Mercy isn't Overpowered. Ana/Moira are undertuned

Mercy is the dominant healer, and for a very simple reason. She’s the best one. She’s incredibly consistent, has powerful vertical mobility on the shortest cooldown in the game, heals herself, and has immense utility, even in her “nerfed” state. However, nerfing her any more isn’t going to solve the problem. The current Mercy could be the gold standard for how powerful a main support should be. Any more nerfs to Mercy will only succeed in giving us three undertuned main healers instead of two. Moira and especially Ana need buffs to compete with Mercy.

Ana’s problem is that she needs a babysitter to get any value, and her healing is inconsistent. She has no way to heal the team while defending herself. In fact, defending herself lowers the healing her team gets, since her shots and grenade are not going to her teammates. Ana needs self-sustain. She already has a multitude of weaknesses, that being long cooldowns, a long TTK, a high aim requirement for every single ability, and zero mobility. Self-sustain doesn’t need to be on that list, especially since Ana’s lore paints her as a survivor, somebody who can take a bullet to the face and continue fighting for what’s right.

If Ana could heal herself with something other than her grenade, she could stay further back from her teammates and actually fill the role of sniper, she could devote more grenades to healing allies rather than herself, and she wouldn’t hold her teammates back with needing them to protect her as much.

Something like:


  • Bound to reload (press and hold)
  • After a 1-second channel, Ana injects herself with one of her darts, healing herself for 75 HP.
  • 6-second cooldown

She wouldn’t have the greatest self-sustain in the world, but it would be something. She could use this ability to deal with poke damage and dip out for a quick pick-me-up, while keeping her grenade in reserve for emergencies, for burst-healing allies, and for making plays with the heal block. It’s a tragedy to use Biotic Grenade for self-healing when it has the potential for so much value elsewhere.

Moira is close to balanced. Her issue is that, although her healing is very strong, it doesn’t do well with mobile teammates. Moira is incredibly situational, and only really sees play on tank-heavy comps. Increasing the speed of her Orbs when unattached would give her more effective range, able to support her teammates from afar more consistently. Right now, Moira can spray her healing for 9 seconds, and every second she spends draining enemies regenerates ~11% of her meter. Increasing that regen to ~15% would let her spend more time during a match healing, rather than dealing damage.


Logic dictates that if there’s 1 hero stronger, and 2 heroes weaker, it’s generally the better option to change the 1 hero, than the 2 heroes.

Especially if you consider that we’re getting 3 support meta’s, it doesn’t seem like a bright choice to buff 2 more supports. We don’t wanna end up with a 1 tank 5 support meta afteral.


All of this. We’re already in a meta where nothing dies unless massive ultimate combo’s are used. The power creep in healers needs to stop.


Here’s where your logic fails, Moira and Ana are perfectly viable, they do their thing and are better at healing than anyone else except Mercy, they aren’t weak by any means but when compared to Mercy they look simply weak

By toning Mercy down you don’t have 3 undertuned healers, you have 3 balanced ones and the choice of picking either will come down to: do I need to rez or cc or damage? because all 3 would have a similar healing amounts


Why should we give this treatment to only Mercy?, every hero that has been too strong has been nerfed.

Mercy has had her head slammed into the floor repeatedly with nerfs but she still does fine to this day, this is a clear example that this character personally needs to be fixed.


Ana needs mobility and a probably a symbiotic passive so that she heals herself whenever she lands a shot


Wrong. Buff Ana & Moira to be as powerful as Mercy is and you’ll just create a support meta.


your technically right compared to mercy, ana/moira are undertuned

but theres a reason for that

if a support has too much power, they start to run the meta

mercy dmg boosting a hanzo/widow (good ones) is dangerous too the point it defines a meta

mercy’s res is very hard to play without vs a team with it

and her ult is solid overall

ana/moira, are both closer to the idea of balanced

i still hate auto lock attacks, but moira isnt so bad all in all. ana used to be as op as mercy is now and she had to be toned down over months and months because she defined everything for so long.

this isnt to say i hate mercy, this version of mercy is still prefered over the pre rework “hide and rez” mercy we used to have.

but that doesnt mean she doesnt have too good of a kit compared to the other supports.

you buff the others to be stronger, and you create an entirely new set of problems


There’s honestly no reasoning with people who think Ana would magically be on par with Mercy if Mercy lost rez, so don’t waste your breath.

It’s Brigitte who enables triple support anyway. So if people are so concerned about power creep they should be calling for her to get reexamined before they take the axe to Mercy.

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well brigs not really a support

shes basically a tank dps who has a supportish ult and minor healing

but if they did remove rez, mercy would still be viable. its also her dmg boost and ease of healing that makes her so strong

so i do agree removing rez wouldnt change much


They’re not taking rez out, at least not in the foreseeable future, so the only reasonable change that they could make would be to make it a single target ult. Even if they did that, people would still complain about the other supports’ weaknesses and lack of viability.

the way to ‘nerf’ mercy

is very VERY simple.

bring back dive

why does dive counter mercy?

because mercy is a very predictable target

you can go in as say tracer+genji or tracer+winston (or genji winston) and kill her well before anyone can react

this surge of mercy play at the higher elo’s largely comes from the end of the dive meta.

some really wanted dive gone, then when its gone mercy becomes a top tier pick again.

so they want mercy nerfd, mercys fine…you get what you ask for is all i can tell em


Agreed. People argue that they’re tired of seeing Mercy dominate the main healer slot for seasons now, which I think is a reasonable complaint. But the recent surge in people calling for nerfs is because the current meta helps to keep her alive and provides cover for her to get rez off without risk of punishment.

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Actually, you’re right Ana and Moira are both viable, the only part you’re wrong in is that Mercy is overtuned, she isn’t she just works well in this meta with Zen.

If we used pickrate/winrate then Zarya/Rein pushes Hog,D.Va,Winston and Orisa out and makes them unusable. Does that mean we nerf Zarya and Rein or buff Hog,D.Va,Winston and Orisa? The answer is we don’t do anything because this is the meta where Rein/Zarya is best, it’s nothing to do with power in the kit it’s the utility these heroes provide, which is more useful than other tanks in this meta. So no, Mercy doesn’t need a nerf and Moira/Ana doesn’t need a buff for the reasons you present.

I would believe this if Mercy wasn’t a staple in every single meta but so far she has remained strong in every iteration, her first batch of nerfs made people stay away for like a month and right after she started picking back up so I highly doubt she is just a byproduct of the meta


We’re already in a support meta hun

And your solution is to buff healers more.

Nah, dps can still easily do team wipe and Mercy can only do one slow res at a time that makes her a sitting duck. Mercy is the balance to that. It’s not like she can mass res anymore. Countering Mercy never been easier. DPS still has the advantage in output and headcount.

How was Mercy Pick Rate/Win rate for Deathmatch comps?

You can’t be serious right now.


Current meta doesn’t require heavy healer main as zenyatta/brigitte bring their own heals, so mercy is a great pick as while she doesn’t have the big clutch heals, she generally doesn’t need them between repair pack and transendance floating about.

We don’t want a repeat of season 5 when main healers weren’t allowed to be played, people can say all they want about Mercy being OP, Ana is trash. Going to have to gut Moira/Lucio/Mercy to make Ana viable.