"Mercy is NOT that BAD!"

Oh okay. Thanks for the explanation.

The real question here is: “how do you miss a mercy that is standing still as widowmaker?”(17:35)

Good belated luck Op

Haha, I’m not too worried. I didn’t put any of my own opinions in the thread, just wanted it to bring it up this video purely for the sake of discussion.

Ah, yes. Whilst mocking people’s unsuccessful experiences in a whiny, exaggeratedly enfeebled voice to show how pathetic and insubstantial their experiences are, compared to his enlightened, authoritative experience.

But the real issue is that he thinks people haven’t had these “successful experiences” you speak of. Well. We have. We’ve all kited a tracer. We’ve all gone for cheeky rezzes. We’ve pew-pewed a widow down during Valk. But we’ve added those experiences up and weighed their value against the fact that we can no longer provide the heals necessary to keep our tanks alive, and found the result to be underwhelming compared to what other supports bring.
Luminum really didn’t make that comparative cost-benefit analysis in his video. He can’t have, since he mostly ignored the costs of playing Mercy and completely ignored the value other healers bring, which Mercy has to match in order to be considered balanced.

He’s doing the exact same thing that the “Mercy’s a troll pick cuz u can die while rezzing” crowd does, and no, I don’t think either of those arguments are sufficient. Neither include enough factors to support a claim that Mercy is good or bad or “not that bad” or whatever.

Under normal circumstances, I would agree that lower rank does not disqualify an experience or opinion. However, since in this case, Luminum’s argument is “you only think she’s bad because you’re doing it wrong and I’m doing it right,” he really should have the SR to back up that statement. If he knows all the secrets to playing Mercy well and they don’t, then why do they outperform him?


Jeez such hostility lmao.
I personally believe that mercy isn’t as terrible as people make her sound, and that she can still work in a variety of situations.
But man that 50hps nerf with absolutely no compensation really hurt her.


I was gonna try and formulate a reply, but honestly I can’t be bothered haha. He’s clearly set on Luminum being an egocentric prick.

I reckon 55 hps could be a good compromise. The next PTR patch is coming up soon so who knows what might happen?


Finally a good Mercy who isn’t crying about Mercys state.

55 hps would be fine, tho.


I feel like people blow the state of Mercy waaaaay out of proportion to reality in regards to how useful she is.
Also you need to stop bringing up “fun” into an argument, you can’t argue about “fun” as its different to everyone.


So apparently Mercy’s pickrate in GM has gone down to 0.56%. Not a troll pick btw


Awwww I wanted to see what you said :sob:

Nah could be misinterpreted as being toxic towards Mercy players :stuck_out_tongue: even though that isn’t my intention.
Been stung too many times (suspensions) from Mercy topics.

I’ll just let you ponder between GM/Mercy and go from there.

have you tried typing out things in a non-rude way?


It wasn’t rude, it was being truthful about the topic of GM and Mercy. I would imagine you can imagine what was said.
People take it the wrong way though.
Lets stop shall we? Good day sir/maam.

I’m sure I can guess what you said and I’m sure you didn’t think it was rude.

I like Luminum and all but have to disagree. She sucks, any other healer can provide better value aside from Moira who only really works remarkably well in GOATs. Not only that but Mercy just feels more crap to play than ever, you get punished for trying to use her E which is her only edge over other healers currently, her ult is just bad and doesn’t bring anything interesting to the game, and her mobility would be an asset if she could actually provide some decent value but again you’re outmatched by Ana in general. Nearly every part of her kit had to be nerfed to keep Resurrect on E, it’s a parasite in her kit and something should be done about it.


I see his points but I don’t agree with him. I feel hardcapped by the healing I can do overal.
I was playing very aggressive style of Mercy before the healing nerf, but never went for kills (meibe Widows in valk if I saw the opportunity) because I always valued and enjoyed Mercy’s playstyle that allowed for supporting your DPS and/or tanks so that they can carry without ever bringing out your pistol unless in absolute need of self-defense. And it worked, I climbed from gold to diamond in one season and then to masters in two seasons.

