Mercy is fun, fun is subjective

Oddly enough, when people do say a hero is fun (mainly mercy) then people like you reply bashing them.


It’s not the basis. But I think you really need to dive in to the whole reason why Mercy was reworked then. Nothing was stated saying Mass Rez was “broken” or “OP” it was based on feelings. Edit. Also subjective.


The development team felt they had created a sort of broken gameplay mechanic with mass rez and decided to remove it. It’s been said numerous times and I know you specifically have seen it.

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My comment wasn’t about mercy being unfun or fun. It was about the op not being condescending

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They didn’t say broken mechanic. Again you are changing the narrative of the video to fit your condescending view on Mass Rez. Not broken… “disheartening to play against.” Stop trying to change what the developer team actually said.


Fun or lack thereof was not the basis of Mercy’s rework

Mercy’s rework was based on observed behavior that the devs did not want in the game.

It was a business decision

Oh boy. So, for the broken mechanic part:

We felt like we were in a situation — we had created a mechanic where a lot of times the correct thing for Mercy to do was stop healing, disengage, protect herself, and then res en masse. That was more effective than her going out and single-target healing one person. We felt like that was kind of broken gameplay, both for Mercy and for — honestly it never really felt great on the other end, if your team gets a graviton surge with a rocket barrage into it.

In the developer update video the first thing they address is the “weird behavior encouraged by the core fundamental design of the hero.” You blatantly misrepresented what the developers said while accusing me of doing just that.

Spare me the “your condescending views” nonsense.

And I am sure I have gone over this with you before :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



It’s a mechanic they created by making the ultimate be used that way with no creative thought process to change it in a more engaging yet counterable way for the Mercy using it and the Enemy team playing against it. If they took the time to actually change the ultimate we wouldn’t have dealt with several months of Mercy meta. We would had a brand new E ability that would’ve helped keep Mercy engaged in a fight. Also wouldn’t have had a boring GOATs meta since Mercy is best paired with DPS heroes.

But you’re right the change was for the best and also made Overwatch the most boring and stale meta we’ve seen to date.


Suicide and Rez was bad. Even Mass Rez with invuln was a trash ultimate in organized settings. Mass Rez was problematic in multiple ways regardless of the changes they’d place on it. And they did change Mass Rez prior to the invuln. They made movement no longer prevented during it’s activation, made it instantly reset GA CD. They reduced the immobility of rezzed allies from 3s to 2.25s.

It was still suicide and rez, it was still a bad ult. Then came the invuln.

So yeah… I disagree with you completely.


I don’t think mass Rez is the way to go. Maybe we could get more healing or burst healing without res in the first place

Alrighty buddy. You can disagree all you want because realistically you and the “I hate mass rez” crowd got what they wanted already. So there isn’t a reason as to why you guys stick onto these forums posts anyways. You are happy with Mercy so leave? :woman_shrugging:t3: If people have a problem with Mercy they should be able to express why they dislike her current state. You can’t just come in and say everything we say to you that you disagree completely cause there is 0 reason to talk to you. If you can’t look at the other side and try and see where they are coming with and just disagree with everything a conversation doesn’t develop and it’s one sided. So bye? :wave:t2:


How about making the power currently called rez optionally usable on a living target for some beneficial effect? Rather than replacing rez…

Forum members on either side of the “Mercy does or does not need changes” have every right to state their case

That includes those who defend her in her current state from the anti-Mercy faction who want her changed.

So hello

What exactly is this anti-Mercy faction?

My definition of anti-Mercy is an individual who wants changes for Mercy

Alright buddy. You already called me condescending and misrepresenting what was said and now you’re throwing this noise at me. Spare me, plz.

You accused me of misrepresenting what the devs said and here you are misrepresenting me and what I say. I am not part of a crowd and don’t lump me as such.


There’s lots of reasons I stick around these forums, can’t speak for whatever crowd you’re lumping me in with.

I have had lots of good conversations with vocal people regarding the Mercy topic. You however prove to be difficult to deal with.

Why are you bothering with this attempt to paint me as part of some crowd, go on this character assassination sort of thing trying to make me out as narrow minded etc.

You didn’t address how you accused me of being condescending and misrepresenting what was said after I gave you all my supporting evidence for why I said what I did. Why do you not want to talk about that? You act like I have to be SO CONSIDERATE about YOUR perspective, while you don’t even acknowledge mine when it isn’t convenient for you?

Then you try to fabricate nonsense about what I say and my position on the topic in order to make what I say convenient for you to push some sort of “oh me the persecuted, the misunderstood.”

Spare me.

Mass Rez was a trash ult. It’s good she got reworked, I can understand and agree with their reasoning, and neither you, Titanium, RevertMercy, or like ANYONE has been able to adequately address all the problems that Mass Rez has and would have in this game given it’s current state.


It’s kinda funny how Geoff is anti-Mercy then, haha.


I know mercy is fun but
fun is not sujective when the community said ‘‘mercy is unfun to play against’’
but when mercy mains say ‘‘mercy isnt fun to play’’
now fun becomes subjective
I like this community

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