Mercy is unhelthy for 5v5

I just think they don’t like responding to me lol

That’s him!!


I…forgot he existed, honestly. I just never followed him nor do I keep up with his streams or anything.

I hope he’s…ya know, raged less and gotten a handle on that.


I really only knew him through like YT clips of OW and remembered seeing him react to some forum posts.

Same. Like dude needed to chill. He was gonna pop a few blood vessels at that rate.


You just make too much sense

I’ve explained in detail the issues and get “pick another character” or “get gud”, or no response at all, far more than people who actually want to talk about it or make compromises that are consistent with the character.

So don’t even worry about it


Ah. If they’re firmly anti-Mercy it’s hard to have a discussion since there’s no common ground.

and when you try to establish a common ground they ignore it or start another argument entirely-

Yeah, that’s kinda the way online discussions work sadly. Most people are trying to always have arguments rather than discussions, and the way likes are rewarded, “roasts” and winning arguments tend to get pushed more than having actual discussions.

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I learned last patch that zen and Lucio can be used to counter mercy…. And to some degree Moira and Kiriko.

If you try and outheal her or play passively…. The mercy pocket will roll over your team.

You can overwhelm her by playing Lucio and speeding your team on top of her.

Outplay dmg boost by providing more dmg yourself on zen.

Or try and directly kill her with Moira or Kiriko.

The problem is for the majority of the player base…. The counter is harder than the mercy play in most players opinions.

The easiest option for most players would be to flank on Moira maybe

In what part of what they said was toxic? They listed out the characters that counter mercy and said if they have a brain they can kill them.

What part of that is an insult?

Unless you’re saying you do play one of these characters and you actually struggle??

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Yes she is. Good thing people finally starts seeing that.
Not only her healing but rez makes it impossible to target anyone else before having to kill her first.

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That’s literally how it supposed to be for supports.

Meanwhile he’s in plat abusing hard meta :joy:


Honestly the only terrible thing we had in 6v6 at the time was double shields.
The easiest way to fix that was rebalance the Tanks, but no, Blizzard had to do it the hard way and went with 5v5 + rebalanced literally everyone.

Only greatest thing in 6v6, once we started to dismantle any attempts to stop damage onslaught for no apparent reason.

That’s what makes him fun to watch, I suppose. Streamer raging on stream = good views. Who doesn’t like people, that do stupid stuff for amusement of others?

Wait but don’t you realize it’s literally “impossible” to balance 6v6 like there is no chance? We can’t just rework tanks and make everybody’s lives easier, we have to take the annoying route and pretend that doing band aid fixes is the better answer.

Trying to abuse hard meta :joy:

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He’s just like me fr

Masters Genji though :relieved:

To quote a mutual friend “some people are just bad at video games and it’s fine if you’re one of them”.