Mercy is the less picked support in GM

As a character she is so underrated tho, she deserves better


Its gotta be someone.

In the end no matter what hero it is people are gonna keep complaining that X hero has the least pick rate


One of the heroes has to be bottom.
Does one of the other supports care to take bottom place? anyone?

Also shes only bottom for this week by a small amount.


There indeed always will be the least picked here, what is important is the spread, e.g. are all supports close in probability of being picked and the difference is marginal, or there are one-two most probable picks and all the rest are in a dumpster.

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In a perfect world.
No role has such a split however unfortunately and I doubt they can ever have it. There will ALWAYS be a meta and since 2v2v2 there will always be 2 higher than everyone else, with the rest of the role getting lower and lower in pick rate till one is at bottom.

This is perfect, Mercy shouldnt be viable in high ranks.


The truth came out, this is the real reason people wanted her nerfed.

Because they get their feelings hurt.


every hero should be viable in every rank but in a different way tho


How do you think they would go about doing that exactly?
There will always be a most optimal strategy and hero synergy combination no matter what they do.
Someone will always be bottom as-well.

All the ranks have a similar top to bottom pattern.

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The patch has only been out for a few days and GM is the smallest rank.


but GM defines the meta

Not this soon it doesn’t.

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GM/Top500/OWL defines the meta for the top of the playerbase.
Meta doesn’t apply to lower ranks for the most part.
You can pick the same heroes, doesn’t mean you are playing “meta”.
Most the playerbase never experienced dive for example, just a poor imitation of it.

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Wat? All characters should be balanced at all ranks or someone isn’t doing their job. Mercy certainly shouldn’t be better, but it never made sense to have certain characters for ‘certain’ levels. That’s silly.


Mercy shouldn’t be bottom of the barrel. But they’re evenly spread so I can tolerate it :slight_smile:

Who should be then??
One has to be bottom.
Who shall we throw under the bus :sweat_smile:

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Mercy is like S76 Junkrat, Pharah. (Pre meta mei, pre meta reaper) They are “entry characters” for people is on silver, gold and platinum.

On GM you dont play S76 you play Widow-Hanzo
On GM you dont play Mercy you play baptiste, zeny, Ana.

If mercy mains want a “buff” then pay in exchange an increase on “Skill-Celling”. You can make work Brigita-Mercy on GM but you need play 8-12 hours at day.

As a Mercy main, she had her chance to shine, Mercy has been in the meta for 2 years. (Season 3-season 10) Other characters deserves a chance to be in the meta, like Symmetra.

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Ana! Shes old and lived a good life! lol

Mercy is at the bottom because she has virtually no power on her own and spends 97.72% of the time enabling others with that 2.28% being dead or walking back from spawn
It makes sense, based on her current design, she is the least picked
I hope they are looking at ways to rework her so she can be buffed and balanced