Mercy isn't Overpowered. Ana/Moira are undertuned

Ana has been trash for how long? Nerfing mercy won’t make people play Ana.


Because Zenyatta isn’t particularly overpowered, he has a place on almost every meta because he is useful and he’s easily dealt with which is incredibly different from Mercy’s case. Zenyatta also has quite a learning curve to go through before you can simply stomp on people and more importantly, he’s aim limited

Mercy finds herself on every meta because her numbers are too high, she’s reliable and even if clunky at times, she has quite a lot of survivability built on her kit, as a matter of fact I would dare say that currently Zen has such a pick rate because Mercy enables him to do so, them both share a similar ult but they compliment each others quite a lot of, discord orb + dmg boost is crazy

Where Zenyatta is lacking Mercy shines and viceversa and in all honesty that’s ok, the only problem I see is that in order to make it work you don’t really require a lot of effort, if the Mercy player wasn’t healing as fast, they would be forced to use dmg boost more situationally than they currently do, that’s all

Ana was bad in dive. So what, all but like 6 hero’s were. Ana’s fine this Meta, she can do with some slight tweaks to compensate for power creep but she’s more in line with balanced hero’s than her direct competitor who’s good at everything.

Ohh I am about to have a field day with this one. :heart_eyes:

This was fun, I have to say. :purple_heart:

You already listed his weakness and his strength, so there is no need for me to re-list them.

He is a hybrid hero Support and Offense

He lacks mobility, but make up for it in damage.
His healing is quite mediocre, but makes up for it with his ultimate Best defensive support ultimate in the game.

His discord is really useful, same goes for Mercy’s resurrection…


I disagree with this, Ana currently isn’t trash, she is middle of the pack, the support with the lowest pick rate is Moira

Yeah Ana has like 47% win rate across all ranks but in GM she has 54% and is picked a lot more than Moira and lucio.

Nerfing Mercy will increase her pick rate by a bit but more importantly it will lower both Mercy’s and Zenyatta’s pick rate and those players will then redistribute along, Mercy will still hold a big part of it but the idea is for numbers to stabilize a bit

We’ve been repeating the cycle for how long now? Yet people still think nerfing mercy is the answer. At some point you would think people would realize maybe it’s time for a new strategy :man_facepalming:t5:


The difference here is that ana DID receive buffs, pretty substantial ones at that, her healing per game went up 2k! yet she still can’t compete and she has one of the most powerful kits out there, she has almost 3 ult worthy skills ffs!


So this statement just proves my conspiracy even more. Because he is a high skilled hero it’s okay for him to be meta. However, since Mercy is a low skill hero, it’s an problem?

And so does Zenyatta, but you don’t see me complaining about Zen and asking for nerf to him. Just in case that you are confused, I don’t think neither Mercy or Zen is the problem. I am just making a point that people have double standards and if Mercy does get nerfed, then so does Zen.

This is a first, I thought Zen is being played much not because Mercy enables him, but because his ultimate is simply the best, and discords is a very powerful ability? Ohh boy, I must been wrong this whole time.

You are saying this, but then proceed to only complain about Mercy? Where Mercy shines, Zen don’t and vice versa… so why it that Mercy is the problem and Zenyatta is not ?

Simply and most blunt answer: Because one is a high skill level hero and the other is a low skill level… Let’s be honest.

Maybe that means that it’s Ana who needs the rework and not mercy 8.0 or whatever we are on. Just a thought :man_shrugging:t5:

Yes, you are absolutely right, one is high skill and the other is low skill, the thing is that people use data from high rank where you SHOULD be using high skill heroes

Zenyatta doesn’t show up until platinum and above yet Mercy hogs the spotlight all the way through BRONZE

Zenyatta’s strength is tied to skill and no one in their right mind would complain of a skillful player doing skillful stuff, but when a skillful player picks the easiest hero in the roster and manages to do even better than the equivalent high skill hero, then there is a problem

Now if Ana had the same impact that Mercy has for high rank I would honestly think Mercy is fine but Ana has been buffed time and time again and she can’t hold up a candle to Mercy, not because she has no rez but because Mercy’s healing per second is bonkers, Ana’s hps is something close to 85 hps if she hits every single shot (her attack speed is 1.2 shots per seconds, do the math) that’s the highest healing number in the game!!! why would you buff that even further???

but wait! there’s more! Ana can increase her healing output by 50% when using nade!!! yet she can’t reach Mercy’s healing per game… like what???

… which is exactly why she needs her healing to be nerfed.

I get what you’re saying and honestly I’m not at all opposed to ana getting some more love as well as mercy getting a healing nerf. I’d love Ana to get a passive that lets her heal somehow (kick back from healing allies, shorter Nade CD if it’s only used on herself, etc.) and/or for her grenade to get a CD reduction. And I’m not saying everything in mercy’s kit should be nerfed (again), contrary, I strongly believe mercy needs a bunch of buffs to her kit… But all that needs to come after a reduction to her healing.

Mercy will always be good because of rez, no matter what they do to her or rez, she will always be a good pick because of rez’s sheer value, and because mercy will always be good because of rez, a nerf to her healing wouldn’t really hurt her at all, it would just let the other healers shine more in their own ways.
Mercy has everything, like you said, the mobility, the consistency, the strong reliable self healing, and to top it all off the strongest ability in the game, rez; if her healing were 50 per second (like it was at launch AFAIK) she would still have all that. And she’d still be a really good healer, that’s still way more than zen or lucio can offer, it’s still way more reliable than Ana, she’d still be a main healer whose power comes from consistency and resurrect, she just wouldn’t utterly outclass the other healers anymore.

