Mercy is nerfed because of her consistency

I’m sorry, I believe your thread was trying to prove how Mercy was nerfed because of her consistency, not due to how much she was healing. Care to elaborate? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Mercy is still good and consistent, she can’t keep a tank alive like an Ana or Moira but she has her use / niche, she shouldn’t be a good pick everywhere.

People arguing that it’s her job to heal and she should be the best at it I would agree, it was the case before the rework however they gave her utility.

She can’t be the best at healing if she has utility.

Right now Moira takes this spot and it’s well deserved, she doesn’t have any utility, low mobility and drawbacks (Range and limited healing).

I main support and play every of them (You can look at my profile), I used to really like Mercy before rework, the healing nerf feels wrong with her character and how she was introduced to the game, this nerf is contradictory with the character, the devs won’t admit the rework did more harm to the game and Mercy herself.

She’s fine, balanced, has her niche and can be powerful with a good comp but she lost her identity and what made her Mercy to me.

Reworks in general made the game worse imo, while I love Sym 3.0 she’s not the Sym I liked, Hanzo also feels bland (Storm arrow is just a better fan the hammer) at least scatter was original.

I hope for Torb mains they don’t ruin your hero, they’re going to rework him and make him “better” so he can be played by more people, we already see how much people still don’t pick Sym, they’re still the same people.

Reworking a hero won’t make him popular, Sym and Torb are not liked, so ruining the hero for those who play them is not a great idea.

But I digress.

Outheals, Zen maybe, but outshines? The other two bring several things other than healing that they can do WHILE healing. Mercy can DMG Boos and can’t Ress, which she has to stop healing to do…So, no. I disagree, and the fact she’s getting outhealed by a side-healer shows that there’s a problem.

Oh yeah, sure.
At the top of the page I elaborated. :ok_hand:

I’m not talking about other abilities I’m talking about healing output. My statement still stands. I do agree though, I think all support heroes bring something different and great to the table. That includes Mercy.

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No, mercy was nerfed because she has an ultimate as a basic ability, and her healing was nerfed to compensate. She was fine when she had the 60 hps for the year before the rework.

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The argument was that Mercy was nerfed due to her consistency, but I have given examples of heroes that are actually more consistent healers than she is. So… ?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Yes, but healing takes a backseat on a hero’s value when they can offer several other things which will make their healing less necessary. Zen can a heal a little, but from across the map, he can also deal good damage and increase damage against an enemy. You won’t have to heal if there are no enemies to deal damage.

When you look at Mercy you see a discrepancy in value, because both her only utilities require her to stop healing the team, and Ress is too risky/rare to pull off in the middle of a fight. That dampers her value even more. So now we have mediocre-healing, an ability we never get to use because we will die and do more bad than good, and DMG Amp which we now have to use less because it takes longer to heal an ally.

Meanwhile all other healers are contributing to the fight in meaningful ways.


I mean, maybe you do, and you’re absolutely entitled to your opinion, but when I play Mercy I still get great value out of her. Can I tell the difference in heal output? Oh yeah. Does it make such a drastic difference that I can’t do my job? Not by any stretch of the imagination. I damage boost less than I used to and less than I’d like to but that’s probably the worst part of it for me.

Again, you’re totally entitled to your opinion, and I’m sorry you feel that way. But that’s really about all that’s left for me to say on the matter.


Sure, the better escape ability. But as far as movement ability goes Mercy has her beat by virtue of being able to get to high ground almost instantly. Mercy can kite flankers and divers faster than they can keep up, and her passive regen means that if they don’t continuously damage her, she becomes harder to kill. Whereas Moira is extremely vulnerable after using her fade.

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For me it feels like Blizzard has no idea where they want Mercy to be at (or any other hero tbh). Fast forward half a year and they’ve buffed her again because according to them something is still not right.

The keyword here is time. It takes ridiculous amount of time for Blizzard to do anything with the game, one good example is the Symmetra rework which took them ~6 months or so and she’s still quite broken imo.

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this is why that massive healing card and medal Lucio gets is useless. You know that Lucio heals are ineffective. The only time Lucio’s heals mean much is when the fight has stopped and he starts topping people off, aside from that Lucio is better off speeding allies to safety that healing. S

So you may decide to compare the overall healing totals for Mercy & Lucio (even then Mercy has more) to advance your point but even you will acknowledge there is a whole host of context surrounding those figures.

This was a deliberate effort from the Devs to ensure that people die, it’s basically meant to discourage rezzing everyone as long as it is off cooldown. The better Mercy players will avoid Rezing if the situation does not permit ie healing the living teammates is a better option or there is no cover to do so safely. It is not a mistake but a very deliberate nerf of rez.

what more exactly is this? Moira has …, damage what else, remind me
Ana has - nade (amazing utility), sleep dart (also amazing)
But notice something about these utility abilities? they are very situational which equates them if not less than to Rez, GA and damage boost.

