Mercy is fun, fun is subjective

That doesn’t answer my question, but there is of course no requirement that one do so

There are those who believe the earth is flat, and believe they are right

It,s cute the first dozen times.
After you realize that you don’t even really have to be sneaky to rez, even in GM, because people genuinely don’t care about you, it becomes less of an adrenaline rush and more of a “yeah I’m gonna be a rock for 2s”
The amount of rez that I have done in the ennemy backline or in the middle of a fight (and I’m not talking while a fight was happening I was rezzing the Widow somewhere, I’m talking abkut actually rezzing the Rein that is in the middle of the ennemy team with 0 protection)

I mean, I’m happy for you if you find it funny, but to me, an ability that is Broken AF and that made the character such a bad pick is meh.

You basically remove yourself from the fight for an entire 2s and more often than it should the game will randomly chose not to rez. And it also doesn’t really go with the very mobile character overall.

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I don’t understand why you’re using this as an example when it doesn’t apply to what people are seeing.

Mobility Modifiers are a form a crowd control.

Rez reduces her speed by 75%. Modifying her speed.

Therefore people can say that rez is a self-cc.

I think you’re making arbitrary comparisons because you do not want to think that people who see rez like this have some validation behind it.


I see bringing back a teammate to the fight as a battle tactic, personally, and as such I don’t see it as removing ones self from the fight at all

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I don’t see it as a comparison at all, honestly

I concede that people can and will believe what they wish to believe, whether factual/reasonable or not

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It actually was a huge part of why they changed her.

They said that it was UNFUN to kill 3 to 5 people with a great move or an ult or whatever and see them being rezzed because the Mercy was Hiding (aka she removed herself from the fight to make sure she wouldn’t die pointlessly and she’d be able to do something to win the fight but anyway)
They also stated that hiding as Mercy was not fun for the Mercy players, the players on your team and the players on the ennemy team and it encouraged people to do the “go all die on point” 5 man rez shenanigan.

So yeah, it wasn’t the only reason but it was one of the main or at least that’s what they told us :slight_smile:


Yes, you aren’t the only one that plays Overwatch.

Fun is subjective. I don’t find her fun.

Mass res was fun. Others didn’t find it fun. It got changed changed because of that.

Many people didn’t find the new changes fun. Their posts/opinions/feedback were put into one of several feedback trashcans as each one reached the limit,never to be looked at.

At the end of the day, your most certainly welcome to post your opinion, as is anyone else.

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I mean if you just can’t accept that other people have opinions that differ from yours with points validating why they think it because it goes against your own biases, you can just say so.

Instead of bringing up comparisons that have correlation to the topic at hand, and really have no ties as how they can even connect to the subject.

I even said you are entitled to viewing it as a way they balanced it; however I can also understand why people call it a self-CC.

I see both arguments as valid.


Except you are removing yourself completely from the fight.

You can’t do anything anymore, not even moving (ok you can but about as fast a snail) and no matter what happens around you, well you’re stuck since you can’t even stop the rez.

I wouldn,t say the same thing if you could cancel the rez by pressing the key again or whatever, but since once you’ve pushed the key your are bound to wait for 1,75s, you remove completely yourself from the fight and the end goal is to bring someone back.

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I fully understand that it is possible for anyone to personally view x as if it was y

I personally prefer to view x as x and y as y

I don’t see it as removing ones self from the fight, rather it is using a power that summons a character back to the fight. If the power used by Mercy summoned a yeti to the fight, I think it couldn’t be seen as anything but a powerful and effective battle tactic…rez has essentially the same effect

So you just continue to let you biases keep you from viewing how others see an issue.

Alright I can accept that.


I don’t see any bias on my part at all in regards to this piece of the overall discussion in this thresd

Again I have accepted your biases and moving on.

If you’re determined to refute any opinions that differ from your own despite people have valid reasoning for their argument, then that’s on you.


Mercy lacks any definite “high points” to her gameplay, which slows down her overall pacing.

Good things about Mercy: Guardian Angel and its associated tech is extremely fun to use, and is by far the most fluid and enjoyable mobility in the game. Mercy’s beams are very intuitive and have a longer learning curve than many might give them credit for.

Not so good things about Mercy: E rez is very clunky. It forces Mercy to stand still for what feels like forever, which is a wrench in the works of what is otherwise fast, fluid base gameplay. Valkyrie offers no high point or short explosion of impact, which makes it feel like an E ability instead of an ultimate. Valkyrie so similar to Mercy’s base gameplay that it feels very underwhelming in an ult fight.

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You never hang your facts into a weave of rational justifications, hence it’s trivial, just like this point is trivial.

This is a valid concern, and you have not successfully addressed it, Md. And it ties in with resurrect as self-cc, which is the point of contention at the moment.

I agree that resurrect has to be cancel-able. It can only be canceled if Mercy goes outside cast range. Since she’s not free to move, the only way I have been able to cancel resurrect is to do a falling gliding resurrect, and to not glide if the resurrect is bad – a really wonky way to cancel it.


Except you don’t summon anyone tbh, you bring someone back to life. Big difference in the meaning of the words.

The thing is, removing yourself from the fight simply means that you don’t interact with the fight, you don’t take part in the fight, stuff like that.
It doesn’t mean that you’re not doing anything.

Make her summon whatever you want, if she does it by staying almost completely still for almost 2s with no way of doing ANYTHING, she’d still be removing herself from the fight because she would not take part in the fight.

Also, a battle tactic is a tactic you use during a fight. That doesn’t mean you can’t get out of the fight.
Retreating is a battle tactic. I don’t see why you would use that here.

It’s not a question of how you see what she’s doing or whatever.

When you press that button, you will be almost immobile for 1,75s and you, yourself, cannot do anything else until it’s done, you can’t heal, you can’t damage boost, you can’t GA, and you don’t take part in the fight because you are not influencing the fight in this moment.
YES you are doing something that will impact the fight LATER (if it’s a good rez) but while you’re rezzing you’re really not.

And I will use the words that thr devs themselves used :
They did not like Mercy hide n seek because the Mercys would REMOVE THEMSELVES from the fight, hide and wait for everyone to die so that they can then rez. They did not like the fact that they REMOVED themselves because that meant you couldn’t do what you’re supposed to - aka healing your team, which you still can’t while rezzing, hence my use of this word.


I do not believe that any valid reasoning has been presented

I do not believe I have given evidence of any bias in this matter

I do not understand why anyone would find a balancing limitation of an ability to be identical to crowd control.

I dont think there is anything for me to add to this at this time

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The only issue I have is that she was fun to a whole lot of people and it’s no longer fun to play their favourite hero.

Other than that yeh fun is objective and if ppl were complaining over a new hero not being fun then I’d use the same argument as u right now. Good point tho