Mercy is unplayable in higher ranks. Please, do something

I remember I got berated and even reported on several occasions for not playing Mercy (and instead choosing a hero like Ana) this past year.

I find it hilarious that Mercy players are now receiving this sort of treatment.


Lucio and Moira got buffs too.


I feel so baited right now.

How is that funny? No one should have to go through that. The people who report someone for picking off meta are actual walking garbage.


I think I’ve played with you before. All I see here isn’t that mercy is unplayable, it’s that she elevated you past where you belonged, and now that she’s balanced you naturally dropped.


We’ve been saying that to crying Genji and Tracer mains, too, when their characters stopped being meta for a bit. Got bullied for it. The double standards here are pathetic.


I mean, I never stopped playing genji, and I’ve mained him since season 5. Only the genjis who were bad at the game stopped playing him.

This guy is playing 5D underwater chess while the rest of us are stuck playing checkers


There are 28 heroes now, not all of them are going to be viable at the highest level. Switch off Mercy and learn someone new.


It’s ok. There’s no rush. It’s ok for Soldier, Ana, Lucio and Mei to be dead for months at a time. It’s just Mercy’s turn now :+1:


Generally, they did, and then people starting complaining about the heroes they switched to (Hanzo and Widow, respectively).

If y’all can tell DPS to smarmily swap, you can take some of the same medicine. Being able to swap is an asset, don’t ya know. :slight_smile:


A lot of these comments are basically “boo hoo your hero is OP/isn’t a must pick” etc, but what you don’t realize is that Mercy mains NEVER even wanted her rework, you know, the one that made her OP and broken and in literally every game for almost a year? Time and time again we have given feedback on how to fix Mercy, both on Mercy 1.0 and 2.0 and it has been ignored. We never wanted this monster, but now we get to suffer with the changes.
They took a hero that was seen as a troll pick and underpowered, made her OP, and now she is back where she started but with an even worse kit and she is less fun to play. For the record I am a Mercy main and have been since the beginning, but I never played her because she was OP or as a way to abuse the SR system, etc. I can play any support and most tanks, but for me Mercy was more fun. Period. My problem with this Mercy is that she’s not even fun to play, but old Mercy felt really powerful to me even when she actually wasn’t. I don’t want Mercy to overshadow all of the supports, I don’t want to win every game just because I play a certain character, but I want her playable and I want her to feel like she has an impact.


I love how all the people who used to complain that they needed to swap off their hero now proclaim it a badge of honor.

THEN: “I have to switch off my hero! Blizz, fix this!”

NOW: “I switched off my hero, why can’t you?”


This is absurd hyperbole, Mercy is obviously still an excellent character. Top healer pick at all ranks below master and 3rd highest at top ranks.

She lost enough healing that Ana can now theoretically outheal her if played masterfully, which clearly should be the case considering Ana is much less consistent and has other drawbacks. I’m sure there’s still maps where Mercy beats Ana, it’s just no longer universal. Blizzard has made it clear that they want different heroes to be strong on different maps so this kind of change is to be expected. If there’s a problem it’s probably that Zen is doing his job as a secondary healer a bit too well.

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Idk why you’re acting like I was one of the people who never wanted to swap off ever. My playing Tracer was adapting to a meta, and I’ve mained every role but main tank at some point in this game. Just pointing out a hypocrisy - y’all can dish it out but you can’t take it. It’s fine tho.

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Too bad, no more free SR climbing for you. You’ll drop were you belong.

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She’s the 3rd most picked healer at GM, and 2nd most picked main healer at GM.

How is that not good enough?

You wrote your post to speak up for a vague group, and I was also speaking about that same group.

I didn’t mention you. So if you aren’t one of those people, you have no reason to be offended.

Even if you did, the point you made was itself ironically hypocritical.

“You told DPS mains to swap when they didn’t want to, and now you’re complaining about swapping when you don’t want to! How does it FEEL!?”

Okay, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re gloating about the same thing they did. But it’s okay now that it’s people you don’t like.

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She is still great in certain comps, like double sniper. I dont see the problem with her no longer being the best healer at all ranks and in all comps. Now she has more of a niche, if you 1 trick and can only play mercy, well that’s your fault. Im really happy to see other supports being picked more, and not being at a massive disadvantage when no1 wants to play mercy.


What you call hypocritical I call karmic.

If you take exception to being told “just switch LOOOOL 4Head” then maybe you shouldn’t do it to others, especially if you main a hero that at that time had zero reason to ever switch off ever. You get as good as you give, and all that.

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