Mercy is fun, fun is subjective

i’m sorry i shouldn’t have used the word no one i should’ve used the word most of the people i met and yeah i’m an octavia main so i do enjoy playing her

Yes, that’s literally cc

And while yes, it doesn’t completely stop her movement, she has to practically stand still for it to work

And btw, no. You originally replied to me saying “but I don’t think anyone likes rezzing people and getting slowed. Self cc isn’t fun”

Fun is subjective you rendered your argument invalid. This is the dumbest argument ive seen on the forums it isn’t fair to the original player base who enjoyed a certain hero to then have that character be drastically changed which the developers have issues with when it comes to listening.

Her ultimate makes so she does everything she already does a little bit better there isn’t a time where you can say ‘gee wiz Valkyrie would be handy right now’ that never happens because if you are on top of your healing anyway you don’t need the aoe heal.

Mercy now also incentivizes dps mercy which you don’t want her doing as a healer. Transcendence is a better Valkyrie when it comes to healing and focus fire can still obliterate those getting healed by Valkyrie its harder to pull that off with transcendence because of the insane healing he does.

The only stand out thing it does is the damage increase buff she can give the team but since her priority is healing when someone takes damage she has to turn the darn thing off to heal so it hardly gets used anyway.

Since they are so dead set on not bringing back mass rez they need to give her an ultimate that does something different and is impactful enough to where they s an actual scenario where you wish you had that ultimate ready.

Playing the original iteration of a character does not somehow provide immunity to important balance changes and updates. There is no fair or unfairness involved here at all.

Is everyone lollygagging in the choke at full health but can’t seem to push?

" I’m going to valk and boost, let’s do this." Valk is very effective in those situations.

At the higher ends of the ranking spectrum (maybe the lower too, I haven’t seen the data) Mercy provides her team with more ults / ult charge when her ult is used than any other healer.

Let the other healer handle some of this since you’re in valk an the group damage boost has an incredible amount of value – if needed, have them ult too. You will still heal during valk of course, likely very frequently, but this will allow the other healer that brief moment they need to either volley someone to the face or get off a critical sleep dart, etc.


Mercy is fun, but she doesn’t have that big “hero” moment… That’s really my only issue with her.

Main healers, other than maybe Ana, do feel that way to a degree. I was recently a Moira main for a couple seasons and most of the big hero moments came from her standard kit – a yellow ball thrown perfectly during the damage peak of a team fight paired with some well placed healing piss and a quick fade to get to that Mei or Reaper just outside my range.

Coalescence often doesn’t feel like such a great ultimate either – fade can’t be used during Coal, so she becomes very vulnerable to CC and sometimes loses it early. Every now and then you get a good one, but mostly it seems to be used to kick start a push, much like Valk.

Let Zen and Lucio have the big hero moments. Mercy and Moira have the stronger healing in their base kits to make up for it. Lucio’s speed boost will be nerfed soon as well, so he’s losing some of that great utility, the shields can still give him his moments.

Mercy does not use cc

The slowdown when Mercy performs rez is a limitation that helps this power be balanced as a cooldown ability - it is not crowd control


I have big hero moments with Mercy in almost every game I play.

My favorite is pulling off a successful rez of a key member of my team in mid teamfight

yes its a limitation, but that doesn’t mean its not CC. all slows are CC. I really don’t understand how you don’t get this

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One is a type of attack made by a member of one team against one or more members of the other team

The other is a limitation/restriction of rez for the purposes of balancing the power of this ability

The latter is not cc

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If that is what you consider cc, then you must agree that each of the following heroes have ‘self inflicted cc’:
Bastion (turret form), bridgitte (moving with shield up), dva (slowed while shooting), junkrat (rip tire), mc cree (high noon), mei (cryofreeze), mercy (rez), pharah (barrage), reaper (death blossom and shadow step), reinhardt (moving with shield up), and roadhog (whole hog).
That would mean over 1/3 of the heroes in the game have ‘self inflicted cc’.

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Since when did that define CC? when ashe boops herself AND an enemy with coach gun, does that mean it’s not a self CC ability since it works on herself as well?

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Self-CC or no self-CC, I think we can all agree that the three main abilities of causing your character to slow down or get caught in animation (rez, Shadow Step, Teleporter) are all considered not very fun by their respective mains because, news-flash being slowed in a fast paced shooter is a decided disadvantage that often results in deaths you feel you can’t prevent. Mercy also has the added disadvantage of only being able to choose if to rez, not where and when.


If a game was made to be fun for everyone no one would have fun playing it

well yeah, those are all self inflicted CC. whats your point?

CC and a balance-related limitation are different things

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Oh RIP. Seems like I said this in the wrong thread so I’ll just paste it here. :sweat_smile:

As for this self cc discussion, I find this new fad that largely is only used when discussing Mercy uninteresting and pointless. It’s just a weak rhetorical device imo. Channeled abilities have always been in this game, movement restrictions on abilities have always been in this game, and for literally any sort of MOBA/RPG/etc that we could compare abilities to.

I don’t find anything wrong with “self CCs” so long as the ability warrants it, and Rez definitely does.


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Things being unfun is also subjective as well. Ie. basis of Mercy’s rework.


Not the basis. Why do you repeat this when you know its false? A factor sure, but not the basis.