“If we tone her down too much, we will bring her back”

It’s part of the problem.

The aforementioned “Problem”, is that she has way too much on her kit. She has amazing heals, amazing survivability(GA on 2 seconds and self heal), Damage amp, Rez…

Toning one of them down shouldn’t impact her at all. If they tone ALL of them down, then MAYBE it’ll knock her down a tier, but they won’t/can’t risk doing that.

you missed my point. we know mercy needs tuning down but her direct hps didn’t make her a must pick. they want to nerf her? im fine with that. i expected that. the problem is that her hps wasn’t the problem. what made her have too much on her kit was after the rework that added cd rez and valk. those are the ones that need looking into not her hps.

she had 50hps on release they buffed it to 60 cause they deemed it too low. now all the nerf does is make rez more valuable. reducing her healing would result to an easier time for the enemy to outdamage her healing. meaning likelihood of teammates dying will also go up. this makes cd rez, the ability to bring them back, all the more important.

ang guess what no one likes cd rez more than they do the hps. mercy’s would prefer to keep her teammates alive cause the mercy player is stuck for ~2 seconds. enemy players dont like cd rez cause it’s a free charge and many find it unfair

she’s had dmg amp, ga, and 60hps before the rework and she wasn’t a must pick. she got that status after the rework that added valk and cd rez. like i said, they’re going at it the wrong way. they need to rework valk and cd rez not nerf her hps.

Are you seriously asking what is different from 2016 mercy and 2018 mercy? Like do you really need an answer for this?

i was specifically talking about her hps. obviously the biggest difference is the fact that her rework added cd rez and valk. which put her on the must pick tier. so why would you nerf her hps when cd rez and valk are the cause of the problem? fix/nerf/rework cd rez and valk, not her hps because that was never a problem.

I have played 10 hours of nerfed Mercy on PTR. Mercy is still strong, and she can still keep teammates alive. And I can still get 2 ults ready in 3 minutes.

HOWEVER, it requires much better teammates to cooperate, and a much better game understanding to do that. Because simply after this nerf, Mercy canNOT DIE if you still wants to heal more. BTW, heal 4000hp in 2 minutes is still possible. I had a 5 minute match and healed 8k.

I am a 150 hour Mercy Main

Because it’s the easiest option at the moment. She gets a Rez every 30s and this will overall make it more difficult for her. Nothing wrong adding some difficulty to her. Yes it was changed for a reason in 2016, but now it’s dial to dial it back. She should be okay. If not bring it up a bit.

The easiest option isn’t the best option. If the devs would go for the easiest option all the time, they would’ve tweaked Mass Rez not do a rework. But clearly they’re willing to put an effort.

It doesn’t add any difficulty towards her. And if anything it just raises the value of Rez. With a lower overall HPS on the team, more teammates will die. The ability to bring back teammates every 30seconds. People have said that it’s too strong to put on CD, and all the nerf does is make it all the more important.

And guess what. I swear people like her HPS more than her Rez. Mercy players would prefer to keep their teammates alive cause CD Rez is too risky. Enemy players don’t like Rez cause it’s a free charge every 30seconds, it feels cheap and unfair.

[quote=“OGgiraffrey-1466, post:211, topic:166858”]
Yes it was changed for a reason in 2016, but now it’s dial to dial it back. [/quote]
It was changed in 2016 because 50HPS was deemed too low. Nothing has changed. The problem rn is Mercy is picked more, but that’s barely because of her HPS it’s her CD Rez and Valk. The devs aren’t fixing the right problem. That’s the issue here.

ofc she’s still going to be okay. she’s still going to be a strong pick. it’s just that i doubt people are going to be contented with the nerf. no one is complaining about her hps. and they’re still going to complain about mercy cause she still has cd rez. she might be ‘balanced’ who knows, but this. no one wanted this, not the people complaining against her, and not the people arguing for her

Last I checked they said this rework was a “SUCCESS”. So almost a year later and I wonder why are they still nerfing this successful rework? :joy::joy::joy:

Although this isnt a nerf as much as it’s a revert to her former healing btw… and back then they buffed it because she couldn’t compete with the other supports (ironic as it is).

Her rez is just dangling in the wind and she is no longer a single target healer (Valkyrie)… wonder what bright idea is up for her next nerf in the future.

This change will effect plenty of heroes but overall it wont bring back Ana. Which is what a lot of players are assuming/hoping. Mercy has CONSISTENT healing (uninterrupted most of the time) while Ana and others are often blocked by barriers.

