"Mercy is fun as she is, no changes needed"

Should have posted it earlier when the iron was hot. Oh well. :slight_smile:

You don’t need to delete Valkryie, main beam heals more than split beams. Beam length is reduced so she can’t hide a building away. Bam more interesting, almost no resources to do.

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What a great alternative to mass rez no? hahaha joke rewor-revert

I don’t wish to derail anymore, but it does matter as Mercy’s power level is higher on console because Ana is no real competition and the less intense aiming allows Mercy more wiggle room with both her rezzes and escapes while at the same time making her heals “stronger”. Basically, it’s easier when playing console to perceive her as stronger than she is. I tried her a bit on PC, and boy I got a newfound respect for those who play her at high level there!


Yeah, many people have suggested having a strong main beam and weaker chain beams. It’s an excellent idea and rewards target prioritization. I’m all down for making Valk more interesting and impactful. They could even reduce the duration to 12 seconds and shorten the beam length, maybe increase her GA speed during it. Compress the ult to be shorter, faster, and more bursty. Sounds awesome.

But OP wants to delete Valk completely and bring back mass rez, they have no interest in changing Valk to be more fun, fluid, and engaging. They have shown this in multiple forum posts and threads. That’s why people have been arguing with them.

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Sounds a lot like BigMainLittleChains

Again, I wholeheartedly agree. No one is saying that console players are lesser because they play on a system less conducive to precise aim which thus favors low-aim-intensity heroes. They’re simply saying it leads to very plainly observable differences in how the game is played, even though the raw game provided is the same.

And as it is, Mercy is much stronger on console due to these differences, and relative power absolutely can sway anecdotally-driven views on whether or not a hero is fun, balanced, or strong. Despite some attempted hot takes that this discussion is non-topical, it’s actually entirely relevant when speaking about why people might feel a given way about Mercy.


I get that, but I don’t understand why people would waste so much time arguing over it in this thread. This thread is about whether or not Mercy needs to be reworked, essentially, and whether or not she is better on console than PC doesn’t really need to be the focus of attention, is all I was trying to say.

I do agree though, that of course Mercy will be inherently “better” on Console where aiming is more difficult. Her healing is easier than Ana’s for sure and she’s harder to kill, from what I have heard (I’ve never played console myself so I can’t speak for them :stuck_out_tongue: )

To be honest I didn’t read the entirity of the OP post, I just saw the part that everyone’s afraid to change Mercy, and know Valkryie is fundamentally flawed by issues that are easily fixable. But becuase the Developers and everyone on the forums is so afraid of change Mercy can’t be changed to be more interesting for everyone involved. (If Mercy can’t fly a million miles away, now the enemy can realistically try to kill her)

Actually, if by said system you mean console, this was indeed stated at least once that i know of

When does summergames end?

Well I have never played on console a day in my life, have over 1,000 hours on PC Overwatch with over 800 of them being on Mercy, and I can say wholeheartedly that she is balanced, impactful, skillful, and FUN on PC. I can also say that I’ve found every iteration of Mercy 2.0 more engaging, fun, and interesting than Mercy 1.0 with Mass Rez. I can also say I agree on most of Dodo’s views on Mercy’s balance, even though they play on console.

Trying to make their balance views “lesser” because they play on console and she’s “better there” is ok???, I guess (but really isn’t- everyone gets to have an opinion on game balance, regardless of platform or rank. I could walk around invalidating everyone who isn’t GM’s opinion because they “are playing the game a different” way, that’s basically what you are saying to Dodo for playing on Console. Not really cool.) , but doesn’t really hold much weight when many PC Mercy players are saying the same thing as them…

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WHAT?! i thought the 10th? I cant buy the torb skin?

You and I agree on most things, but I will never agree that console shaming is ok.

Really sad to see you express this

I wasn’t attempting to say it was ok, hence the “???” as an attempt to convey my sarcasm and distaste in saying that. I probably should have worded it better. Sorry, it’s late here and I’m trying to do AP Biology homework while typing on here.

I truly think that someone even bringing up the fact that you play on console as if that invalidates your views on balance is sad, unconstructive, and literally a desperate attempt to silence your views, lol.

It’s the same thing as telling people they can’t have an opinion because of their rank not being GM. Everyone gets to have an opinion.

Thank you for the clarification

Much appreciated

I think the AP bio homework is far more important than this…so turn off this screen and get back to work, sir…

I see you replying. Stop that :slight_smile:

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Updated my original post

Sorry again if it seemed as if I was trying to support the console shaming. I think it’s important to stay on topic and allow everyone to contribute to this discussion. Not cool that they ignored your logic/opinions and invalidated it because of the platform you play OW on…

reeeeee fine

I pray for the day we can have a Mercy thread without someone acting like an entitled child that’s not getting the toy it wants.


I see this on both ends

But I understand what you mean

True, there’s bad apples on either side. But one side at least has arguments and doesn’t think “It’s okay because I said so, no arguments needed.”

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