Mercy is UP or Ana is OP

Pick your poison but one of these statements is true.

At the top tier of play Mercy is outputting less healing than Ana while also dealing next to no damage and getting basically zero eliminations.

If we look at the utility each hero provides, Mercy brings resurrect to a fight but Ana brings both her nade and sleep-dart.
Nade on its own has comparable strength to resurrect and sleep-dart is probably the strongest CC in the game, considering if you can hit it.
Furthermore, Ana’s ult is a lot more impactful than Mercy’s ult, giving Ana the edge here too.

Mercy does have a lot more mobility than Ana, which should help her survivability but looking at the stats, at GM Mercy dies an average of 6.96 times per game, while Ana dies an average of 7.5.

For the lack of mobility Ana has, her survivability in a game is still pretty frickin high.

Finally Ana’s pick-rate at GM is 11.95%!!!
I have to state just how insane that is!!!
That is initial rework Mercy lvl’s of insanity, she is basically making the meta at this point and I can say that because Ana has in fact had the highest pick-rate in the entire game for over a year now!

Mercy’s pick-rate is 5.05% if you were wondering.

In conclusion, either Mercy needs a buff to be able to compete with Ana or Ana needs a nerf to be brang in-line with the rest of the supports.


Ana’s winrate isn’t great.

IMO, Ana is way overused. Mercy is good too (at different things) and Moira is better than she’s given credit for, but everyone seems to have the idea stuck in her head that she’s better. She’s not actually better.


Ana is just overrated, I’m actually certain that’s the only reason for her high pickrate. There are soooo many situations where ana is a bad pick, but people pick her anyways.


all i know is when im trying to kill someone even at their lowest hp, an ana pocket makes all my effort null and void.


You have bad target prioritization then.


they’re squishies wdym

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You have to understand something…

Ana hasn’t just had a high pick-rate for a few months, it is the entire year!

Unlike heroes like Reinhardt, she hasn’t gone in and out of the meta, she has somehow stuck with it for the entire year remaining the most picked hero in the entire game.

This means somehow throughout all the nerfs/buffs, Ana has remained completely unaffected.

That is why I said she is making the meta, because it seems she has to be part of it.

If she was just overrated or overused, she would go in and out of the meta like other heroes, but she isn’t!!!


They mean schüt the Ana.


If I had to guess, maybe it’s because of how meta Orisa is right now.

First off 5% still has her as the 3rd most picked support in GM (4th is Lucio at 4.3%, 5th Brigg at 2% and 6th and 7th are Bap and Moira at about 1%). So knowing that how is Mercy the weak one. If you assume 2 supports per game her pickrate is RIGHT where it should be.

Ana is really strong but she is and always will be overpicked in GM. Its one of those oddities where GM has a lot of Ana main supports who really wanna play Ana. She is very strong but she is generally overpicked relative to how strong she is and she isnt better than Orisa for instance.

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Yeah, and her winrate has been kind of bad the entire year, too.

People just have some weird idea that because she’s ‘high skill’, she’s better.

It was like that before. Right before Mercy 2.0 came out Ana had a terrible winrate but was still more popular because of course the high skill hero is better, right? But Mercy had a drastically better winrate.


Ana is used against Sombra and Zen comps, which are very popular.

Legit question

Why are these two supports the only one that matters lol

There are two other main supports in the game


And then there’s Zen.


My poison is that Ana is OP. Very OP. Completely stupid OP.

Nerf her back down to earth and then we’ll see how Mercy is doing.


I mean, people do not pick heroes that intelligently.

If you look at statistics, the really strong message sent is “For the love of God please run an off healer” but how many double main supports do you see? And everyone thinks Brigitte is horrible but she’s one of the strongest heroes in the game diamond and below.

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I’d like to see a Damage Boosted stat. Basically does Mercy boost more damage than Ana does? Since Ana’s nano gives her team mate a 50% damage increase for its duration, and Mercy gives a 30% potentially at all times, I’d want to see the difference.

If it’s comparable, I’d go with Ana being OP right now (or at least overtuned, I wouldn’t call her broken). If Mercy is still ahead by a fairly large margin, I’d be more okay with it.

I’ll try to find the post but I remember SilentStrike stated somewhere that the difference is pretty big in Ana’s favor

I want to say Ana has like ~8k damage while Mercy averages like ~1.1k

It’d be ridiculous if Mercy’s damage boost stat did beat anyone’s damage, support or otherwise because that means she’d effectively have to boost someone doing 30 times more damage than Ana lol

I think, math might be off


No I don’t mean Ana’s damage, I mean comparing Mercy Damage Boost to Ana Nano Damage Boost. They both increase their target ally’s damage, and I’d be interested what Ana’s stat is. You can see Mercy’s stat as you play, but I haven’t played Ana in awhile so I don’t remember if it says anything for her.

Ana is more fun to play and has a higher self determined impact. This is why people play her so much even down in tiers like Silver. Mercy’s core fanbase was alienated and she was given a kit that makes her extremely dependent on her team to gain any value. Basically, Mercy is best played with a duo you can trust (preferably a smurf) where you can both boost each other.

As for the other two main supports it’s design issues. The healing levels Moira provides really is kinda redundant in most tiers, at some point it’s better to just have utility instead. Baptiste does have some utility, but the higher up you go the quicker the drone is destroyed. Not to mention Amp Matrix is an extremely dull and situational ult.

And meanwhile we’re doing another Ana vs Mercy we have Zen just chilling and laughing in the background…