Mercy - Jack of all trades, master of them all?

That’s fair.

Would you say Mercy’s potential healing output has increased with Valk?

There’s a fair number of people who play her a bit more offensively than strictly necessary (or a my dps main friend says “why do you even play her as a healer?”). I’m sure that pulls down her stats somewhat. I also think Mercy players are more prone to feeding, trying to heal targets out of position that’s most certainly going to die. I think Moira players are more cynical. xD


Yeah, that definitely brings down Moira’s average healing overall, but gm Moira’s healing average is still less. I would assume Masters and GM would be coordinated enough to build around Moira to optimize her healing output, at least more times than not.

In theory, yes. In practice, not really.

When Resurrect was Mercy’s ultimate, Mercy actually ended up healing more, as Resurrect on an ult was able to bring back 2+ allies from the dead in a single use (a double rez was the most common use for Resurrect at the time).

If 2+ allies are down, that likely meant that there is an intense teamfight being fought, suggesting that Mercy is probably already sweating to keep their team alive in the first place; in other words, she’s dishing out lots of healing. If several allies die, that means that Mercy’s healing capacity was insufficient to sustain those allies that were killed. Dead allies means:

  • There are fewer allies for Mercy to heal, and thus, fewer targets to heal.
  • The remaining allies will take progressively more damage for every successive allied death, as the enemy refocuses their damage to their remaining opponents.

In a scenario with Valkyrie, Mercy starts off the fight with a fairly high rate of healing. However, the healing is unfocused, resulting in poor efficiency and a failure to mitigate focus-fire. A teammate dies, reducing her rate of healing; there are fewer targets for her chain beams. More allies die at an accelerating rate, due to the second bullet point above; therefore, Mercy’s rate of healing drops at an accelerating rate. When all of her allies die, the teamfight is over.

In that same scenario with Resurrect as an ultimate, the first fight plays put pretty much the same as with Valkyrie, but a little bit faster due to lower overall healing. However, the healing is placed more directly on the targets that need it the most, largely mitigating the realistic healing difference between the two scenarios. The scenario with Valkyrie results in more healing done by this time, but the Mercy in the second scenario has Resurrect still up their sleeve.

Suppose the Mercy uses resurrect to revive all 3 of the dead players. This resets the scales of the fight, and creates a second teamfight. If we were to assume the second teamfight plays out the same as the first one, the Mercy with Resurrect still walked away with a higher healing statistic for that engagement; they were healing for nearly twice as long. Valkyrie doesn’t quite compensate for that difference.

As for Resurrect now being on an E, its usage discourages an engagement. Its best use is to deny an early-fight pick, resetting the teams to 6v6; teams typically want to engage on an advantage. Resurrect on a E discourages direct engagements: the times in which Mercy typically heals the most.

So not only does Valkyrie fail to fully compensate for the removal of the ability to occasionally cause a second teamfight from which more healing can be dealt, but Mercy now has a basic ability that ultimately results in less healing dealt as well.


mercy: whats your hps?
moira: mmm 80 my dude, why?
mercy: haha you are like a little baby
mercy: watch this

ok in all honesty though while i find her more fun she has become horribly hard to balance

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*1,75 seconds

But yes. xD

corrected! pretty sure last time i read it it was 1.1 tho? then again that was months ago, back in 2017

It used to be 0 cast time, then it was changed to the current 1,75 seconds. No gentle scaling there. :wink:

MeRcY iS BaLaNcEd LeAvE hEr AlOnE

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You know, 169 post and you were the first to mention that. :laughing:

Although I think we have at least 50 posts on whether Mercy’s gun is OP or not. :joy:

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I laughed.

I think Mercy’s current state has more to do with synergies than anything else. As of right now, Zarya and Rein enable her rez, rez counters quick early picks from snipers, and damage boost allows her team to bypass the only counter to Grav + Dragon (Transcendence).

On the other hand, small radius Lúcio synergizes worse with dive, Ana is heavily affected by barriers, same as Moira (as her orbs don’t grant healing juice). On top of that Ana’s lack of mobility makes her an easy target to snipers. Brig is too situational most of the time and since the community perception of her is as “too OP” I doubt that’s going to change anytime soon.

Regarding Dragon Grav; Dragon Grav was always viable even pre-rework, it was just that hanzo as a character was not till the rework. Paired with a Zen/Mercy it enables hanzo.

I don’t think I mentioned that synergy here, maybe the wrong thread? But yes, that combo has been viable for a long time, the difference is that Hanzo in all other aspects were not (also we had Mass Rez to punish it).


You did a great job, Bunny!
I really hope your thread will stay.

Thank you Nicolas, that’s so sweet! :heart:

Why is everyone so hell-bent on changing Mercy? I feel that it’s all the other supports that need a bump up in power.

Suddenly our Mercy became OP once again, so that made people to call for nerf.

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What little players loved about mercy has been gutted to within an inch of its life and blizzard refuses to admit the rework was a mistake. As long as mercy has rez on a cooldown she will be a must pick.