Now I can’t say I don’t find uses for current Mercy, however I don’t see her as a main healer and I think it’s absolutely wrong for a hero designed to be a pure healer and a pacifist at that to be forced to make plays like killing Widows and supports consistently. You don’t have to be passive, but you don’t have to kill either to carry, well at least it used to be like this. So I still think she’s pretty bad and defeated in her design.


honestly this happens so much every time something gets nerfed can we just call this game overreactionwatch

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The thing is Mercy got reworked without any proper reason, became a must pick overpowered monster moth, and then received 14 nerfs in a row. When you butcher a hero like that and absolutely ignore every feedback (except for bunny hop) given to you in those megathreads containing tens of thousands of posts, you shouldn’t be surprised the playerbase especially of that hero gets a tiny bit frustrated.


My thoughts? The TL;DR version: Luminum has an opinion, and that’s fine. Like others have said previously, I simply disagree with him on most of it. :blush:

The long version:

I appreciate his point of view on the situation, but from what I grasped from the entire 20 minutes is just the same theme that some people here have been saying about her each time she’s nerfed.

“She’s fine. Just learn to adapt.”

The issue I have with that is that it is a strawman argument, that doesn’t address the core of Mercy’s fundamental problems, and quite frankly, to me as a Mercy main. It just sounds good to say for the sake of saying it, as with “Just Click her 4head” and “Just Git Gud”. It’s become a platitude at this point.

I don’t speak for everyone obviously, but at least for me, my issue with Mercy is not the fact that I can’t adapt with her. In fact, I’m actually overperforming with her in my elo despite the nerfs. My issue is that there is very little reason to play her when all the other supports offer more utility, healing, and overall value to the matches. She’s essentially (I know this is subjective) boring to play, and I think the fact that her Ult ties directly with her healing is the cause of it.

This would have been fine if she had more impact, but arguably with Valkyrie, I don’t find her engaging nor impactful enough to justify her as a pick over Ana, Moira, or Brigitte in most cases - especially so if the goal for me is to play this video game for… you know… fun. That issue, being her lack of impact, unengaging / unrewarding play, and subjectively boring kit by a lot of players, is something I noticed that they never even touched upon in their video, and shows how they completely missed the mark for me on understanding the issues with her current state. But that’s just my view on it.

Like, I respect that they think Mercy is fine, or if they think she is the best healer they ever seen in a video game, etc. and they are completely entitled to to their own opinion, and I also respect them for admitting that they don’t main Mercy, and that most of their success has been with Symmetra with competitive, more power to them! But essentially just saying “Mercy mains are overreacting, just adapt” shows a level of insensitivity, ignorance, and lack of understanding on their part that all of these people he’s mentioned are talking about and currently dealing with.

This is further expounded on the fact that they are a 76% winrate Symmetra main in Masters, a Elo where Symmetra performing a lot better than Mercy, and trying to tell Mercy mains how they should play their own hero, just because they have had some success on her by chance (they mention how it “magically happened that they climbed a bit with Mercy with a 52% winrate” in an elo where she is expected to win 51% of her matches.) I have a 50% win percentage with her in Gold where she’s expected to win 48% of her matches (With no “magic” needed).

By contrast, Animetic has a 47% winrate on the hero and is currently underperforming this season, and she is obviously infinitely better at her than I or Luminum could ever be. So by that logic, I’m doing better in my elo than they are at their own with the hero. I’ve only played Mercy and Brigitte this season, so does that make me more “adaptable” than those two in my elo? Debatable, but this is an example of how saying “just adapt” or “she’s fine” doesn’t address the actual problem. I dunno if those numbers are a strong enough argument personally nor do I think it proves their point there, since that is literally their own subjective experience, and everyone is different in how they play the hero in regards to how she performs at each rank. Virtually anyone who mains any hero could be told to “Just adapt, your hero is fine.” Just because said person got a lucky batch of matches.

I believe at the end of the day, it’s great that people found success with her this season and with this current patch. It’s fine to call a hero “fine”, as it applies to yourself and your own experiences, but I don’t think it’s fair to tell other people who don’t think the hero is fine to “just adapt, you’re overreacting.” Both sides are valid arguments and opinions, and just like there are people who think she’s “finer that wine”, doesn’t make it objective fact. There are others who think she isn’t, quite simply, and are completely justified in voicing their thoughts on why they disagree. Just my 2 cents. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.