Mercy is the less picked support in GM

healing and staying alive are both harder on ana. or any other support that is. except for lucio.

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Zen actually has to worst survivability. Ana as two abilities to get flankers off of her. And Lucio heals for plenty and lots of mobility so I am not sure what you are talking about.

literally what i said

when you have 7 hero pool and half of them are not viable there is a big BIG problem.

It’s the opinion of one-tricks that their one-trick should always be viable at all SR. It’s typical entitlement thinking.

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shes also the least demanding support in the game?

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Yeah, let’s just drop our already abysmal support roster. Great idea.

Elitism makes the game better.

And to OP, I think balancing patches will come later. Blitz hardly ever goes back on their decisions but I can’t see them keeping 50HPS mercy with the state of damage in the game rn.


Imagine thinking Mercy is less demanding than Moira, especially in GM…

You could read through the three interviews where Custa, NeptuNo, and ArK all talk about how Mercy is one of the most interesting and hard supports to play in high ranks, or as I quote from NeptuNo, the OWL support main and hitscan player, “Mercy is one of the most complex heroes to play at the maximum level.”

or you could just keep on being biased


It already is a bit, Mercy is used to heal in lower ranks but used to damage boost in higher ranks.

moira atleast has resource management, cooldown management, and decision making with her orbs for her kit.

more than you can say for mercy.

I have no issue with mercy, and I wouldn’t care if she became the #1 support, just so you know.

but she is the least demanding support in the game.

and do what? take their word as gospel? Everyone has an opinion. Doesn’t change whether you agree or not.

something being “complex” varies depending on who you are.

I have amazing aim. so I don’t find widowmaker or hanzo or ashe or McCree to be difficult or complex heros, I find them easy others who aren’t gifted with the same mechanical prowess may not find that to be the same case.

I find heros like tracer and genji to be far more difficult than their aim intensive counterparts. Others may say genji and tracer are easier.

but they each have their own set of demands. that is something everyone can agree on.

You need good aim or atleast crosshair discilpline to play the aim intensive heros.

You need good game sense awareness, mechanics and cooldown management to play genji and tracer.

Mercy does have her list of demands. But they are nowhere near the demands of other supports.

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Mercy has 5x the pickrate of Brig and Zen in Plat and that’s about as average a player as you can get

So it makes sense?

It takes until Grand Masters for Mercy to drop off more than the others

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They should really just bump her back to 60 HPS so she’s in line with other healers.

Ana does about ~94 hps single target with repeated shots, Moira does 65 hps in an AoE with an after-heal for 16 hps, Baptiste is doing ~75 hps with repeated shots in instant bursts of 60. There isn’t much of a reason why Mercy should be so far behind the others in heal output especially when she averages less than 1000 damage and her weapon swap recovery is terrible.


Ok, here are the things I would change


  • Remove self healing altogether or nerf it by 50%,
  • Make her beams similar to Moira’s secondary fire
  • Increase guardian angel cooldown to 2 seconds
  • Remove unlimited ammo from valkyrie
  • Reduce duration of valkyrie to 3 seconds
  • Valkyrie no longer has chain beams
  • Valkyrie no longer increases the range of GA or Mercy’s beams


  • Swap Valkyrie and Resurrect
  • Valkyrie is now an ability with a 15 second cooldown and lasts for 3 seconds with the cooldown starting when the 3 seconds is up. Basically Valkyrie is no longer ez mode.
  • Resurrect cast time and slow removed. Remains single target. Ult charge remains the same or increased so it takes longer to charge.

That should heavily increase her skill floor since her mobility is hindered, her healing made more skillful and her ult not making her braindead.

If the valkyrie rez swap is too much, then i would just remove resurrect altogether and give Mercy an actual ability to use. A lot of the points they cited for reworking Mercy arent in practice. SHe still hides to rez as before, and she does not have an ability to use frequently. Not to mention that an ability that only works when you fail and someone is dead is a bit counterintuitive.

Not going to go at length on my thoughts here because I have already done so in this post if you are interested in reading it:

The good thing it’s that it makes her a less likely candidate for nerfs so…

Well that is a lie

So she was a viable pick during GOATS? And then during the following Double Shield meta?

Viable means working successfully in most situations, Mercy in fact still maintained a healthy pickrate and winrate. Also goats was never played on the ladder below gm so mercy was still a solid pick.

Right, that’s why I’m so disappointed

It’s not suprising.

Mercy has been in this weird limbo between “main” and “off” healer ever since her healing nerf, and she doesn’t have a niche of her own anymore.

Mercy is not a main healer: Her base healing is too low, and she doesn’t have any way to increase it. Mercy can’t be trusted to keep tanks alive unless a “real” main healer is helping her.

Mercy is not an off healer: Her damage boost can be pretty good, but she’s terrible at securing kills on her own (since she has to stop supporting to do so), Ressurect’s uptime is very low for an E ability, and she doesn’t have a defensive ult.

Before the tank patch, You used to be able to jury-rig Mercy as a “eh, close enough” off healer. But with barrier uptime at an all time low, you have to either run 2 real main healers for their healing output, or a real off healer for their defensive ultimate.


At least she’s not bottom anymore, that title now goes to Moira. Brig and Mercy are now picked twice as much as she is, with much better winrates now.

Moira now has a 51% winrate this week in GM, picked less than Genji and Tracer (who have 55% and 53% winrates), and Brig (2nd “worst” healer right now) has a 57% winrate while Mercy (3rd “worst”) has a 55% winrate.

At least Mercy is still doing good in her niches right now, and her pickrate is slowly increasing this week. She’s actually not even far behind Ana but has a better winrate (Ana has 2.65% pickrate and 53.6% winrate vs Mercy 2.32% pickrate and 55.34% winrate)

Just goes to show that meta changes a lot of things, and I’m glad to see it’s helping Mercy in GM, but damn it also shows that Moira nerf along with shield changes hit her decently hard