Mercy is UP or Ana is OP

Case and point, dumb little kid. “scared” because you can’t get your own way, the more you post the more obvious it becomes just how triggered you are.

Nobody is remotely “scared” of you bronze boy, you aren’t worth the time or IQ points-drop.

Go back to practising wall riding, maybe some day you’ll get it.

I already get it. If anyone is triggered it’s you. Triggered enough to make a fool of yourself for the past hour then flap a regular discord conversation. I’m down to have a regular chill voice call but you seem to have an issue. It’s not me that’s angry here it’s you

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No, i’ll take the word of pro’s as people who actually know the game, especially over you.

Have fun crying in your next disagreement, this conversation has been over.

also, reported.

I’ve always preferred Mercy because shields… And she has more manoeuvrability.

That being said I don’t have an issue with her healing output so… Nerf Ana?

I think Ana will stay top dog if/until they make another high skill main healer. It’s really up to what the pros want and they’ve made it very clear they don’t ‘enjoy’ playing mercy. Just my opinion.

I think Ana needs a bit of a Nerf, not too big but yeah, she’s hard to play so her overall value to a team should be high, definitely higher than a Mercy when played right but currently it’s a bit too easy to get value out of her, I blame the heal on her ult on top of dmg resistance plus nade… if anything I’d like them to keep her ult as it is but reduce nade healing / anti-healing to 50% less

As for Mercy… while I love playing Mercy because of the mobility, I do think she has space for some minor buffs, I would like it if she was like this version I created on the workshop:

This brings back a bit of the mass rez power without it being actually mass rez and without removing valk as her ult or rez as a skill, plus it gives mercy a tool to increase her healing when needed

I agree that nade is strong but no one non-ult ability has comparable strength to Resurrect.

That’s the high ranks. Mercy averages significantly more than Ana. And she dies less.

The difference between Ana and mercy is that Ana is easily countered. Mercy isn’t. Mercy can simply outplay the entire enemy team with one button. Ana can’t.

Mercy is fine and so is Ana. Maybe Ana needs slight nerfs but mercy needs no buffs and Ana needs no significant nerfs


“Ana’s not too strong, she’s overrated and overused.”

but also

“There would be no reason to play Ana if easier heroes were just as strong.”

There’s no end to the excuses this community will make for Ana.

Immortality field easily

Nah, you’ve definitely been triggered right from the start and are now desperately trying to keep cool kid.

pats head you keep trying bronze boy

Except you do take pros word as word of god, so again, if they state rein is off tank, you have two choicesh

  1. take it as word of god despite the fact it’s wrong and look like the moron i know you are
  2. know it’s wrong which then completely cancels your entire argument.

which is it?

reported for false reporting, and i’ve been flagging you for trolling for some time now since you refuse to answer the question.

maybe because you just can’t?

the conversations been done for awhile because you can’t answer the question boy, now either answer it or hush down

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That explains why I lost trust level 3.

Now the second time I quoted this because you’re actually that ignorant.

And here’s Abdullah saying the exact same thing to you. Bastion does nothing to Rein when Rein is in Goats, and goats does not get countered by bunker, you have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about, unless you’re speaking from gold experience where lucio forget’s he has speed boost and rein stands in the choke 'cause he’s bad.

Which is it, word as law or words of god? Either way, you’re still bad and the two definition’s are valid regardless of how much you cry about it.

Here’s the explanation why.

here’s proof to back up the explanation.

And here’s you without an argument to the contrary resorting to ad homs.

And projection

And before you’re finished typing, would you feel better getting the last word? Give baby it’s bottle and all that.

That isn’t answering the question, it’s dodging it hardcore and you know it. Please do keep running with tail between legs.

bastion demolishes rein with no problem, and yes bunker does counter goats. I see i have two bronze boys trying to talk as if they have any idea of how the game works.

the only one crying here is you, because you can’t answer one single question because it’s got you trapped into a lose-lose scenario.

your explanations and evidence are bunk, have been from the start and always will be.

calling and treating you as what you are, isn’t ad hom but hey, if it helps you think you have a point kid, you do you.

only one projecting is you, you’re done. I can give you your bottle if you want, doesn’t change the facts of the situation kid.

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You’re like gold, and on console aren’t you? That’s about the highest rank bastion actually works.

And I can see you’re still trolling, not actually here for a genuine discussion and only resorting to fallacies at this point, so here, you can that the last word now and pick up what’s left of that ego of yours.

Oh look, still refusing to answer the question.

bastion works above gold buddy, if you ever make it out of bronze you’ll see.

and ew, console. Pc buddy, never conscrub.

You don’t have genuine discussions with kids, especially one who can’t answer a question.
The fact you still can’t answer it proves my point.

your ego has been annihilated by that one fact, and i’m more than happy to keep stomping on it for as long as you desperately try to keep going.

you’ve been done since the first time you were dumb enough to post the irrelevant crap you did, you should learn a lesson here.

don’t post what you don’t know about

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Oh the irony. I haven’t laughed this much in so long


Ana is harder to play therefore she reaps more rewards.

With that being said, Mercy is better in a decent amount scenarios even at higher ranks.

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Have you not been reading your own posts then? That’d make a lot of sense

My guy I swear you never fail to deliver on the comedy. Still flapping the discord conversation?