Mercy just dropped below 50% winrate in GM

A few points before we get into the meat of this:

  • Yes, Overbuff hasn’t been as accurate since the introduction of private profiles, but it’s still by far and away the most accurate resource we have available
  • These stats are based on Monthly winrates. It’s a short enough timeframe to still be relevant to the current hero builds, but without the volatility Weekly winrates have.
  • Across all ranks combined, 50% is indeed the average winrate. But in GM, thanks to having nobody to play above and Masters to play below, that average is closer to 54%. A sub 50% winrate in GM is rare, just like an over 50% winrate in Bronze.

Anyway, lets get on with covering the facts. Mercy now has a Monthly GM winrate of just 49.56%. This is nearly a full 1% below the next lowest (McCree - 50.48%). The next lowest support is Moira, all the way up at 52.72%.

The current support winrates in GM are:
Brig = 56.33%
Zen = 55.69%
Ana = 54.83%
Lucio = 52.92%
Moira = 52.72%
Mercy = 49.56%

By dropping below 50%, this is the group Mercy joins in the last 12 months:

  • Hanzo, pre-rework, floated between 49 and 50%
  • Torb, post-Hanzo rework, a couple of weeks at 48%
  • Reaper, post-Hanzo rework, dropped as low as 44%
  • Bastion, post-Hanzo rework, spent over a month below, at one point going sub-35% for a few days

And now Mercy joins them. 50hps point blank does not do enough to keep her viable, she’s not even above any support but Ana in Bronze.


Good post, this is why I play Moira now. Far more engaging and viable.


Rez needs to be taken off of an ability and be tied to Valk (revert isn’t happening unfortunately, sorry Mercy mains) and her healing needs to at least go back to 55 HP/S


Moira can be such a beast, picked her one game when we were starting to lose hard and despite only picking her on last point I ended up with 48% damage taken.

I basically kept almost everyone alive as soon as I picked her.


I hate this argument. Someone will always have the lowest winrate. Jeff even called out this argument before, saying the community has this vision of every hero having exactly 50% winrate to be balanced. And it’s just so unrealistic.


and ‘cutoff of 50% of Monthly Winrate in GM’ is a the only real indicator of balanced because?

Great. 5 supports being used equally instead of 1 being a must pick


There’s a difference between having the lowest rework, and having a low winrate at rvery level, and joining a very small group of bad winrates

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How is overbuff accurate at all anymore? I can’t remember the last time I actually saw someone ingame with a public profile. The demograpic must be miniscule.


You want more stats? Well, Mercy is:

18th of 28 in Bronze (5th of 6 Supports)
19th of 28 in Silver (5th of 6)
21st of 28 in Gold (5th of 6)
23rd of 28 in Plat (6th of 6)
28th of 28 in Diamond (6th of 6)
28th of 28 in Masters (6th of 6)
28th of 28 in GM (6th of 6)

The only other hero with winrates this low across the board is Hog, eho is widely agreed to be free ult charge and the worst tank


could the reason not be thar, now that every support is balanced compared to others mercy lacks certain utility outside rezz and not her being too weak.

well it looks like mercy needs a rework where she does not off set the balance of the rest of the support again.

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But wouldn’t win rate be correlated to pick rate? If she’s not being picked as often anymore because many Mercy mains have moved on to Ana or Moira or etc, isn’t a drop in winrate something we would naturally see occurring because she’s no longer a must pick? More people playing her, more inflated her winrate would be. Less people playing her, as well as maybe the less skilled Mercy players being the ones who are using her, could be a reason for a much lower win rate.

If she was op and must pick before, it only makes sense that her winrate would’ve been higher. Now that she’s less op and not picked as often, it also only makes sense that her winrate will fluctuate until it eventually normalizes.

The more people play a character the more their win-rate gravitate towards 50%, because then there’s usually one on both teams (leading to one win and one loss).

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Her pickrate hasn’t even dropped as much as expected though that’s the thing. Using the same rank by rank comparison as above for pickrate:

Bronze = 3rd of 28 (2nd of 6 supports)
Silver = 3rd of 28 (2nd of 6)
Gold = 4th of 28 (3rd of 6)
Plat = 4th of 28 (3rd of 6)
Diamond = 9th of 28 (4th of 6)
Masters = 10th of 28 (5th of 6)
GM = 14th of 28 (5th of 6)

Even with the lowered winrate her pickrate hasn’t taken a hit in lower tiers, and she’s above Moira’s pickrate in GM


Ah, I see. :+1:

Isnt this week in GM its like 48.5?
then 49 through all ranks this week.

Mercy simply joins other entry level heroes that don’t have high enough skill ceiling. Like Soldier, Moira or Reaper.

These heroes are balanced for most, but not good enough for the small percentage of exceptional players.


Moira has always been more engaging this isnt new lol

Ohh… I can finally use this argument.

We shouldn’t be balancing around the top 1%