Perhaps make her beam break off when behind a barrier similar to how it does when a wall blocks her LOS. Idk but I await the results and the continued cries from all sides. Fresh entertainment. :wink:

deeper discussion here

The day they touch GA is the day I quit overwatch


what if they made it so she didnt need a teammate to fly to? =3

Because a success to them was eliminating the problem they were fixing to begin with. Which was Mercy hiding and telling her team to die on point so she could swoop in and get the 5 man res. They did indeed fix that.

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Just an FYI:

(unecessarily) Nerfing Mercy significantly while keeping the most powerful part of her kit powerful (Rez) does not fix the problems that other healers have.

They need to do something with rez or completely get rid of it in favor of a new ability (or not…whatever) to actually balance out Mercy in favor of putting her inline with the other supports

BTW: 50hps was changed to 60 hps because they thought (the balance team and the community)it was too weak and had almost no impact :^)

I still don’t see Mass Resurrection with a decrease on her ultimate charge rate. So I don’t see your point here. :thinking:

Not a full revert.

Please go read past patch notes. We had another ultimate. rolls eyes

Good meme.

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Ah yes because its so much better for her to stop healing to rez a teammate behind a wall while the rest of her team essentially “dies on point”. Only this time no one is being told to do so it’s just the natural selection of her rework.

Yes a major success indeed… :joy::joy::joy:

To OP:
Mercy was never bottom, Blizzard never broke their promise.

Mercy has been the strongest support since Ana got gutted. While the rework overtoned her, no arguing in that, they are trying their best to balance out the supports. While it feels like utter incompetence from the devs that Mercy receives so many consecuitive nerfs, try to imagine this:
They knew the Mercy rework was gonna make her OP. Just try to imagine they announced current live Mercy (still with 60hp/s) as her rework, instead of the one she got last september. People would’ve literally lost their s***. Probably every Mercy Main there was would’ve stopped playing, because compared to the insane Valkyre they presented us, this iteration of Valkyre sounds like it has 0 impact. Yet it’s still one of the strongest ultimates in the game.
Mercy is their cover girl, not Tracer as many people believe. The majority of the playerbase are Mercy mains, which Jeff confirmed in a forum post last year where he said, she’s the most mained hero.
They will NEVER overnerf her, because they know they are going to make a huge amount of their playerbase mad.

BUT they also need to keep the game fun and fair for EVERYONE ELSE. That’s why mass-rez is NEVER EVER coming back, no matter how many topics on the forum are created by the same Mercy mains every day. That’s why they are toning her healing down so it’s worth playing Ana and Moira over Mercy in some scenarios. Moira is supposed to have the most healing done, she literally has 0 utility. Mercy will still outheal Ana by a large margin. Mercy is SUPPOSED to be a utility healer like Ana, her strength in being SUPPORTING her team with damageamp and resurrects.

Valkyre Mercy is, per se, a healthier gameplay as mass-rez Mercy ever was.

Just because the forum is an echo chamber of the same 200 Mercy mains who think mass-rez was so balanced and fair, doesn’t mean it’s the opinion on most. Most people actually really think this iteration of Mercy is so much healthier for the game and needs a bit of toning down. Maybe even remove rez at some point and give her and invul. cast or a death prevention, which would be a proactive ability instead of a reactive one.

What a dumb argument. That’s like saying you need to rework Genji because his ulimate is unfun and unfair to play against.

Proof? Hello? Are you awake?

that information is very misleading, people who keeps telling to die on point and bringing them back isn’t possible unless something doesn’t happen to the mercy when a DPS or a Symmtra doesn’t take her down during the first season and the big res wasn’t the main issue so saying that a mercy hiding is a big lie so thank the online steamers.

Dang you must have dug deep to resurrect this thread


It’s not.

Which was essnetially a game of find the mercy that nobody felt worth playing as it was easier to just have a second team wiping ult set up.

As well, it was still so populare with the hero that Mercy main became a meme from it. Horrible mercy players with no game sense became the norm in high elo strictly because they would wait for their team to get destroyed, intentionally not healing them for the duration of the fight just to pad their stats with big res’, regardless if it was detrimental to their team or not.

Mercy hiding is not a big lie, you’re in a big denial.

h ttps://clips.twitch.tv/FunnyKathishTrianglePartyTime

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