Mercy is a classical case of Sunk Cost Fallacy

I agree with every word here.
Blizzard just doesn’t care. Hear me out when I’m saying it but, I think, and surely they are just about the money right now.
But anyway, Your thread is 100% right. I hope Blizzard will read this (Lmao that was a joke) and you will bring the change.
#Don’tGiveUpOnMercy :angel:

The main issue with the reworked is that her faults are lessened. When Mercy had Mass Rez both forms of it she had clear weaknesses. She was heavily team dependent including her mobility, solo target focused and centered around supporting the team above all else with no independence. With the rework Valkyrie came to be and it reduced her weaknesses by giving her free flight, infinite ammo and aoe radius, so what she lacked the ult makes up for.

As for Rez that is a little more complex. Mass Rez could in fact Rez the team or undo a pick or two.Most of the time it ranged from 2 to 3 people coming back but it was an ult and it could be wasted or held onto. As for “E” Rez that is up every 30s and does have counter play but the only draw back is death most of the time.

Current Mercy is broken, she isn’t “op” but with her weaknesses being softened made her a better pick then the other supports. With the coming nerf to her healing I’m not sure it will actually lessen her impact.

But then again we see the buff to Ana and how that doesn’t fix any of her issues, but in the case of Lucio his buff helps with some of his.

Maybe Blizzard doesn’t really want main healers in the game anymore

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I agree 100% with everything in this post. Not only does blizzard need to fix their mistakes; but at this point, they need to apologize to everyone for what they have done. They ruined a character (which in turn ruined overwatch) and they still refuse to admit it; and it’s been almost a year now of blatantly ignoring the whole community. Yes, an apology is definitely in order. But we all know Blizzard is too arrogant for that.

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I dont have anything against valkyrie or the res as is. in fact mercy in general, if other supports were comparably strong at their thing. Problem is, they arent.
And the mechanic of mass res itself was terrible. Back in those days you could commit with 2 or maybe 3 ults to get a teamwipe (which was often REQUIRED on 2cp for example) and then mercy just swoops in and undid all of those resources. It was terrible and it would be terrible if it returned.

I’m just going to leave this here. I agree new mercy is broken and blizzard has taking entirely to long to even attempt to balance her in one way or another, but in all fairness to blizzard, they did manage to fix the original problem.

Or you could… you know… swap Mercy’s E and Q.

You’d still have Valkyrie, only as an E ability. You’d even be able to use it more often!

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Yeah, I think the point of Valkyrie was to “break up” Mass Rez into several individual rezzes over time, but putting rez on E and making Valk so long/strong tipped her into OP territory.

The answer is obvious. Just make her a dps hybrid.

The main issue here, is that they’re pandering to the casual players and base their nerf’s/buff’s on QP/Arcade, instead of Comp. This is made more apparent when they made it so Junk couldn’t hurt himself, or giving Pharah infinite flight.

A lot of the buffs have come from casual complaints and therein lies the problem. Jeff isn’t focused on comp, he’s trying to make heroes “better” for a glorified practice mode.

Killing Mercy first or holding to one destructive Ult just in case she used Mass Rez was the solution for that. The team mates she got back were standing close together, so killing them a second time was possible.


That was mostly a problem because of the SR abuse, and a simple LOS requirement would´ve ended the hide and rez problem.

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Also opposed by great many people.

You said “most”. But that is just ridiculous.
Most people playing currently didn’t even played with mass rez. And people that did are mostly admitting that the rework has failed.
It failed even by devs own standards which they proclaimed right at the start.
“If we would have to tone it down too much we we’ll just revert it.”
10 straight nerfs to currently every single part of her kit since rework sounds like it fits the criteria.


Her “original” problem was two fold
1.) SR exploit combined with rampant Boosting
2.) Bunch of streamers weren’t used to playing against Mercy because her SR was broken before (thus getting to Masters+ was near impossible), so they started whining she is ruining their games (instead of, you know… Just getting better) and that such a no skill hero has no place in their games.

That was literally it. Yeah she could use an E ability but it wasn’t anything drastic. Most definitely nothing that would require a full scale rework.

what marvelous gameplay. :popcornmoira:

Battle Mercy is the only way I enjoy playing Mercy now tbf, which is sad considering she’s supposed to be a pacifist healer. Talk about messing up your own character so hard, she’s better played as a dps.

you guys will just complain that mercy is too weak if she’s reverted

Never underestimate the power of people in a large group.

We’re only stating what’s logical. Mercy pre-invul is the most balanced version and there’s no other way to balance her than bringing it back.

Ressurect on E will NEVER be balanced.


Well you’ll never get it