You may wish to specify who you are asking
I replied to OP, or thought I did anyway
Understood and accepted
That isnt clear from the post containing your question
I think it’s fine to not find Mercy fun. But projecting onto other people and making up reasoning why people don’t agree with you, just to invalidate it, is like a new meta of the stages of grief that I just cannot wrap my head around. Probably because I’m a stable human being, but this kind of stuff is just insane.
If you ask a lot of people who make posts like these, they don’t even play her, they just complain about her. And we are nearing the end of 2019. Imagine using this rhetoric in 2020.
I’d bet you good money if I had any, MB, that this will continue unabated in 2020
If we both agree can we just start a money pool and treat ourselves to a fancy lunch at the end of 2020?
Ok, I can spare 27 cents for now.
I can maybe double that after payday
Let her GA target enemies
Enemies? How about friendly constructs first - allied turrets, superchargers, teleporters, etc
Doesn’t actually help her much and would just make it more cluttered. If you’re ever in a position to be able to GA an enemy over an ally, you’d likely want to GA past them anyway.
Selfishness is all I see here.
Fun is subjective.
This means that someone can like it even if you don’t like it.
Grow up dude.
Mercy is fine, viable and balanced.
And fun is subjective.
You don’t like her?
Play someone else. We have plenty other healers.
Wouldn’t be a bad suggestion. Could help survivability without adding anything severe.
I think I might add that the the Compromise Rework proposal v3
though such a change would most definitely be a buff, so I might have to offset it with some sort of corresponding nerf…gonna have to think that through
Yes. deleting my post now
I suggest you and I delete these two remaining posts (this one and the one I just replied to)
No one knows what these kind Mercy mains are trying to say.
You can’t really do anything to Mercy unless you want to remove damage boost. Her entire kit is tied to it.
Taking away damage boost would take away any reason to pick Mercy.
There are plenty of other things one could do to Mercy’s kit actually
I wouldnt recommend any such changes, but I could list thousands that wouldnt involve removing damage boost
Unparalleled mobility, self regeneration, consistent healing, versatile ult-- all reasons to pick Mercy
All of that can be applied to other supports that can do it better.
I’m not saying Mercy is bad now. Without damage boost however she loses too much value. And her ult would be far less varsitile.