So we can actually we can rate every healer ability and attach arbitrary but rational weights to each ability depending on probability of it working and the value it brings and we may see that Mercy is not at all as bad as people make it to be.

from my own experience playing her this season i really cant say i had a problem, they were not many games as i like tanks more but i won all of them albeit low elo. So she still works for me. But as i mentioned before i appreciate that the last nerf made her weaker in the healing regard and opened doors for other healers to be useful. Otherwise suggest to me how you would have brought about this level of sanity in the healer class without creating a horrible healing creep were nothing in the game dies anymore.

I don’t know why LOS is such a big argument about mercy’s healing. Ana has the same capabilities as mercy in the case of reaching far allies. Ana actually has more range.

If mercy doesn’t have LOS on an ally that’s around a corner or on the high ground, she’s stuck there, jumping around and spamming the GA button. If the ally never comes, they die or mercy dies because she was dove on without any GA possibility and she doesn’t have anything else.

It’s not like mercy can fly by herself without her ultimate or even use any ability when alone. She has a pistol, if she can’t reach someone, she dies. If ana gets dived while an ally isn’t there, well crap the ally isn’t getting heals but ana can fight with all her cooldowns if she wants to.

Comparing stuff like this, isn’t fair.


And that’s why I see her every other game in GM doing her job just fine.

Doing her job and losing matches according to her new winrate.

Probably because people keep picking her for every situation when she’s not good in every situation. Welcome to the world of Overwatch, where you actually have to pick other heroes in different situations and you can’t play the same hero every game.

Or probably because she got a nerf (the 11th) that made her weak and useless ralated to every other supports. Welcome to the world of logic. Cheers.

Lucio heals are most definitely not ineffective. He’s healing everyone in a sizable area, that buys the Main Healer time to get people to safe health levels so they don’t die. He doesn’t top people off as fast as a Main Healer, but he slows down the bleeding significantly. With Amp(which during a fight is mostly used on Healing Aura), he heals everyone in his Aura as much as Mercy for 3s, it is significant contribution.

I’m using Lucio to emphasize how a Side Healer has decent healing numbers on top of all his other utilities, while Mercy has mediocre healing for a Main Healer and little else.

What is the point of having it on a huge CD if on top of that you have minimal window of use? That’s artificial counterplay. Why have a tool if you can’t use when its available? She already has few resources, and when you can sue that resource is limited as well? It was a Nerf, but it was a terrible way to lower Ress’ power, because it doesn’t. It just makes it frustrating.

Moira: Has massive AoE healing and can multitask(Deal DMG while healing, and vice-versa with Healing+DMG Orb, or Drain+Healing Orb), or she can double down on DMG or Healing to achieve high numbers on either.
Ana: Has decent hitscan DMG, Hard CC with Sleep Dart and can burst heal, Heal Amp AND heal block with Nade.

And how are GA and Rez not situational? GA completely depends on having direct sight of an ally in range, have you never been jumped and not had anyone in a safe place to go to? Or someone in high-ground who you can’t aim at because of the ledge? GA is good but isn’t an all-powerful movement ability.

We discussed Ress before, great reward, but the times where it is available restrict it even more than its huge CD. And you can die. What other utility does any of the supports have that can get you killed like that? I won’t talk about DMG Boost because it IS good, sadly we have to spend most of our time healing since we heal so slow now.

Oh yes, because its her nerf that rose the other healers up, the buffs they they all received had nothing to do with it…

Suggestions are plenty, we have been posting them for an year, but no one bothers to read them, instead they just chucked them in the trash, aka Megathread, where it was easier to ignore. But here we go:
Make Ress instant and refund her healing, but

  • Have it on a resource bar like Torb’s Armor Packs, so it isn’t readily avaliable during a pick and she has to earn it.
  • Have the target ress with only 100 HP, so they are easier to take down and ressing Tanks isn’t as oppressive.
  • Make it so Souls only last 5s after an Ally dies, so the ressing window is smaller.
  • Make her have to heal the dead target to max before they come back to life(without the self-stun), so she’s busy healing the corpse and the enemy team can focus other targets and reviving tanks, again, takes longer.

And these are just a few of the suggestions we proposed to the problem. Any of these would have been better counter-plays to “you might die”.

She can be dead.

Teammates could be out of LOS

Hurt teammate could be behind a bunch of fully healed teammates making it hard to latch the beam onto them in time.

Her team could be hit by an Ana grenade

Teammate could be too far away or in a position that would be suicide for Mercy

There are many times she can’t heal.

I understand and agree with your overall point, though.

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Ana still has the chance of sleep darting tho, even if it’s not reliable. Mercy on the other hand just has her pistol which does low DPS and GA.