Mercy Is kinda bad (Change my mind)

I’m going to compare mercy to the other healers to put my opinion of mercy out there (I used to main mercy before the rework)
Primary fire: 80 hps with 50 hps linger for 3 seconds
Biotic orb: 75 hps up to 300 total heals
Biotic orb (ALT): 50 dps up to 200 total damage
Alternative fire: 50 DPS with 30 Shps (Self Healing per second)
Fade: Mobility of 15 meters and a 0.8 second Invulnerability
(Really big Pro) GROUP HEALING
Healing has a resource meter that is refilled using alt fire (Biotic orb not affected by resource)
Less mobility
No rez

Primary fire: 75 hps (Healing per SHOT) 1.25 shots per second 93-ish HPS (Healing per second) 70 DPS (Per shot) 87.5 DPS (Per second)
Biotic Grenade: 100 Burst healing and 50% increase to all healing taken for 4 seconds. 60 Damage And blocks healing taken (Only Applied to enemy)
Sleep dart: 5 damage and puts enemy to sleep for 5 seconds and .5 seconds to get off ground.
Only has 14 shots per clip
Sleeping heros can be woken by damage
No Alt fire (Does this really matter?)
Primary fire has a travel time (Canceled if scoped in)

Primary “Fire”: 50 hps No stopping
Alt Fire: 30% increase to damage to target
Guardian Angel: Fly to an ally within 30 Meters
Rez: Revive an ally to full health every 30 seconds (Baby has ult ready) 1.75 second cast time
Passive: Health regeneration (20 HPS) after not taking damage for 1 second
Healing Not blocked by barrier

No mobility with no allys around
Has to stop healing to do damage
Rez stops you from healing
Rez is interruptible
Rez reduces movement speed to 25%

I’m not going to touch on off healers in this post.
My point is I think mercy needs a new rework due to not being fun to play or very viable in comp (I’ve been reported for throwing just for picking mercy) I’m not asking for mass rez back all I want is a fun hero to play and to not get reported for playing a character I once enjoyed. Post your mercy 3.0 changes if you have any in the comments (And I’m all for dropping rez entirely so i can have a fun hero again.)


She’s good when the comp is filled with very mobile heroes, That’s why she is the go-to main healer for dive. We are in a meta that favors a lot of tanks which is her weakness. If we see more dive we see more mercy.


Kinda anecdotal, but around where I play (low mastesrs oce) people scream at moiras to switch more than mercy.


The “fun” thing is kinda subjective though, like I HATE playing against Mercy and seeing her on the other team makes me think…

I do jokingly suggest “deleteMercy” but don’t actually mean it. It’s more in response to deleteBrig thing and also being sick to death of reading threads complaining she isn’t good enough when she absolutely is.


No, I won’t change your mind. do it yourself OP. It seems pretty made up.


If the team goes 5 DPS she is hands down the best healer, if you have lots of very mobile heroes she is great, as she has one of the best mobility abilities in the game, if your team is more stationary she is not great, unless you have a crazy good Widow, Hanzo or Ashe.

Thanks for the feedback!

Mercy’s biggest strength is her consistency. She’s not limited by reloading, missed shots, or even positioning because she can get to whoever needs to be healed easily and heal them while staying out of line of sight. The other healers are all limited very much by either output or positioning or both, which makes them all inconsistent.

Also, Valkyrie makes Mercy entirely unpredictable. There’s no one right way to use it so when you hear German shouting you don’t know what’s going to happen next. That’s entirely up to Mercy. She’s much more versatile than the other supports because of this.


You missed some cons, there are probably more but these are the ones that seem the most common.

Ana can have both her ablities, and her healing blocked by DM/Barriers.

Moira can have her orb eating by DM and has no utility.

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Whats the point of healing someone if its only 50 per second? Even if i can get to anyone in the map it doesn’t mean i have the healing output to actually matter.
(I forgot to touch on ults in my original post but my view on valk is its just a spectator cam to watch your healing not be good enough to matter)

Why would I bother trying to change your mind? Doing so doesn’t improve mine any.

OH RIGHT defense matrix, Thanks for reminding me!

You’re incorrect

Prove me wrong

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I’d rather have constant 50hps than “sometimes makes shots” 80hps. I frequently see complaints about Mercy’s potential output, but, in the right hands, her actual practical output is consistently much higher than the others. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been outhealed by another support when I’m on Mercy even after the 50 hps nerf.

As far as Valk goes, here’s a link to a post I made a few weeks ago regarding what Valkyrie can actually do (with video evidence) when it’s used as more than a spectator mode.


I have some things to do but when I’m finished I will read your post and watch the videos and give you my feedback. Also I appreciate the Non-toxic attitude of yours! :slight_smile:

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Honestly I feel like part of the reason shes not a throw pick is cause she is one of the best combos with zen and phara. Lucio ana work better cause lucio helps peel and with anas low mobility, but Ana Zen can struggle to keep up with the team and keep them selves alive (although they apsolutely can if they play well together and the team keeps track of them).

And in sniper comps as healing is not really the primary question, its more about dmg boost and ress.

The reason why mercy is currently kind of OP is her ultimate.
It gives your team an ultimate advantage, which pretty much is the reason Mercy is able to win games, and a lot of them.

At my rank, I consistently outheal Moiras and Anas as Zenyatta. The Anas cannot aim and the Moiras have no idea how to play her. But Mercy? She’s the only hero that consistently can outheal my Zenyatta. I’d much rather have her than any of the alternatives on my team.

(No because her alt fire is basically built in to her primary)

This happens more often than anyone seems to want to admit. What rank are you in, if you don’t mind me asking?

(Would definitely love to see another rework, or heavy changes to her current kit)

Cant change your mind when its the truth