Mercy is being ignored?

What’s your guy’s opinion on Mercy being ignored in the update? She’s supposed to be a single Target healer right as a main goal but why she so terrible at that?

I’m a subscriber of Aria Rose and i think she made some valid points in her newest video.


Hm, why’s that? Everyones opinions should be heard.


i think mercy is in a pretty good spot atm


She’s always been the worst character I’ve ever played. She’s always the first to die and she’s terrible at healing I don’t think she’s in a good spot but she is decent at least


She’s underpowered according to Overbuff statistics and feels bad to play with and against. She objectively needs serious changes, hopefully in the next patch and with feedback from the players taken on to account.


I don’t think she’s being ignored but rather they’re in a tough spot with her. Trust me as a Mercy main I hate the current version of her, but I do think we need to be patient with the devs because we don’t want to force a rework like they way it was forced by certain individuals in the community.


Honestly, it’s been way too long. Her rework was launched a year ago, and since Day One people noticed it simply didn’t work. Mercy broke the game for half a year and was a must pick support for another half a year, despite feeling boring and soulless to play. I personally think patience needs it’s limits.


“Mercy has received so many nerfs and changes!”
“Mercy is being ignored.”
Pick one.


She’s not being ignored, they simply nerfed her down to where they want her. Not everything we say or want is made so in the game.

Honestly, I had my hang ups at first (300+ hour Mercy main here) but I’ve gotten used to her and while I wouldn’t mind some other changes, she’s basically fine where she is at. I still pull in massive healing with her and can still do my job. Yeah, it sucks, but what can we do at this point?


Not to sound like a cocky idiot, but i am an extremely good mercy player and have consistently been able to climb and maintain my rank with every nerf. This however, is due to A LOt of hours and high mercy specific skills. (She’s a hard hero to play in general now) to ppl who actually play mercy properly, i feel like i get little reward for the amount of thought and effort put in.


I feel this too, tbh. It’s very rewarding to stay alive, pull of clutch rez’s and still outheal other healers like Moira or Ana - (EDIT: didn’t realize I didn’t finish my sentence properly) - however it’s still more rewarding to play Moira or Lucio due to how much more they can do.

Given that Mercy isn’t really protected as much as she used to be (at my rank and in my experience) it always seems like a better choice to go with Moira, which makes me kinda sad because I love Mercy.


that res ability is what makes her such a target usually like killing a zen in a fight before he usses trans. she has consistent heals and dmg boost, high mobility and such. but for first time in over a year feels like any support can be played an i have no problem with a higher skill hero like ana haveing some of the spotlights

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I agree with that, you put in so much work and yet have no pay off. It’s disheartening to play .


I can see that, but statistically Mercy is kind of in a bad spot, so she needs something regardless.


That girl never knows what she’s talking about.


yeah youre correct, roadhog, bastion, junkrat etc all being ignored those who are up to par with the rest of the cast like mcree soldier tracer etc all were good from the onset or pretty early on.

I think the video meant that community itself is being ignored.


Yeah but the post is about Mercy being ignored. I didn’t watch the video.

“The support changes have been extremely successful”, this is where she’s been ignored. Also, the community has been ignored as well as Mercy’s fun factor and health considering it took 14 straight nerfs to render her underpowered and where she first started. They’re ignoring pretty much everything about Mercy while throwing nerfs at her. I was hopeful for at least a 5 hp/s buff this patch, but not even that.


oh ok, well Mercy isn’t being ignored she’s been nerfed around 14 times but the community itself is.