Mercy is by far the weakest support

Not sure if joking or trolling.


Thats not what makes mercy great. Its the utility that she brings to the game.


Now this is something I’ve tried to constantly explain why it’s better. Here’s why I think it’s way better to keep someone alive rather than rezzing:

Keeping target alive:

  • You both can gain ult charge since you are healing and your target is dealing damage
  • You both are aware what is happening around the battlefield
  • You can use the field to make sure certain high value ults get full value


  • You and your target gain no ult charge since you can’t heal and they can’t damage while dead
  • Risk the life of the main healer
  • “Rez sickness”, i.e. not knowing what’s going on around you
  • Element of surprise can sometimes take enemy unawares though

Those stats are from prior to RoleQ, which I imagine will impact things fairly seriously (as will the shifting power of Brigitte).

Just my personal view, but since even just prior to RoleQ, I do not like having a Mercy on my team unless she’s combo’d with a main support. She’s much better as an off-support pick IMO, where she can spend less time trying to cover everybody’s butts and more time damage boosting and contributing offensively. Running her with an off-support like Lucio or Zen is just painful, the per-second healing output to keep your team alive just isn’t there unless your tanks are really pulling their weight (and then some).

I think Baptiste-Mercy and Ana-Mercy combos are pretty good, but if she’s better utilized as an off-support when Blizzard has made it clear several times that they’d like her to be a main support… what’s going on?

Anyway, I don’t entirely agree with OP. I think Brigitte’s worse off than Mercy, and by a large margin, but I and many other certainly don’t see Mercy as a very attractive pick in light of RoleQ, especially as a main healer.


I dunno.
Do i need to make one?

Here’s one :slight_smile:


Utility? Like what?

The only real claim to fame she has is damage boost. Which for a main healer is kinda sad. Rez very rarely even swings a team fight anymore.

Ana obliterates Mercy both in terms of utility and HPS.

She basically has the healing output of an off support, but has an ult that can’t save her team.

Mercy still has mobility. But that is completely dependent on your teammates, so it’s not the most reliable asset.

field isn’t bringing someone back with full health
matrix is an ult…
regen burst is his only form of self sustain and has a lengthy cd and you don’t have to hide to get it…
and lmfao boots being better than guardian angel. The only arguement you could have for this is that boots can get somewhere high without an ally, but mercy doesn’t want to be high up away from the team without someone there.

let’s make mercy sound amazing

consistent heals, nobody is gonna block/eat your heals before they do their job or move out of the way with high mobility/unfavorable terrain

damage boost on demand with no cd and no awkward box to shoot through that grants ult charge

a movement ability that isn’t a tall slow arc, and even has boosts of height if you so chose

A self healing passive that only requires not being damaged for a single second compared to a 15 second cooldown

An ult that grants literal flight and boosts her entire kit including making her healing and damage beams split to multiple heroes for 15 seconds compared to baptiste’s 10 second hurt square without the need to position anything but yourself. Her ult is also less points to get.

moth meta is over peeps, mercy isn’t the only healer anymore


Wait what?

Rez is one of if not the best skill in the game it can literally swing the flow of the fight from on direction to another.

Her tiny hit box amd great mobility makes her a really hard target for the enemy far better for survible tha sleepdart and nade.

Dmgboost is amazing. Not only it helps your teamates deal more dmg its also lets the get their ults faster by going more dmg!! How is that bad? Loool

She is literally the second best support right after ana.


In high ranks the onlu support with a lower winrate was Moira, though on doesn’t have any data for 222.

Anti-Nade is far better than rez, hands down. Far shorter cd, more versatility, no penalty to use, and can with one good hit create the grounds for a team wipe.

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Compared to Brigitte she’s actually quite good. This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s powerful, but:

  • Actually reliable healing.
  • Good survivability.
  • Actual AE healing of note, if only during ult.
  • Solid utility with damage boost and rezz.

Rez very rarely swings a team fight.

Anti-nade swings way more team fights, and its cooldown is much lower.

Maybe at one point in time Rez was powerful, but I’m not sure if you’re caught up on current events, but it basically has zero use mid-fight anymore.


yeah shes really weak and squishy in her current form. she fully depends on her team to keep her alive

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Uhmm ok, at the end of the post I literally said ana is better. Anyways both skill can sway the fight in difrent ways thats what makes the good.

Rarely?! Lol

It can turn a 5v6 (unless your team throws ult its almost always a loss) to an even 6v6 rezzing the main tank is an ongoing fight can easily turn the flow of the fight or turning a 4v4 to a 5v4.

You gotta give me example because just saying its bad dosnt help your argument.


Your main tank died behind cover, and your team can survive without you healing, and without a main tank, while you’re trying to get them back?

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Idk about y’all but I’m still told to go mercy every game. Moira is trash in gm and console Ana has a long story. Dps mains only want a pocket healer just to “frag” out and don’t care about the team.

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Immo field is very unreliable and gets instantly destroyed.

I asume you meant amplification matrix … it can be very strong, but is also very situational and short. dmg boost works all the time.

Regen burst has a cd and Mercys self reg works all the time when not in combat. And regen burst is very slow healing … won’t save someone in a fight.

WTF … guardian angel has 2sec cd … that’s basicly nothing. And guardian angel gets you half across the map … Baptists jump only goes up and it needs to charge.

And valk is by far not as useless as many say … i won a lot of teamfights with it.


Good gravy. Just because someone wants buffs to Mercy doesn’t mean they want her to be the one, the only, the omnipotent. Wanting her buffed =/= wanting her to be what she was in moth meta.



Simply insisting it’s good ignores the reality of how situational rez is.

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