Mercy is at her 1.0 power level again

Mercy 1.0 was niche, but powerful when played well and Rez provided crazy value. The current version of Mercy is the same.

Since we’re not in a “Mercy meta” anymore, but instead a Tanky sustain meta picks (and therefore Rezzes) have more value. In a messy teamfight, finding a Rez is stronger than ever and can cause a win almost single handedly (especially since there probably won’t be an enemy Mercy)

Valkyrie is good if you think of it like Meteor Strike. A fantastic clutch ult to get you out of bad situations or a fantastic engagement tool. And with the new PTR Mercy buffs it should charge only slightly slower than Coalescence so you’ll have Valk at least every other teamfight.


That’s an opportunistic way to see it. But then I would have to ask.

If Mercy is now back at 1.0 in terms of her power level, was the rework necessary in the first place?

Surely they could have just tweaked Mass res until it had the proper checks and balances (LOS, damage reduction, cast time, etc.), and arguably, would still have had more value than Valkyrie ever could in this meta - while still being engaging, impactful, and rewarding to play.

Was being a spectator cam in the skybox with flight, and weakened chain beams that struggle to keep anyone alive in a push, that important for the hero that it needed to replace her iconic ultimate - which was known for bringing back back her entire team and turning the tides? Or was it due to justify the subjective “unfun to play against” argument that they now have to double down on and the “hide and rez” myth that Mercy players still have to use to rez successfully, even today? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


with the interviews and livestreams we got their main complaints were about “hide and rez” and rezing behind walls which I mean I say to them why didn’t they just add los to mass rez (and removing that unneeded invincibility buff) and give mercy an E

that would’ve fixed all their problems with mass rez had they gave it los and incentived staying in combat more.


I still say that Mercy is the best main healer when your team is doing an unorganized dive. If you all group up tight then Ana and Moira are better, but sometimes your Doomfist goes left, your Genji goes right, Widowmaker stays on a perch somewhere in the back, Wrecking Ball is diving from the top and Brigitte is going forward.

Even if you have amazing aim, Ana is going to struggle in applying sustainable healing while avoiding being dived on herself, and Moira lacks the range to heal people who escape into the air.

Especially since super Jump is a standardized ability now it’s way easier to avoid a dive even if your teammates are relatively close.

I think “far apart dive” is a decent niche for Mercy to have since it’s very common in ladder.


If you call what she does now hide and rez you have no idea what people mean when they say that.

Hide and rez isnt 3-4 seconds sneaking to a downed team mate.

Stop trying to make it seem like this is what Blizz specifically corrected by fixing mercy, it is false.

People arent screaming, “die on point, die on point!!” And tilting when you dont die fast enough while you get zero heals cause you supposed to die.

that was stupid gameplay and I am glad its gone.

And look at that, I couldnt be a mercy main could I? Almost.

I actually really dig new mercy, taking power from her primary heals made damage boosting that much more important.

U can not sustain indefinitely, so your team needs to secure faster kills.

This was always the best part of Mercy play, not as heal bot or hide for 30% of a game, but actually making plays and helping win fights, rapid swapping between team mates jostling boost+Rez constantly and frantically!

Thats action and gameplay and IMO the best way they could have made Mercy more fun to use.

And guess what? I also dont have to listen to team mates micromanaging my ult no mo!! These are all good things IMO.

Long live 50HPS mercy!!


Even if you want to believe this, or if it’s true, Mercy did not have contenders for a strong healer back then. When you picked Mercy, it was entirely because she could heal and do little to nothing else. They eventually had to buff her healing because her utility wasn’t shaping up to Lucio’s or Zen’s utility.

Players get better, metas evolve, whathaveyou. Maybe she got too strong naturally, maybe they buffed her too far. It doesn’t matter.

Now we have Ana and Moira.

Ana beats Mercy on single target healing while jam-packed with utility, also potentially equipped with an “I win” button paired with certain hero and ultimates.

Moira beats Mercy on single target healing and AOE target healing. She doesn’t have much utility, but she can put out some decent damage and has great survivability as far as healers go. She’s also essentially not picked in the highest ranks and will get you flamed if you dare try it.

