Mercy is UP or Ana is OP

That is in fact a lie. According to Overbuff, Mercy heals 11k per game in Grandmaster (the highest tier shown). Ana, in GM, only heals 9.6k. And while Mercy doesn’t deal damage you forget that she can boost damage, which adds a lot to the team.

Mercy has damage boost as well… making them each bring two core abilities to the fight.

Now this one is just my opinion, but I’d say that bringing back someone from the dead, bringing them into the fight, and cutting down their respawn timer, isn’t comparable to anything else in the game. Nade can boost or null healing, which is great, but it isn’t anywhere close to Resurrection.

While it can be the strongest, it is one of the hardest (because of the hitbox and aim requirement, many heroes have easier CCs, such as Hammond, Sombra, Mei, etc.) to hit, and it can easily be messed up without the proper communication.

That’s an opinion. Nanoboost heals a single target, provides damage boost, and provides damage protection, once again to a single target. Valkyrie not only heal and damage boost the entire team (or at least a few allies who are close to the central target), but her healing is increased (60hps instead of 50hps), and she has infinite mobility, able to fly, and zoom towards allies (alive or dead) at insane speeds. If I were choosing an ult to have, I’d honestly choose a Valkyrie.

Mercy has to rely on teammates to protect her, which is why she has the mobility to escape. Ana has tools to let her take out whoever is attacking her, which explains why their deaths are so close. Ana takes out her own targets, Mercy gets someone else to.

That is more or less true. She was competing with Reinhardt for a while, but with the new Meta change and whatnot his has gone down quite a bit. Ana does have the highest pickrate for support, though.

Even though Ana has twice the pickrate, her winrate is barely ahead of Mercy’s, which goes to show that even though Ana is used a lot more, she isn’t able to win as much (if she did, her win-rate would be significantly higher).

You failed to notice that in the all statistics page, Mercy has a higher win-rate than Ana. If you don’t know what this means, let me explain. You’ve been using Grandmaster statistics, which is great and all, but only 1% of the playerbase is in GM. Ana shines in GM, because her higher hps compared to Mercy. So, if Ana has a higher HPS, how is Mercy winning more games? It’s because Ana requires aim. Mercy can hold down her healing beam and lock onto a target, for easy healing. Ana has to aim every shot. If she misses, 70 hp is immediately lost, significantly lowering the amount of healing she can deliver.

In conclusion, Ana and Mercy are practically equally powerful, it’s just a matter of ranking, and the current Meta.

P.S. If you look at Bronze, Mercy has a much higher usage/win rating than Ana does!

You play any kind of constructed or organized play, and you will find you are completely wrong.

It’s not my opinion, it’s a fact. On ladder, anything goes.

And yet, Ana is the most picked hero in the game, while D.Va barely has a fourth of her pickrate. She also has a higher winrate.

It didn’t stop Ana from being played in Dive, before the Mercy rework.

Same as above.


She wasn’t nerfed enough as she’s still her own best counter with 100% anti-heal. Mercy’s OPness made her look bad but that’s it, kinda like Orisa makes Rein look bad. Now she’s back at her OP status.
Ana, by her design, should be a hero that only works in Master+. A very high skill, high reward hero. Like Tracer. But she works in Gold. Because she brings too much.

Mercy is much better than Ana in most situations in this meta.

Except it is your irrelevant opinion kid, you actually play the game and you find you are severely wrong.

You’re both right, now quit fighting.

Main and Flex refer to the types of players in pro play, and the hero’s they play.
On ladder, it’s main and off, referring to what type of abilities the hero’s provide.

In terms of pro play, main support originally went to Lucio player’s who would switch to Mercy if needed. The skill sets weren’t much different, peel for the team, damage/speed when needed. The reason there’s no such thing as off support in pro play is because flex support would pick up the role of second support like Zen and Ana but were also able to flex to more niche hero’s like Sombra or Mei if the situation calls for it. Flex support player’s have a broader skill set than main support players typically.

Basically, main support plays nothing but support, flex support plays support but also flex’s to dps that can also support the team.

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Except they aren’t right, and neither is your definition.

Quite literally, and this is agreed upon by pretty much the entirety of the OW community, main healers are the ones who heal high, low utility (Ana being an exception not the rule), off healers are low heal, high utility.

As previously mentioned, the healers fit into those two categories neatly.

Ana is OP.

Any other stupid questions? Mercy is balanced. She’s not so powerful you don’t use Moira or Ana, and not so weak that she never gets used. She’s useful without being a crutch or a throw pick.

I would kill to have Junkrat be that balanced.

Except they absolutely are right, because it’s a completely separate definition for a completely different situation, and regardless of how hurt your ego is these are facts. Deal with it, or don’t I don’t care.

Imagine saying pro’s are wrong 'cause you said so. lmao.

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Except they aren’t kid, yours is the only ego hurting here that much is clear.

These are the same pro’s who couldn’t work out how to deal with GOATS? The ones paid to just do as they’re told?

I highly suggest you get over it and move on, accept you are wrong

Lmao. You sure about that?

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Are you saying you have a solution for goats that hasn’t been thought of before? I mean you are implying that pros have bad understanding of the game. Please go ahead and enlighten us with how you would deal with goats

Yeah it’s pretty clear you’re butt hurt.

Pro’s words aren’t the word of god, you need to wipe the brown juice off your nose. By your “logic”, if they turned around and said “reins not a main tank” you’d be screaming it all over the forums.

If you have Mercy/Ana, you are running two main healers.

If you have Zen/Lucio, you are running two off healers.

Learn the difference, wipe your nose and mouth clean, then come back and talk

Bunker > GOATS. Goats wants to walk towards you, Bunker wants you to come close.

Dive > Bunker
GOATS > Dive
Bunker > GOATS

Wow that’s amazing. You ever thought of becoming an owl coach? You clearly have the knowledge and understanding /s

It’s alright, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

He doesn’t realize pro’s were playing goats to begin with because one shot was able to destroy anything that could counter goats, and goats was the only counter to one shot.

Lmao, what are you 12?

Like, i Literally just explained this too you.

Even gave you a tl:dr. I know reading is hard when you’re stuck in your ways, but come on.

Like I said, pro’s are paid to do as they are told and for some magical reason, for how long in OWL, couldn’t manage to deal with GOATS?

Yet it’s done quite a bit in ladder, where a proper GOATS comp is actually encountered

Yeah sure it’s because pros are dumb and not because when you have great synergy goats is the best comp. you are an absolute mong

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It’s clear you don’t know what you were talking about, nor what you are talking about.

You brown nose the pro’s hard, because you can’t handle being wrong or called out on it kid.

The only thing you’ve “explained” is how dumb you are. I also note you can’t do anything about my rein point, because that’s how it is.

What pros say, you scream out as bible truth.

We have main healers and off healers, get with the program kid, or don’t and get over it at some point later in life.

Doesn’t bother me either way

Yeah, you are an absolute mong, jesus christ the stupidity of forum people who can’t handle being called out on it