Mercy is getting a new skin!

This is starting to become really annoying! Why is mercy still getting so many skins when other heroes needs it??

Why even have a skin/cosmetics team when mercy is only the hero that’s getting stuff?? It’s so annoying!

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She got 1 legendary last season, and now 1 epic this season? Hello?

widow got 2 legendaries
Hog got 2 legendaries
Pharah got 2 legendaries
Sojourn got 2 legendaries and an epic
Kiriko got 2 legendaries and an epic
JQ got 1 legendary, 1 epic and 1 mythic

And probably many more examples of other heroes getting more than mercy

I actually should probably list heroes that got less because that would be shorter


You’re kidding? She has only obtained Miko in OW2, while other heroes are already on the 2nd or 3rd skin (even some 2 legendary ones), this would be an epic and it is not in the game, so it would be a future skin later.


And zarya got nothing in OW2… mehhhhh


It’s hard to actually care about the skins when most are no longer accessible without dropping the price of entire games now


I really, really like Orisa’s new skin, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I drop Blizzard any money on their overpriced skins.


dam i didnt scroll down and clicked the link right away…scary illuminati mercy

Uhh… If this is legit… I dunno chief… That skin is kinda missing the mark for me with that mask… Ngl…


No? Heroes like sigma, zarya and torb have yet to recieve skins ever since ow2 got released, and i’m tired of seeing her face so many times! I want other heroes to recieve skins and not just her all the time.

I kimda agree but if it’s a hero i really enjoy playing, i’m gonna get it anyway.


Waiting for a certain Mercy main to see their opinion over this new Mercy skin.

The name starts with H and ends with U.

Edit: already here

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I only care about Widow and Mercy skins. My wallet


Oh no. How tragic for you.

Better get used to it lol. Popular heroes are going to get a lot of skins.

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I see that they teased a spider gwen widow skin is that true?

I haven’t seen that one but know Medusa widow is coming in s2

Still not as good as the Pink skin


If that was true then you would see zarya and in the shop but nope

No that’s fake.

we need Mythic Mercy in the next BP :heart:


Factss :sparkles::sob: id kill for that but i think its prob gonna be D.Va tbh they havent dropped one for her yet


The mask is meh, but everything else is good

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well now theres a money incentive… duh

mercy players have the cash