Mercy now has the weak healing she started with, arguably the same amount or worse utility than before the rework, but most importantly, you have better options for what she’s trying to do. Go ahead and believe Mercy’s back to 1.0 power level, but healers have been powercrept from the getgo. Every single healer has been buffed in some way. Mercy got thrashed backwards after getting hers.


And her iconic line was what again?

“My heroes always die, but then i bring them back”???

I dont think thats what it was… But thats how people insisted you play and it sucked IMO.


mercy’s significantly stronger in the pro scene than she was prerework


and I played correctly and rarely had to do more then double or triple rezs.

rarely did I ever have to do a 5 man.

hardly so.


factually so

mercy was literally only used to pocket pharah, and now she’s used on static defenses and to pocket other dpses like junkrat and widow

now, her pickrate is significantly higher than pharah’s instead of having the same exact pickrate, and it’s going to increase after the buffs and the inclusion of ashe


And people have always shown their discontent with pocketing with mercy.

depends will ashe be a meta pick or will she be a throw pick by the time she hits live servers.


ok, but fun is irrelevant in the pro scene

it’s ultimately up to the balance team whether or not they want to alter a balanced and viable hero for the sake of fun or not

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To be fair, the rework was not intended to alter Mercy’s strength as a character, but rather to just change how Mercy goes about her duties. The power change was just a side effect of changing her at all.


If they decide the answer is no, they’re doing it wrong.

Thanks for projecting your opinion, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree.

While I’m glad you are happy that it is gone, Mercy still needs to hide in order to successfully res, and besides the number in terms of who is brought back, at it’s basic form, the mechanic of doing so only differs in that one has LOS checks, and the other does not. The solution is simple. They could have tweaked Mass res to have LOS as she does now, gave it a cast time, and made it so when she is killed prematurely, she couldn’t hold onto the ult and it was wasted, and the myth of “Hide and Rez / Die on Point” wouldn’t have been a problem. They didn’t. And there was no reason they couldn’t have done so, other then use the outdated PR speech of “We noticed a lot of people have been doing this, so we’re changing the hero.”

Unfortunately, there is no facts or data that proves this to actually have been happening outside of twitch streamers and various Youtubers who overexaggerated that this meme (and yes, I am calling it a meme) was such a huge thing that it quote “was breaking the game”. And whether you like this or not, no amount of whining from the pro gamers, or false narratives and excuses from various higher ups, will disprove this fact. :blush:

  • Valk is one of the weakest ults in the game.
  • Valk is one of the least impactful ults in the game (her onfire rate proves this)
  • People still micromanage ults.
  • She had 50hps back in 1.0 with Mass res

But hey! I’m glad you think it’s the best thing ever! You are entitled to your opinion, even though I completely disagree with everything you’ve said, I humbly respect your thoughts. :blush:


~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


and yet we reworked mercy because she was “unfun to play against” yup totally irrelevant to the pro scene and the balancing of the game (of which they ruined by reworking mercy like they did)


Shes still weak just a little bit better than live mercy, my teammates still die when i don’t have ult and even with ult almost every ult outdamages mercy’s ULT or even focusing down and communicating counters her ult. She still isn’t at all impactful or fun she has two utility moves and both aren’t that good if your teammates aren’t . Yes Res is powerful but due to this the rest of her kit has to be weak this is why she needs a rework every other healer is better than her by miles mercy is in no way good atm you shouldn’t have to res a teammate because my primary healing isnt enough to save you from a winston. zen can kill him, lucio can boop and peel what can mercy do?


isnt that kind of a bit too niche?

thats like saying symmetra is a

“Close range Shield buster with taxi service”

or saying pharah is a

“flying flanker meant to play when there arent any hitscans in the enemy team”

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I hope you’re joking with that.

Valkyrie removes that. I’m not on the return Mass Rez train but I do think Valk needs some tweaks/rework to make it feell more like an Ult and less like an ability


I love Mercy as much as the next cultist, but people gotta stop using this statistic as if it means something. They adjusted it originally for her rework and then never touched it afterwards. On Fire is just an aggregate of “doing things” assigned to an arbitrary number scale for each hero.

Brig does a lot of things at once, meaning tons of scores coming in, but the scales aren’t balanced for that so she’s practically always on fire.

Mercy does one thing a whole lot, and every individual action has a cooldown for the score. She was expected to rez fairly frequently before being nerfed to bolster it. This means this arbitrary number doesn’t go up, so no on fire.