Mercy Is Useless

Reduced as in she went from something she was to something shes not supposed to be. Off healers are great, but to make one indirectly due to bad balancing, is just bad.

Thats the problem with rez, everyone can agree that it shouldnt be on a cd ability, no one wants that. Her rez is…50/50 for me because its mostly useful pre-fight since, in mid fight you can easily get CCed, bursted down and straight up killed, compared other abilities that dont put your life in danger.

Id rather they just rework her again as long as rez gets put into an ult, never a cd.


Mercy is almost on the same place than Tracer ( one of the highest skill character in the game ) with identical pick rate and win rate this week on GM.

Mercy is to far far far away for being completely useless or a F tier character.

D.Va went through similar things. She was practically a main tank in her DM bot days, but went to being off-tank soon after. Her viability in the meta remained the same (arguably stronger than before depending on who you ask).

That’s a whole other discussion though. This thread is asking if Mercy is useless, and she’s not. She’s a great off-healer.

Tbf, technically was a 360. Originally she was supposed to be an off-tank, bully tank, not a main tank thanks to her tankiness of her armor. Then they fudged it up by making her into something she wasnt as a DM bot which eventually angered everyone both Dva players and non-Dva as time went on. Later they found DM to be too oppressive and here we are, her as an off-tank.

Eh, shes niche off healer. Brigitte, Zen and Lucio does her job as an off healer better since they provide more utility and their ults actually do something. If Mercy was pocketing with her girlfriend Pharah or her mistress Widow, maybe but thats about it. Her niche now is mostly pocketing.


Her winrate is currently higher than Lucio’s in GM, so I think she’s arguably comparable to the rest of the off-healers. Moira is in the toilet right now, so I see her as more deserving of attention. Plus, Mercy can work well with her too.

Anyway, perhaps Mercy can use buffs that can make her a better off-healer. Like maybe more range on her tether. Her ultimate should definitely be buffed two. They should have kept 60 HPS just for her ult at least.

The problem is that Mercy may do 10k healing in QP but I on Moira do dramatically more than I do on Mercy because I am also picking off key targets (I can take out Genji’s, Tracers, Pharahs, etc).

Mercy doesn’t have the equivalent.

So on Moira not only do I heal about the same but I’m also actively participating in the fight.

Like here is how much more every other support offers than Mercy. Mercy is absolutely destroyed without comparison by what other supports can contribute WHILE healing.

All percentages is showing HOW MUCH THE HERO TO THE LEFT (row) DOES COMPARED TO MERCY. Areas that the opposing hero does MORE than Mercy will be marked by a (+) and areas the opposing hero does LESS than Mercy will be marked by a (-).



Moira ---------------(+) 1395%----(+) 1406%---------------(+) 1455%-------(+) 5.5%

Zenyatta -----------(+) 1027%----(+) 871%-----------------(+) 2108%-------(-) 53%

Bridgette^1 -------(+) 1072%----(+) 931%-----------------(+) 1379%-------(-) 45%

Lucio^2 -------------(+) 940%------(+) 949%-----------------(+) 1438%-------(-) 19%

Ana -----------------(+) 717%------(+) 608%-----------------(+) 954%---------(-) 16.5%

^1 [If you look into the Bridgette vs. Mercy analysis below, you actually can see mathematical backing for the concept that Bridgette contributes more to “team sustain” than Mercy through her armor generation and healing.]

^2 [Lucio may offer “only” 19% less healing than Mercy. But this isn’t taking into account his shield barrier in any capacity. I couldn’t find average damage shielded by Lucio so I left this out because I wanted to keep this as mathematically relevant as possible. I’m quite sure it’s non-trivial.]

Note: Table does NOT account for armor, shield, healing increase or other utility


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I think the 50 hp is ok if they make valkyrie more impactful. Healer ultimates win fights way more than their output does. Valkyrie just isnt good enough anymore and thsts her biggest problem imo.


Im hesistant on buffing Mercy because it could either just do nothing or make her OP again, espeically if theyre going for a off healer direction.

Just rework this mess of a hero.

I believe her healing is fine, it’s as the developers said, “the most consistent healing output”, what I would like is buffs to kit, primarily Resurrect.

An obvious start is allowing Resurrect to insta-cast when in Valkyrie.

No. Reinhardt had a higher pickrate before the nerf.

Doesn’t fit the narrative, though. Support’s evil and oppressive, not the tanks. So people have to omit it, and then try to claim it was not the case later…


So where are Mercy’s numbers?

I can also pick off key targets if needed

Also, she is a healer.
Primary healer.
Of course others are going to have more kills, because they are made for it.
They can damage and heal at the same time.
Mercy, on the other hand, cannot do that.

Funny thing is before the support patch all us support players ever heard is, “Can you go Mercy instead” and got reported for not playing Mercy. So now that she can’t keep a player up forever against strong Dps and Tanks like she used to she isn’t in meta.

Her healing per 10 is STILL the highest of all 3 main healers according the overbuff. It’s just in the meta with 3 tanks she cannot do the HPS to keep them up like Ana and Moira can. Balance is about overall, not meta. Sorry to be negative but honestly, it’s about time other healers got play while Mercy sat and rests for a bit.

Edit: I was an Ana main before when she was considered trash tier. You honestly don’t know what it was like to be forced to play Snorecy for what 5-7 seasons?

Not only do elims with a character like Moira not mean anything, you’re also using percentages to try and blow it way more out of proportion than it really is.

Oh I understand but people have already put it in their head that QP is an unorganized mess and nothing that happens in there should dictate balance.

This is something I’ve seen a lot but I don’t get it. I never play Mercy in a primary healer spot anymore, because she just can’t do it, so I leave the team healing to an Ana or a Moira and focus on pocketing a specific hero that is the reason I picked Mercy in the first place, like a Phara or a Hanzo. I primarily use damage boost and heal only when necessary.
I’m sorry but for me her healing is mostly worthless, if I wanted to heal my team I would have picked someone else.
Edit: also, to everyone saying she’s ok or strong (rotfl), are you telling me that you would rather face a good Ana or a good Moira, than a good Mercy? Seriously? Because I find matches where the enemy rolls a Mercy to be generally pretty easy as they either all die really quickly or they lack the offensive/defensive capabilities of a proper off healer. And it’s very consistent, so I can’t believe I’ve just encountered ALL bad Mercies (also, wasn’t Mercy the easiest hero in the roster by a margin? How can anyone be bad with her? Or things have changed now that it doesn’t fit the narrative anymore?).

i, a mercy player with nearly 400 hours as well <3

I said that Mercy was balanced with 60HPS and only a must pick because Hanzo+Zarya was overpowered and she had the most team synergy out of all the heroes in the game with those heroes especially since Zen was used. I even presented statistics that backed up my statement. Most users just laughed at that saying no it’s because of her healing an rez.

Turns out nobody’s laughing anymore.


To OP:

she is far, far, FAR from useless…but thats true of all of the characters

To the rest of you:

I do believe that Mercy’s healing rate should be buffed to 55


I just watched someone just dominate several games in a row as current 50HPs Mercy - damage AND healing

The pistol is highly underrated, and the 50 HPs is hardly inconsequential given that you can make it happen through walls and barriers.

The damage boost beam is also highly underrated

On a good team that knows how Mercy works, guardian angel is amazing

but the damage the other team outputs (depending if their dps is hitting shots) will absolutely destroy your team when youre running mercy/ana for example. You can no longer use mercy as a main healer anymore and thats what sucks. this isnt really a plea to “revert mercy to how she was” but i want to at least feel like im impacting and supporting my team.