👼 Mercy - It's Revert or Nothing

Yup Im all for a 3.0 if its better of all of us, Mercy players included. The thread title is just really dramatic, especially since 1.0 is gone for good.

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mb its mercy players that voted yes to rez

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I think it can be. Fo sho!

I tried to make sure that as many different players vote on that as possible.
First 100 from Forum main page (Because i saw so many say that Mass Res was bad, i though i post it there). Then it went to places like Discord’s and such which i don’t know much about.
Solely from the forum it was something like 65% for Mass Res.

That’s far to strong and still has the same issues as the current version.
In no circumstances is Valkyrie on Mercy balanceable. It still has the same issues and with E res it’s no longer Valkyrie, but Resurrect.

If you have some time, i explained it in that thread:

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When I saw you replied to me I expected a long post going through each and every one of my points (although this time my post wasn’t all that long) :man_shrugging:

This is a pleasant surprise. A Mercy main agreeing with MichaelC?!

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If those are the only options, put me down on a hard “Nothing” then please! :raising_hand_man:

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Please revert my queen, she’s just broken </3

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Well. Nothing it’s going to have to be.
You’re not getting your precious Mercy revert.
Yes, the rework hasn’t been balanced properly so far, but the intent is in the right direction. Another thread said Mercys hide more these days than before, which is a load of nonsense. And even if it is true, it’s only because people have slightly more game sense and know to actually try and use cover. But I doubt that.

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Her original kit was an issue. Reworked kit is an issue. Mercy is an all around issue. #RemoveMercy

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I say just do another Rework. 3.0 Mercy would be far superior to 2.0 which we can all agree is a complete failure.

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my reply to #3

is simple, alot of pro’s prefer mercys 5 man rez ult to what she is now. because no one likes rez

and in the pro scene mercy was rarely played as she was useless

to them, old mercy was a .001% pick. were as now shes a 100%, if you revert the same thing will happen but then normal players have to deal with the single most annoying ult in the game on a consistant basis within ladder play


I’m hearing a lot of Mercy’s rez was broken, and completely ruined gameplay because mercy could undue a lot of hard work.

But that’s the thing a lot of support ults do undue…well mitigate what happens to your team.
Ana can Nano boost giving extra damage and damage reduction, and with the recent buff 300 heath restored instantly,
Brigitte can provide armor to everyone around her giving extra heath
Lucio can provide a temporary 750 shield to everyone around him
Zens transcendence restores 300 heath per second for 6 seconds to all those around him
Moria can damage and heal at the same time in a beam for a while.

Mercy though? she can heal and damage boost everyone but 50hp per second doesn’t mitigate really any thing any dps ult can wipe her team out.
Damage boost? is out preformed by Orisa supercharger
The only thing is her mobility but mostly it usually to stay high in the air supporting your team. but not really?

So I will say what I don’t understand is Mercy’s rez, I mean it was powerful, it could bring back everyone on your team, and that was different because it didn’t mitigate anything beside death it just brought people back all the other supports could mitigate to prevent death.

Mercy I will say is in a bit of a predicament here, but we’ll have to see what the Overwatch team is going to do.

Yes, revert her so DPS can complain about her mass rez ruining their omglawl ults, bad enough people complain about how powerful she is (even though Mercy has been outhealed by Lucios and Moiras).

Season 6 30-rez-per-game Mercy wasn’t “ridiculously good”?

If you don’t think there were people unhappy with invuln then you’re kind of living in your own world. It didn’t solve any of the reasons why she was seen as inferior to Ana, instead doubling down on what she was already good at, removing all the risk to using it. It only served to make the ability more cancerous.

Current Mercy rezzes less than when she had Mass Rez, so. It just so happens that she has the ability available at more opportune moments.

Valk and bhop alone make her way more survivable than before pre-rework. She dies the least out of every healer because of these abilities, even less than Moira who is explicitly designed to require focus fire to kill.

The speed boost only became a thing after Valk was introduced. It was originally a bug that had really high reward but was hard to control. Because Mercy players liked it it became a bespoke feature of the hero with dumbed down mechanics compared to its original implementation.

Right, but at this point you’re not arguing against me, you’re arguing against both all the S3 Mercy players that begged for an E ability, and those whose ways to fix Mercy right now is to revert her kit but add an E that gives her something to do in the midfight.

Take this up with them. I’m just the messenger.

No, you didn’t. You told me what “lots of people” say and then responded to that, when that wasn’t what I was saying. I don’t care about how well you can take down strawmen.

I can’t respond to your very long post in its entirety in this space. I agree with some of it and not with others. I think Mercy needs a new E ability and Ultimate, but I don’t necessarily think that either of those things should be Rez. As I’ve said like twenty times by now, Blizzard is inept at balancing it and it eats up a ridiculous amount of Mercy’s power budget because of how good the ability is inherently. If Blizzard wants to make Mercy not picked for her rez, they are probably going to have to remove it because the ability is too swingy to work as an ultimate and peaks too high to work on an ability with a static cooldown.

The only way I see Rez working is on a resource meter tied to a solo rez (short cast time or none). This gives Mercy something to work towards and thus increases gaps between skilled and unskilled Mercy players (thus addressing the main issue with current Mercy), gives her something to do in the midfight (thus addressing the main issue with old Mercy with Mass Rez), and more importantly the rate at which the resource meter goes up can be tweaked more easily than a static cooldown. But the devs have already shot down this idea because they don’t want Rez to be complicated or w/e so idc anymore.

Mercy players have never done anything wrong ever. It’s all the pros, you see! Nyah!

