"Mercy is NOT that BAD!"

Luminum just posted this video explaining his thoughts on the current iteration of Mercy. He believes that Mercy isn’t “good” per se, but that a lot of people are overreacting over her recent nerfs and I think he makes some good points.


Edit: A bunch of people seem to be missing the argument here. I don’t believe Luminum is disagreeing with the fact that Mercy is or isn’t fun, he’s specifically addressing those who believe she is a troll pick due to her recent 50 hp/s nerf.


I’ve pretty much been saying yeah, she was hit with a nerfbat. But she’s not as bad as everyone makes her out to be. It’s tough that she got nerfed when we were already transitioning to a triple tank meta which I argue she’s never ever been good at healing triple tank anyway.

I also think everyone else hasn’t adjusted to her new changes which makes playing Mercy seem like a bigger challenge when in reality, teammates just need to be aware that she cannot save you as often from stupid mistakes like she use to.

Out of position and getting hit because you won’t stand behind Rein? That’s not her job to cover for you. Winston is on the 2nd support? Mercy can’t save them by herself anymore, so the rest of the team needs to turn around and hit Winston.

Want a rez? Don’t die in the enemy backline and beg for a rez. You trying to get her killed too?

Sorry for rant lol, but yeah Mercy actually feels okay still. I played her today while I’m feeling sick.


It’s mostly some youtubers overreacting and exaggerating for views tbh calling Mercy a troll pick etc and a huge portion of their viewers sadly will follow blindlessly and some will come on here and repeat what they heard from other youtubers.


Which is interesting, because that’s exactly what a lot of people said and still say about those advocating for a rework/nerf for post-rework Mercy.

I’d agree overall. Mercy went from the BEST healer in people’s minds to the worst simply due to a healing aspect. It means her healing before was top notch and her overall mechanics otherwise were strong enough to warrant picking over the likes of Ana and Moira.

Ana on the other hand had to get a couple buffs to 7 -> 14, ally shooting change, and nano boost change to get put above.


Finally someone with a different, rational opinion on this debate.

No shes not a troll pick, shes fine. +1


I’d like to start by saying that I don’t think Mercy is a troll pick. However:

  1. Luminum should consult Mirriam and Webster on the definition of “Versing.”
  2. He goes on about how is opinions are valid because he plays Mercy, but I’d really rather hear from someone who plays Mercy and Ana well and can actually make a meaningful comparison of their merits. After all, in a competitive game, simply saying “X hero can do stuff” means nothing when “Y hero can do better stuff.”
  3. His entire “You’re just playing her wrong” sure is a pretentious, dim-witted argument. Does he honestly think that the best Mercy players in the world don’t know how to play Mercy aggressively?
  4. Making up numbers and then adding them together is not a persuasive use of math.
  5. Half the video is just him building up a straw man, describing a Mercy playstyle that no Mercy above Gold has used since bunnyhop was added.
  6. Also literally no-one has said that being able to rez a key hero was worthless. However, Luminum completely ignores the fact that you can achieve exactly the same result (or better) by not letting that hero die in the first place, which is something Ana and Moira do better.
  7. Luminum frequently mentions, very casually of course, that what he suggests only works if the other team is bad and lets you get away with it. That’s really not something you gloss over. If a hero being ‘good’ depends on their competition being bad, then that hero is not good.

I’m going to be honest, I really just skipped and skimmed. This guy is way too obnoxious to listen to for a full twenty minutes. But really all I’m getting from this ridiculously long rant (that video should have been five minutes, tops) is that Luminum is completely full of himself and thinks he knows stuff that the rest of us don’t. Not impressive in the least. I’d rather look at statistics than the one-sided narrative of a guy who can’t see past his own ego.


And what I’m getting from your post is that you more than likely went into the video with extreme skepticism, which would inherently lead to a reply like the one you just gave.

Luminum is not being full of himself, he is literally just sharing his opinion based on his experiences (Which apparently have worked for him otherwise his opinion would be different)


Well, if some youtuber I’ve never heard of is saying it, then it must be true. Debate over.


Dont see how adopting a different playstyle is a bad thing and he was showing Masters level gameplay.

Playing Pharah/Sombra I’ve had to change playstyles quite a few times to remain effective.


"not that bad’

damned with faint praise

sure mercy is not a useless hero,but that doesnt address her fun issue,her wonky kit,the contradictions in her kit,an unimpactful ult, and ,while necessary, a slow that feels awful.


