I respect your opinion, but I humbly disagree. I don’t believe #MercyIsFine. And just as you may find no problems with her and are entitled to your opinion, other people are completely entitled to disagree, and not be happy with her current state. A hero can be statistically balanced, and still be unfun to play with, and lack impact. I believe that this is further backed with the fact that even the devs are considering making parts of her kit feel better to play at this point. If they thought she didn’t need any changes, such considerations wouldn’t be made.
I believe there are many ways to make her balanced with either a rework, minor buffs, tweaks, or a revert, without making her “OP”. People are completely entitled to that opinion as well, regardless of whether one agrees with it or not.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.