Mercy just dropped below 50% winrate in GM

If she’s out of my games, I’m alright.

You do realize that Mercy was never the “#1 undisputed most necessary hero in the game!” until they gave her the rework right?

And so, the truth reveals itself among the crowd. Fair enough, thanks for offering your opinion on the matter regardless. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I mean, it’s strange isn’t it? A hero that feels near useless compared to others. It’s almost like heroes who like playing that hero feel like that there’s more then the solutions of being dominating in meta or being useless. I mean, it’s not like you’ve specifically indicated that Genji may be “nearly useless” at one point, indicating that there’s a problem, seemingly drawing attention to the idea that maybe a problem needs to be looked at.

But we wouldn’t be contradictory like that, would we?


I don’t see how that is relevant.

She spent an entire year being the best. Rework or not, that is too dominant for way too long.

Not Mercy mains fault, the dev’s decided all on their own that this rework was a great idea lol


Ummm, I said in said thread that was so long ago I forgot about it, it would be a Doomfist meta, and potentially Hanzo. Guess what I did… I adapted! I played Hanzo with a sprinkle of Doom for the past few seasons. My problem was his absolute numerous about of bugs he had, I was just worried blizzard wouldn’t help him since he’s so hated. At the time you could be shot thru deflect, absolutely demolished by PTR brig, etc etc.

However, Mercy is different, people want her buffed for no reason. She was just out shined and people ALREADY want her dominant again, like sheesh give Ana a shot my guys.

Players have adapted, but what is being said is simple: this isn’t a zero sum game. There’s a on/OFF binary in terms of these heroes, and there is a MIDDLE ground. It’s done by pointing out where the balance problems are. Like being done in this thread.

Also, how is mercy different? You’ve provided no evidence of the contrary, while people have shown at least SOME stats that hey, somethings wrong. Hell, the arguments you’ve made have actually argued against your points (mercy’s win rate at lower tiers).

You don’t want Mercy back in any form, even if it’s a situational one. You’re not even reading the responses that are being given to you. No one wants a dominant Mercy again. People want a servicable Mercy. And right now, based on the information available: she is not servicable.

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It’s relevant because there existed a time where she wasn’t “OP” or a “must pick.” And people tend to conveniently leave that out when they want to make claims on how “overpowered” Mercy was without mentioning her history before the rework, so I figured I added some context for those who are new / uninformed to her situation. :blush:

Without the rework, Mercy being “OP for a year” wouldn’t even be a point of discussion right now. Though I do agree that the rework has made her dominant for far too long. Valkyrie in my opinion, should have never happened.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Just to avoid confusion because I’ve started to see some:

I am a Zen main (50 hours all comp). Zen has a top 7 winrate at every level. Meanwhile across all comp, I’ve only played Mercy for 2 hours, placing her a lowly 12th on my comp playtime. This isn’t from being angry about a main being nerfed, this is seeing that someone you don’t play is underpowered and speaking out about it.


Neither was Genji, but he became NOT a troll pick without his balance being touched, be patient, the same happened with Hanzo, he was still used a lot after his nerfs and it took the global damage boost change to remove him…

Honestly none of the reworks have really been that great. 2 were gamebreaking, Sym’s didn’t change much but at least she’s increasingly versatile, etc.

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The sooner they revert Mercy, the happier I will be. Please Blizzard, give us back 1.0 and balance from there.


its about time frankly. Mercy as a character should never have been a 50%+ winrate character in gm, and i severely doubt many people are sad about it given she made s2/s3 op ana look okay as a year long meta.

wake me when mercy drops below 45%, then ill actually be worried

I don’t want a complete revert ;-;

After this ordeal, I want a proper E-ability

Well we could revert and also have a proper E. That would be pretty neat

i have an idea, how about we stop wanting blizzard to do something we all know either clear as day or deep down theyll never do, instead ask for rez removal, and go from there.

Playing Mercy puts your team at a disadvantage. She is not capable of the clutch burst heals provided by both other main healers, and she doesn’t provide a defensive ult like all of the off-healers. I mean the only reason you’d pick Mercy over Moira is if your team is spread out/diving to the high ground, or if she is going to pocket some dps but then your team still needs a main healer. The only reason to pick Mercy over Ana is if you are being dove and getting no help/can’t heal because of the winston shield or dva matrix. You can run Mercy as an off-healer to pocket a dps as said above, but she doesn’t have a defensive ult that your team would otherwise have. You’re better off playing Zen and keeping orb on Pharah or whoever and calling discords. Literally no reason to pick Mercy other than rez and honestly… It’s not worth it.


Perfect balance should still leave the weakest in something reminiscent of a C tier position in the hands of someone who can work them well enough. Once you have a D and F tier where even mains of this hero of hours can’t get value to keep up under any circumstance that becomes a problem.
And that’s the tier her winrates and pickrates dictate right now.


Your comment seems… how do I put this.

Counter invtuitive? Uh. A load of non sense?
First you say focus on something Blizz will do then you say remove rez and work fro mthere.
YOu know blizz believe in rez as a concept as much as they don’t believe in mass rez as we saw it.

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thats kinda the point. Frankly i think theyd get rid of rez way more than they could ever revert mercy back, getting rid of rez would get rid of a lot of their problems with mercy balance, reverting would just go back to old problems