Mercy is nerfed because of her consistency

Usually smurfs get placed much more higher or very close to your current main, even my grandmother knows that.

She still almost 50% win rate in GM and has a solid 50% in Diamond.

Smurfs intentionally throw games to be placed in bronze dude.

She has the lowest winrate. 49.30 in GM, 5-7% less than other supports. 50 in Diamond, 2-9% less than other supports. Not solid at all.

Everyone has a win rate over 50% in Diamond, that’s not solid, LOL.


Well they changed Sym and it didn’t bother me. Maybe I just don’t get as attached to these shallow characters. I do main multiple things though so. I can tell you’re very emotional towards Mercy and the topic.

Useless? You want to hear about useless? Ana my dude, Ana is useless.

Agreed, and apparently also a hero that some here (though appears to be a minority) are happy to see in this sad state. :no_pedestrians: A few are even going as far as wanting to see Mercy discussion to end on the forum :rofl:.

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Sym reworks were intended to buff her bro.
And this didn’t happen 13 times. Huge difference.

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Thats why her pickrate skyrocketed after the Support Nerfs and Buffs and her winrate is one of the closest to a perfect 50%? So useless.

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Ana has higher winrate than Mercy in mid+ ranks.

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She has higher heals than Ana and Lucio.

Soooo useless, right?

She’s fine. She’s balanced.


You act like it’s impossible to coordinate a rez. It isn’t hard to say in voice “I’m going to rez, cover me” and have a friendly tank do something for you to help out. There are lots of ways to rez outside of needing protection on top of that, such as rezzing while falling, rezzing from cover, etc. If you’re seriously dying while getting rezzes off, you’re bad at the hero because that should only happen rarely. It will happen from time to time but if you fail to get the rez off and you die, you made a huge mistake in timing the rez and positioning for it. It isn’t the character’s fault you’re incapable of using her most powerful utility.


If balanced means being the worst support, she is.

She’s the most boring and unengaging experience Ive had in years and years of gaming. I play Zen, Lucio, or Ana if I wanna aim and get some kills while healing. I play Brig and Moira if I wanna do fast reflexes/combos and fast paced engagement. I play Mercy only if I’m half asleep and its 4am and I’m yawning. She’s so boring. Her whole kit is hold M1 and play stay-away from the genji

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Now that I recall, the rework only became a thing after Mercy got her mass Rez invincibility. Nobody complained about mass Rez until she got invincibility and that was something the Mercy players asked for.

I should probably make a thread about that.

Is this dude seriously admitting to throwing comp games on his smurf? :sweat_smile:

she can rezz sometimes

mmm no, or at least let me ask how this is so?

To me Mercy is consistent cause she is the one healer who can heal in all situations unlike any other, not even the secondary healers. Now the danger with having the one healer who can work for all situations also have the highest consistent heals is that she becomes the best pick.

Hence the healing nerf such that she can be beat buy other healers in some situations. Seems its working. Now every healer has a home not just one healer residing everywhere while others are homeless.

It’s already hard to coordinate a decent team comp in Competitive, you think its feasible to rely on coordinating a Ress?

No, there isn’t. There are 2 types of Resses, the ones where your teammate conveniently dies near a cover, which are very rare since, you know, people don’t
plan when they die. And the ones where they die in the open. Remember how Ress has a VERY short range? It means if an enemy had an angle to kill your ally, they also have an angle to kill you.

And if Ress is only supposed to happen sometimes it should have a big CD…Oh wait, it does. 30s. The biggest CD in the game that persist after death. That’s your limiter, not “You can only use it if the stars align in a full-moon night in mid-july”. It is frustrating, because you have a tool, but you can’t use it or you will die, and now your team is 2 members, which one is for sure a healer.

Dying for an ability is artificial counter-play, and there are many better ways to offset the Ress’ value other then a 2s self-stun.


Actually no. Ana can’t properly heal herself, her DPS Is low and lacking mobility will need constant peels if she’s to function correctly. Using the dart is actually a harder shot than sniping. She relies heavily on her team to be useful.

Saying that all supports other than Mercy can reliably defend themselves well is incorrect.

It’s a lot harder to get out what I used to with healing- in fact I haven’t reached my old output and generally everyone else seems to heal more than me- and it’s the speed at which everyone else can heal. Mercy doesn’t have that anymore. I admit, I was just not going to heal- but I really hate being that guy who refuses to switch for the team comp. “Good ol’ reliable” is fitting, but she’s just not fun like she used to be. If she was putting out dps with an auto lock on ability I’d understand (as that was an option previously and it felt hella insulting) but we’re talking healers, and no one really wants to heal or tank. With Mercy I could be that solo healer and not worry about it. I’m still working with my team, so what was the problem? Like MegaLopunny said, everyone else can now heal more than her easily. Ugh. Oh well…