Fight for more Ana buffs yes, fight to keep Moira a strong reliable healer yes, but don’t pretend mercy being a little weaker of a healer wouldn’t really help the whole healing class.


The problem is mercy’s method of delivery is better and easier than anas method of delivery. So how is nerfing mercy going to fix this? The answer is it won’t. Unless they make mercy unplayable she will always be favored by the majority over Ana. Maybe that’s what you guys want but that isn’t balance. Maybe it’s time for an Ana rework on some of her mechanics to make her more palatable. Going to the same empty well of nerfing mercy over and over again is silly to me.

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I’ve been saying for a long while what Ana needs is consistency, the shoot through allies helped her healing, but her grenade and sleep dart are still very inconsistent. Sleep dart is inarguably one of the hardest shots to land in the game, and has enough facots like slow/tiny that even a well placed shot will miss if someone changes directions unexpected. The grenade while very good in a team fight, has to be used by the Ana to defend herself more often than not.

I agree. Though res on cooldown is incredibly strong on it’s own.

I agree. Though Having res on cooldown and damage boost without cooldown is more incredibly strong than just res on cooldown.

Pure support who resurrects people every 30 seconds, gives 30% damage boost without a cooldown AND has the highest healing. You starting to see the issue here?

Apparently ammo management, reload, rate of fire and accuracy just stopped existing while you wrote this.

Weird, Last I checked Moira has to actively look at her healing target when she heals them and only a limited time residual heal lingers, but doesn’t stay attached to that person.

I’m pretty sure I said main healer. One of these things is not like the others.

Shift to anyone anywhere in a 30m+ radius which is more than enough on almost every single map and heal them without obstructions in her way. The whole reason so many over extended dps’ still live when they really shouldn’t.

Yes, playing with your team in a team based fps is such a huge price to pay for having the best mobility in the game, you got me.

So you agree, she has great mobility that is made even better with an unnecessary added mechanic. Ontop of Ress on 30 second cooldown, 30% damage boost without a cooldown, and the best and most consistent healing in the game that goes against every other main healers design.

I thought her being a pure support with great mobility compensated for this. Why exactly does she also need the best regen?

So she depends on her team… like I said.

So you think Zen having a powerful skill like discord is balanced out by being the easiest to kill support in the game. I’m glad we agree.

Mercy having the best skill in the game is balanced by… her having to play with her team? Like every other hero in the game that isn’t considered a flanker.

And she gets the best healing, the best self sustain and the best mobility as well, cause reasons?

This is not true, because if that is the case then more people need to complain about Reinhardt, more people need to complain why Sombra is not being played more so than Tracer and Genji

If that is the case than people need to be complaining about Hanzo…

In high tier level, players plays what’s best… not necessarily the high skilled heroes.

That is because half the time, she has to use it on herself…or even against enemies. Not to mention that she requires heavy mechanical skills compared to the rest of the cast.

Her cool downs are extremely long… This is more so the flawed in Ana character.

Here is a question for you… what do you think that needs to be changed about Mercy? Because it seems like you have an issue with her Healing Per Second and her Resurrection.

She needs a passive where she heals when healing allies and a few other tweaks.

yes and having an easier method of delivering healing SHOULD be weaker, currently the number isn’t all that big, 60 hps isn’t for sure, as a matter of fact it’s the weakest raw healing number for the class barring Lucio but he’s is in AoE

The thing is that Mercy has received nerf after nerf and she still remains high up there, as NotaBoy mentioned, the only part of her kit devs haven’t touched is her healing and it originally was 50 hps. The contrary is also true for Ana, she has received buff after buff since they gutted her in the past and I’m pretty sure that even on her past incarnation she wouldn’t be able to compete with Mercy

Her cooldowns are fine for how powerful they are, again, she those skills are so powerful that they are ult worthy, the only other character with this trait is MERCY HERSELF, with rez, which has a hefty cooldown as well

Simple, reduce her healing per second from 60 hps to 50 hps as she originally started, she will still heal a lot because of how she functions BUT she will need to commit a tad more because THAT is her weakness, being close ranged forces you to commit but if you can go in and heal someone to 100% before even touching the ground and then fly out… that’s a big problem

Of course Valk’s healing would need changes as well, I propose increasing the main target healing to 70 hps and leaving the branches at 50 hps, that way the impact is similar to the current 60 hps for everyone

Mercy does have weaker heals than Ana, its just Ana’s heals are inconsistent, that’s the trade off, why should Ana’s healing be larger and be consistently higher? If you’re a bastion do you want to be healed by Mercy or Ana? The Mercy won’t save you, the Ana will, its just there is a million difference factors at play to Ana’s disadvantage. That’s why so many people say the problem is with Ana herself needing to be more reliable.


Mercy’s rework was a failure, she needs another one. If you build a character that is immediately a must pick, then nerf that character a bunch of times and they’re still a must pick, chances are they were designed terribly and you should go back to the drawing board.

Yes exactly! that is one of Ana’s strength! but tell me one thing, having an Ana shooting you constantly will keep you topped off right? but so will Mercy! and she doesn’t need to aim! even worse, Mercy can damage boost you and she doesn’t need to worry about anything else, if another teammate is hurt she can fly over there and come back with no problem, Ana has to switch position and be careful not to be caught reloading plus her primary is projectile based so you might want to use the scope which means your sight is more limited…

It would be great if Mercy wasn’t able to overwrite everything Ana can do by having that much reliability because in all honesty with enough skill, Ana is incredibly reliable but what’s the point of mastering her if you have someone like Mercy?

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