because it is toned and balanced to stop rez from dominating)

This would also allow them to take time with mercy and make a useful ability with purpose that isn’t trash to use like current Rez in all forms.

Honestly removing Rez seems like the best option if anyone’s wants mercy to be fun to play again. She is toned and tied to the floor by nerfs because of resurrect. If it was being removed as an ultimate it should never have been an ability Andy you can see that because mercy dominated and now she doesn’t do anything becasue every aspect about her is toned down to stop resurrect from breaking the game