Yeah, the fun argument is a bit iffy to me. See, I still find her pretty fun as much as I did pre-nerfs, so I’ve never been able to relate (There’s just something about her mobility and easy healing that gets me). Of course, I haven’t even tried the more aggressive approach that Luminum suggests, so maybe that’ll be even better?

Also, just out of interest, what contradictions are you referring to?

O rly? You don’t say?

Pharmercy is still running rampant too.

i’m talking about the rework as a whole is a failure. Old mercy was weak before she had invicibility (which was a mistake,damage reduction would have been best) But she was more fun cause you could feel powerful with good healing (60hps) good GA and a decent ult (not instant win).

The contradiction is she’s a mobile healer that gets slowed down so she can be killed because rez as E ability is too powerful. I also believe she is the only hero that has an ability that is still on cooldown after respawning. (but i havent checked recently i may be wrong on that one)

She is also supposed to be single target healer,her ult makes that AOE healing and that contradicts her kit and takes away the only realy challenge a mercy has, is choosing your targets and flying to them. The ult takes away Mercies inherent weaknesses,while still being incredbily bland and boring.

As for fun that is subjective ofcourse

but having a lot of hours on old mercy and seeing current mercy now, Mercy is just a flat character now ,to me. The fun in her old kit was also knowing when to rez,which was a difficult skill,which seperated a good mercy from a bad one. Currently you just rez when its safe,mostly, and get the cooldown going. There is no real penalty in not using it.
Old mercy you had to EARN the ult,and you had to be damn sure when to use it. You could choose between tempo rez or mass rez knowing both have advantages and disadvantages. You had to read the flow of battle much more.

Also a 1.75 second selfstun will never be fun.
E-Rez is a horrible idea


… And you got that from what? The mere fact that I don’t approve of his argument, lo, I must be biased? I literally said at the very beginning of my thread that I don’t think Mercy is a troll pick, so why would I be inclined to be sceptical of someone who says the same thing?

The crux of his argument is that people who think Mercy’s bad are just playing her wrong. So is he saying he plays Mercy better than Animetic? EeveeA? Because they think Mercy is bad, clearly they’re #notplayingherright.

If he wants to make a compelling argument, maybe don’t start on the premise that your opponent doesn’t know how to play Mercy, because GM Mercy players know how to play Mercy. Consider that maybe, just maybe, the best Mercy players in the game actually do know what they’re doing with Mercy and, from there, try to evaluate how the impact of these really good Mercies compares to the impact of a really good Moiras or Anas. You could make the argument that the disparity isn’t that big and Mercy’s winrate only fell off so dramatically because the meta shifted, or GMs don’t play her because they tend to min-max, or whatever, but that’s not the argument that Luminum made. Instead, he chose to take the stance of the messiah, telling us poor unenlightened Mercy scrubs that we need to play aggressively, exploit distractions, kite damage, use our pistols… uh. So basically stuff that Mercy players already do. Which leaves his stance dead in the water.

I mained D.Va and Mercy, I’m pretty sure I know how to adapt to a changing playstyle. But do you know how to make an argument without strawmanning?


Dont see how I’m “strawmanning”, I was replying to your original third point by relating it to something I and a lot of other players have had to go through.

If your heros kit changes you adapt to those changes.

Shes just not meta. She has a place in games. Shes easy to play around. Better than ana before where you were hard throwing by picking ana.

Simple. I got it from your needless hostility.
I’m going to be honest, though. I skipped and skimmed over your post and didn’t see the message at the beginning about your opinion towards Mercy. That was a mistake on my part and I apologise.

See, if you view it like that, then yes he’s going to appear egocentric.
Truth is, he’s literally just sharing his opinion on his successful experiences in comparison to the opinions that others have shared about their unsuccessful experiences. You literally can’t call him wrong, either, because it’s clearly worked for him.

And I disagree with the notion that him “going against” the opinions of GM players (Which is only a rank above him, mind you. Not to mention that he has played in GM before) invalidates his opinion. I mean, Stevo believes Symmetra’s primary fire doesn’t need any changes which is contrary to the beliefs of plenty of people around here. Should we disregard them as well?

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Who’s Luminum? Another youtuber?

He’s a streamer originally known for one-tricking Symmetra (Before he “reformed” and now he plays a variety of heroes)
A lot of his appeal comes from the fact that he’s openly gay, and he makes memey videos every now and then.

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