Pros didn’t even play Mercy in a tournament context - when they did it was to pocket and solo rez Pharah - so I’m not sure how they get the blame for hide and rez. Most high elo streamers I watched at the time hated hide and rez because whether it failed catastrophically or worked it was probably one of the dumbest game mechanics to conceive of from practically any level.

If you think that that paragraph was meant to wax poetic about how iconic Valkyrie is you should reread it.

The devs didn’t want to get rid of Rez and still don’t because they think the ability is cool and iconic to Mercy as a character. The image of heroes seems to drive a lot of balancing decisions around heroes which I think is backwards - bad abilities should not be kept because they’re conceptually cool.

Cool. I two-tricked Zen and D.Va. I liked saving my bombs for big rezzes. That doesn’t mean I liked playing hide and seek with the enemy Mercy, or suddenly being down a main healer because our Mercy got ult and decided to sit in spawn in a fruitless attempt get PoTG instead of actually playing the game.

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If they get rid of bunny hop… I’m throwing a brick at one of the developers (jk don’t ban).

“free sr” lol how little you know my friend.
First of all that was blizzard’s fault, you can classify it as a bug but also as faulty SR gain/loss mechanics. Many mercy mains didn’t even know about it because they tempo resed (myself for example)

Second of all the rework caused mercy mains boost in SR way more than mass res bug ever did. Because it’s how the system worked, more reses = more SR. Meaning the moment she got her rework people were getting up to 30 reses instead of the usual 9 max. Meaning mercy mains climbed easily climbed 1k+ sr. It was way a bigger problem than S4 mercy main climb. But no one notices it because everyone wants a mercy on their team so no one complains about it.

As for OP? Oh jeez, what rank were you when you played back then. Her ult was good but no one ever thought mercy was OP back then. She was a balanced hero with an OP ult that wasn’t even that OP once you got to master/GM because those players hunted you mercilessly at that rank you were better off doing tempo reses 90% of the time as in 1-3 people. 1 person res? Oh my sounds familiar but wait an ability on a 30s cd wow that doesn’t sound stupidly OP at all!

Also it was a punishing ult. You used ults I canceled your ults with my ults (just like Lucio and Zen) and then you fight it out again, if you overused ults that was your team’s fault not mercy’s and she only sped up a fight. Let’s be honest if you used 6 ults and mercy didnt res you’d lose the next fight anyway, without res you just have 30s more room to breath it doesn’t mean you won.


At this point I feel like mercy needs to be changed in a way that just plain and simply remove rez. Rez in a game like overwatch was doomed to become what it is today. I feel like having a revive ability in a game all about picks, getting the right people dead, and man advantages is just broken in general. Mass or single. It doesn’t matter. The only way I feel to truly balance out mercy is just remove rez. Replace it with another ability, like an AoE heal or some kind of buff a teammate ability. Rez will never feel fair.

Come back to me when they remove one shot mechanics from the game.

Oh you mean 2.x with that? I thought you mean 1.x.

Well… I was unhappy with that buff as well. Not only because i knew where that will end, as well as some other Mercy players. Hate became only bigger because of the lacking preemptive counter play. But before the SR exploit it wasn’t that bad. And from a balance perspective not even that big of an issue.
I do remember that time and we were far away from as much critic on Mercy as we have now.

The average over all ranks was 6.5 ress back then. Now it’s like 6.
0.5 is not really a lot if you ask me. And it’s now far more noticeable than in 1.x times. Ergo, more frustration, which also is very apparent.

Did i say something against that? Your right with that. She has the movement overkill now.
I won’t disagree on that.

No, it was already a thing before Val… pretty much since i started to play Mercy (before S1).
Not very long, but long enough to get around more quickly. As i said, that was a high level strategy.

The Val bug was like heaven for me. In that time of s6 i was almost unkillable. Now it’s just to easy to use in my opinion.

First of all.
I know that i was alone with that opinion back then. It’s nothing new for me.

But now it’s a different story, because we are talking about an actual rework.

What…? I only said that we know that they had Val in development, but throwed it away. I never said something like “lots of people”.

If you are talking about my thread.
I said that it should be a Burst Ultimate and that Mass Res is the most easy and balanced solution to implement. I didn’t said, it has to be Mass Res.

That’s the thing. She was not only picked because of her res, but for the entirety of her kit, in v1.x.
Mercy was 1/3 res, 1/3 movement and 1/3 healing/utility. That worked, but the focus was only thrown at Res although it was just as good as the rest of her kit.
Misconceptions as i said. A misconceptions which is with Mercy 2.x reality.

This is also the reason why so many scream for going back to mass Res. It had so many, very easy to implement solutions, it’s unbelievable that they considered nothing.

As you said, the Dev’s shoted this idea down. The only thing on which they really listened to the community. To many issues would come with res as a resource ability. Apart from the fact that it would be way to OP in the right hands, it would also be pointles at one point.
Charge on Res makes only sense if it’s her Ult.

Pro players als looked very embarrassing if they played Mercy. They never explored her properly for some reason.
They get the blame for hide and res because they spreaded it and many forced Mercy player to do that on stream.
One of them also said pretty much something like “F*** the entire Mercy commnity”.
There is a reason why they are hated for forcing hide and res.

I was pointing at how bad Valkyrie is in terms of gameplay, with that. But anyway.

I see that but why make the heroes then so unique in the first place? In that case all of them should be as generic as possible, only for game balance and this is not what OW is about. I know for sure that i wouldn’t play OW at all if the polish of the game wouldn’t be so awesome. Removing Res from Mercy means removing all the polish from her.

While playing Reinhardt i only had once a Mercy which was hiding all the time and my team just annihilated the enemy. just by saving Ult to either stop the Mercy before she can do anything or just counter the res directly.
Was a very boring match, i give you that. Just an easy win. But it also happened only one time.

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