👼 Mercy - It's Revert or Nothing

#RevertMercy, it’s time to admit it, Blizzard.


Here we go again😂

Let’s do this people

We shall not give up until Blizzard puts Resurrect on Q!

At least she’s still in a good spot and her rework wasnt a total fail unlike bastion

Oh but it was. Jeff said in an interview that they were intentionally trying to tone her Resurrect down when reworking her. Did that work?

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I wonder…
What would actually work? I Mean we could revert her or rework her, or do nothing at all.

But in the end no ones really happy with Mercy, there will always be people complaining ( maybe complaining isn’t the right word…perhaps arguing )

Besides that I don’t know what really is good for her and overwatch as a whole, one side says this, the other side this. Things get lost in translation and everyone just gets angry.

I don’t know what will happen with mercy whether they nerf, buff, rework, revert, delete her but I will put my trust in the overwatch devs, I will still play mercy because she my favorite and now matter what happens im not going to stop play this game.

I was optimistic about this rework because I didn’t like mass res but at this point if reverting her means getting 60 hps back then I am all for it.

Cause 3 things I never wanted nerfed about mercy - regen, GA, and 60 hps and now they nerfed one of those things. And we all know it aint going to do sh*t she’ll still be a must pick because of res so I pretty certain they are going to gut GA and regen next.

So I am one of you revertmercy supporters now.


Your still ignorant. That “guy x” which made the thread/post may have some information or arguments and other stuff which could change your opinion or point of view.
I could see that if you would just ignore the thread in general, but if go in it and just say “they won’t revert anyway, get over it”, without reading it, then your just ignorant and biased towards that topic.

This is not disagreeing, that’s more being an *** on the internet towards the opinion of other players.
I really don’t mean that offensive, but it’s just how it is.

I also said with invulnerability on Mass Res. The Old res had punishment for bad use and i was still able to make plays with her in that time.
And S3-S4 was the best time for Ana and Mercy in terms of pickrate, by the way. It just worked with both in that time, even with Mercy’s last res buff.

She never was “ridiculously good”. Yes she was a all rounder, but one which could be easily out played (if not played well) by other supports. It worked that way, until they overnerfed the other sups and even then, in top level of play Ana was still picked more than Mercy.

Oh it does. You were just again throwing around biased arguments and misconceptions. Mercy was fundamentally very well balanced in that time, if you like it or not.
Again… the start of S4. I saw no complains about Mercy in that time, until her SR exploit, after which everything went downhill with Dive and such.

Here it is again, the biggest misconceptions of them all.
Look, if you think Mercy was back then only for ress than you would love to go back to that. Because the current Mercy is nothing But res.

Yes and no.
She always had a small speed boost after GA, it just was more a thing which high level Mercy’s used. Now it’s just the easy to use alternative of that.
It’s nothing but more unbalanced in combination with Valkyrie.

A theory is not a fact and the fact was that Mercy didn’t need a E ability. The balance was more than okay without one.

Res was on E in development as we know and they throw it out with a reason, as we know now as well.

Elaborate on that detailed or don’t answer

Apparently, they did. Apart from the crying, forcing opinions and being overall ***** to the Mercy community, they also have a big word with the dev’s and my assumption is that they knew about Val before it came out. Probably saying something like “That will balance her and nerf res a lot”.
Proving again that they don’t know anything about Mercy.

Again… Why are you on the Forum?
And i did respond to what you said with that.

First of all Valkyrie and E res on Mercy is a very bad design. I analysed it up and down and there is no way in which this will be balanced and fun for everyone.
Although i know that you will ignore it anyway:

Funny how all that stuff was only forced by pros, streamers and youtubers right? I had all of that together like 4 times. 3 times hide and res and one time a very toxic player yelling at me (which also got reported by the entire team).
On top of that stats which also say something else and so on and so.

And this is not about “How iconic” Valkyrie is (that one is by the way not iconic at all), but about the gameplay/balance design of Valkyrie Mercy which is fundamentally flawed.

Most of your opinions are baised and already debunked left and right. But, you know, if you don’t read stuff.

Also, back then, i was a Reinhardt player as well and i loved playing against Mercy, just because you needed to play smart and not the “just kill it” game.

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I like when people complain for no reason.

Yes in a way but isn’t ever gonna not be a powerful ability unless other heroes get it which will surely not. But the way the game is resurrect will always at the top unless it’s removed after going through this threadi know you Mercy mains are frustrated with what’s being done I’m in a similar boat with both bastion and torb at least the nerfs to Mercy are taking her from first must pick to second must pick the nerfs they have bastion was he’s really good to he’s the worst in the game with torb coming up on rework, trust me they could’ve made her much worse

That’s the problem, a lot of us don’t.

You guys don’t like 1.0.

We don’t like 2.0.

So it’s time for a 3.0.

She was reworked for numerous reasons, one of them being people complaining on the forums about it. If she can be reworked because she’s unfun to play against, she can be reworked because she’s unfun to play as.


Like I said… that won’t happen.

Just because you say something will not happen… Doesn’t make it so.

Nice self promotion though.

who remembers this?

every single 1 of these is completely true especially the winston jumping off the cliff

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Or nerf her into oblivion lol

nobody wants a revert just mercy mains who wants free sr
it was an unfun ult and “op” for making the enemy use ults for noting

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Well…I mean the only reason I said that, was because thats what the devs said. I am only repeating what they said…

Not exactly, let’s analyze this…

The official statement was (note the bold text):

We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.

It’s still to be determined if she is exactly where she should be because it has been too soon and the dust needs to settle. Her playtime in QP and Comp is still incredibly high. Her winrate is still above 50% but more in line with what we’d expect.

But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.

Also, we don’t agree with the statement that all supports are weak. Support heroes are extremely powerful and impactful in OW.

Where in that statement do you see the word “Ressurect?” It doesn’t exist.

Further, if we are to argue that he meant that they will not revert Mercy at all, well…

  1. The devs reverted Mercy’s healing back to 50hp/s.
  2. The devs reverted Mercy’s voiceline back to what it was in 1.0.

So in conclusion, that statement was just PR speech, since they themselves didn’t even stick to their word regarding reverts. Reverting mercy is still just a viable an option as removing res or giving her another rework, since they don’t even follow through with a lot of their own statements. I wouldn’t take what was said about reverting her seriously.

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People actually still whine about the Mercy rework? Learn to like it, learn a new hero, or get on with your life.

From many different sources (Like Discord and stuff like that)
Seems like a big part of the community (on average) thinks that Resurrect Mercy was better.
Especially regarding the fact that the current Mercy is just a unbalanced mess which can’t be fixed.

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