Mercy is a classical case of Sunk Cost Fallacy

She is in no way more active than she was before the rework, physically or mentally. In fact, it’s even less so the case.


The only thing in the rework I don’t like is that she is slow as hell when casting it

PREACH! I agree 100%, OP. Blizzard needs to step it up and fix this mess already.

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Um, no.
Lucio’s Sound Barrier will undo the enemy Grav, Genji Blade or Hanzo ult or Junkrat ult and about every dps ult in the game.
Zenyatta will outheal Genji Blade, Soldier Ult, Zarya Grav.
Ana E can make an enemy team who got 6 man gravved using Transcendence die from not being able to heal.
These three abilities can erase people’s outplays (e.g. the enemy Zarya managing to land a 6 man ult and the enemy Genji or even another dps using their ult straight after)
Mercy ult however, I don’t know about bronze - gold but around platinum/diamond where i play at, people would

  1. Focus the Mercy before she can fly in to get the rez (keep in mind, pre - rework Mercy was alive during dive meta, where there were 2 flankers, Genji & Tracer, and Winston, who’s main job is to dive supports) (if you played any of the pre rework Mercy, you would know that she is literally a free ult charge when alone, way more than she is now)
  2. Or then enemy team could hold on to there Death Blossom/ Zarya Grav/ Genji blade for the people to get rezzed, since they will be rezzed in the middle of the fight, out of position pretty much and bunched together since rez radius.
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The only reasons Mercy has such a big pickrate right now is:

  1. She is easy to pick up - there are so many DPS/tank players, even way more combined, compared to support players. Thus, they are forced to pick support. And which support do they play? Mercy. She has the lowest skill floor of all supports, even more so due to her rez being an ability which promotes no skill.
    It promotes no skill since if you look at stats, the amount of people who get ability rezzed from bronze - top 500 remains around the same.
    I’m not saying take away her low skill floor ceiling, it’s what makes Mercy, Mercy. Overwatch is not just catered to high performing, competitive players. It also caters to casual players and people who don’t always play highly competitive/high skill games.
    You wil get a lot better results as a player who doesn’t play support and got filled, if you pick Mercy, rather than Ana/Zen who requires aim or even Brig and Lucio.
  2. Her character design naturally attracts people. I mean, she is an angel who literally saves people, a humanitarian. And i believe that appeals to a lot of people.
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I don’t disagree, mass rez is a perfectly balanceable ability - It’s just not super engaging and none of the recommended versions truly sound like they would be more fun than valk.

Like your suggestion of having a damage reduced Mercy who channels her ultimate in a way that can get interrupted sounds much more reasonable from a gameplay perspective as the opponent can actually do something but does it honestly sound even remotely fun? Would you really enjoy rezzing a few people only to die and then still not quite have everyone full and ready to fight, often just giving the enemy ult economy if it failed? or just getting stunned out of it when you come in for your big moment.

The reason her ultimate felt so good to use was because it was a solid tide turner, if she used it then it almost always gave your team a solid chance of turning the fight - If you made it into a weaker ability then people who liked how it worked before would likely be just as unhappy.

At this point reverting mercy is significantly more change to Mercy than just tweaking her healing output, I think anyone who played Mercy in her old form should keep that as a special place in their heart and a snippet they can tell their friends when recalling how games have changed - If they went back then the necessary balance changes would not let her live upto the nostalgia.


lmao speak for yourself, more people liked the removal of mass rez than they did not. You need to face reality. It’s dead it’s not coming back

Yas tear them apart!!! You hear this devs!? Read it!!


…how is Valk currently fun?
You are slow, your hitbox swells, glowing…

It’s press Q to become a chandelier. You are just hiding behind some pillar because getting into open space just means you’ll get sniped. And you get a longer range and AOE so no need to think about what are you doing anyway.
The only reason you even get above ground is if they have a Tracer.


That is literally like… Your opinion man.

Stop questioning the infinite wisdom of the OW dev team, heathen! Their reasoning is infalliable and their logic without flaw!

yes her pick rate is declining fast

I think it’s amazing how some clowns will disavow other peoples opinions and then blatantly try to push their own convoluted opinions as fact. Get real dude.

How is that different from any other ult?

It will be fun when you make a great play and you will curse yourself if you mess it up

No different from a reaper getting a 4 person kill or being stunned or hooked so it stops, or a genji dragonblade getting slept, or a graviton being eaten by a DVA

ults have the potential to be amazing,just okay or utter cr*p . The upside to mercy was that she COULD swing a fight.

I dont believe Massrez was very OP it just felt as something you could not counter ,even though you could. But giving a bit more options to counter it while also giving her an E ability that she can use to make plays would be great.

There is almost no feeling of having a clutch save.And that feeling is missing from mercy now. Mercy is solid…just solid.
No heroic moments. Just…solid.

You could also screw up massrez,people forget that. You could time it wrong, jump too far and be out of range of 1 or 2 teammates,or you could die,before invincibility,or even after invincibility there are plenty of moments where the rez was countered by just the enemy playing smart with ult economy and killing everyone again .

Mass rez was not instant win. And that’s was what’s fun about it.

Mercy now is strong,too strong,but also has no awesome moments anymore,imo. Aside from battle mercies there is no flashy play you can do. You’re just there…solid.

I’d rather have mercy weak that can have heroic moments then a hero that doesnt really stand out but needs to be there.

The reason her ultimate felt so good to use was because it was a solid tide turner, if she used it then it almost always gave your team a solid chance of turning the fight - If you made it into a weaker ability then people who liked how it worked before would likely be just as unhappy.

At this point reverting mercy is significantly more change to Mercy than just tweaking her healing output, I think anyone who played Mercy in her old form should keep that as a special place in their heart and a snippet they can tell their friends when recalling how games have changed - If they went back then the necessary balance changes would not let her live upto the nostalgia.

yes it could turn tides but you could also mess it up. And there may be nostalgia but i’m pretty certain if they just had tweaked rez instead of reworking mercy a lot of seasons would have been much less frustrating (because of mercy)


I like that mass rez was removed. I think Valkyrie is fun.

I disagree with almost everything you posted, except Rez as an ability. I think it should be removed and replaced with something more fun. :woman_shrugging:

shared by many others and the devs. :blush:

i dislike private profiles

I often found people proclaiming valkyrie was so much fun,in the mercy megathread, and it usually turned out that people saying how much fun she was never played mercy.


Mercy isn’t meant to be the rez hero she’s meant to be the mobile main support, wouldn’t mind rez just being replaced with something else like another version of Orisa’s fortify

Just got to leave this here

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This rule is probably the most irrelevant of them all.

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