Mercy is by far the weakest support

Mercy is one of the most powerful supports in the team based shooter game overwatch. But yes in the solo que overwatch Mercy is insanely difficult to maximize her immense utility.

My best advice is to try befriending the few rare people you find who can utilize your mercy skittles to the benefit of the team and play together for more consistency :slight_smile:

Otherwise the new role que is about adapting on your role and learning other heroes within it for X situations to the benefit of your team. If mercy isn’t cutting it in your current match try looking towards moira, Lucio, or even Brig to changing up the flow of battle and turning the tides in favor for your team.

Good Game sense is learning when and where a different hero would be the most beneficial for the team. Maybe you need lucio’s speed on assault. Maybe you need brigs brawly aoe healing on hybrid. Who knows, but I do know that the game is designed for you to swap heroes mid match to adapt tot he enemy strategies and the maps you’re on :slight_smile:

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She could use something but she isn’t the weakest support.

I’ve been one tricking with her since role queue started and I’m in mid-high diamond. She can be pretty good if you’re good with her.


She has Res, which is a strong ability.

See also Lucio zen and brig. Mercy is better than them all

Lucio brig and zen

Brig, baptiste Moira

Thus mercy’s Swiss army kit.

Totally fine. But 2 days into it does not a claim like op make imo

222 is fair. But you can’t expect a high win rate with a high pick rate either


You don’t expect it to be so far down either. It’s an indication she’s being propped up by someone else in the meta. Reinhardt was the same. And he crashed for a reason after it was done.

This is a perfect meta for her. It couldn’t be better. She’s got lots of space to fly around, can damage boost snipers, easy rezzes. You’d expect her to have a higher one because it is her meta. And yet she’s pretty low. She should be around Hog and Widow, but she is not.


Sadly, few people want to accept that the “problems” they attempt to point out could possibly related to their skill. I see stuff posted every day that makes me scratch my head. Heads are so far in the sand it’s not even worth making counterpoints.

She’s not perfect, and she has weaknesses, but a not-insignificant amount of complaint posts are scapegoating to the point of becoming a meme.


Brigitte is worse. You could replace her with just about any other support and still do a better job.


When you consider how the main healers being used are equal to her…yeah. I do. Ana and Moira are in the same boat.

The healers with lower pockrates are doing better. Probably because the people who use them use them appropriately and not over meta or popularity.

Ana has twice her pickrate and Moira is due a buff, because she’s not performing.

And mercy has twice the pick rates of those beneath her?

And Moira is mostly fine. Just like mercy, we will see how she is after 222 is settled.

I still cant get used to you having an icon other than the OW symbol.

she Should start healing through shields that’d make an immense difference in her capabilities imho

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I cannot change it anymore. I decided that the sombra icon adds too much bias in my writing but… Such is fate. I am a sombra main now.

The devs were gonna buff Moira because she’s objectively not fine. Mercy should be around the winrate of Widow if she were fine. And it’s really obvious to see why she isn’t. Because she mostly is only good as a pcoket to snipers and Pharah. That’s like four heroes. If you try to use her outside of those things you’re probably gonna lose.

Yeah, widow has half mercy’s overall pick rate, and a subpar win rate overall
And In GM widow is only doing one percent better than mercy overall which when you account for how mercy is still the second most played support in GM, is totally fine stats wise.
No, she doesn’t have lucio s 54% win rate…but she also has twice his pick rate.

She’s statistically fine. I don’t have an issue with not liking her design or play or whatever. But to say she’s performing poorly, as a top pick across every rank and every platform… It’s fair to point out that that’s objectively false.

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Widow is 9 spots above her, even though she’s often used as a counter for herself. Who cares about Bronze win and pickrates? It has no meaning towards her balance.

She’s only good when paired with four specific heroes, that’s why her winrate isn’t higher.

This is her meta. And she’s barely average despite not being her own best counter. That isn’t fine.

Mercy seems in a decent spot to me, if they buffed her a little that would be fine but i would not say she’s the weakest support by far. That honor goes to brigitte.

Good thing hero balance doesn’t revolve around what you think.


Agreed with you there, she’s definitely not the worst support.

And neither does what you think.