No Mercy, no win.
Pretty much my matches since the start of the season.
No Mercy, no win.
Pretty much my matches since the start of the season.
Triple tank was late 2016 I think. By the time the Mercy rework rolled out she was sitting at 44% win-rate (I know, because I decided this was the perfect time to switch from Mercy to her lol).
I recall it ended with some very crippling nerfs to several parts of her kit, in particular to her damage (I think it went as low as 60 damage/dart?).
It’s because she synergizes well with Pharah and Ana. Ana is the real strongest Support, Mercy just makes her stronger.
Yeah, but if you look at all ranks together, there are only 3 heroes in the game that have over a 5% pick rate to begin with (Mercy, Ana, and Genji.) It’s an arbitrary choice that effectively removes all other options.
If you open up the “5% pick rate” to say, 2% or 3% just to avoid niche picks like Brigitte, suddenly Zenyatta comes in with a 3.47% pick rate (making him the 11th most picked hero in the game and 5th most picked Support,) with a 52.64% win rate. Compared to Mercy’s 7.31% win rate (making her the 2nd most picked hero and the 2nd most picked Support,) with her 49.63% win rate, so about 3% lower than Zenyatta’s.
Of course, this is using Overbuff. Which is why I asked the OP where they got their numbers from so I could look at them, but never got any response. Which between not wanting to give a source for their information and having a very arbitrary pick rate which eliminates most of the roster before anything else, makes me more certain that it’s just a troll trying to fan something up than someone with an actual issue.
Well theres still things you can work out from a graph without a y-axis but a graph based on small and incomplete data is useless.
So crazy conspiracy time people! Any notice a certain 3 letter user has been eerily silent for a while on the forums??
And now OP seems to be churning out “Mercy is the problem” threads like butter?
Why is brig at 55% wr ? when I play her i’m getting farmed always, lifeweaver feels better actually he can heal from safe range, these stats are sus
there’s plenty of playstyles i dont like but don’t say that about. I say it about mercy’s pocket playstyle bc I used to love mercy and they’ve ruined her (IMO), but also because it is an unhealthy playstyle, it makes problematic dps even more problematic, makes cheaters harder to deal with, is very no skill on the mercy’s part to just stick to one hero and do nothing else.
What middle ground is there for that?
Bc it’s a hero that plays well into brawl and poorly into dive and off meta.
This is why below %5 is not considered meta bc their success is situational.
Mercy is top pick and is paired with either a kiri or Ana.
I don’t understand why mercy players are upset that stats agree she’s top dog. Play mercy every game it should be more fufilling and successful than playing anything else if you already enjoy mercy
Unlikely. If it was the three letter name in question, then how did OP manage to type seven whole sentences about Mercy without insulting everyone who plays her?
that’s a really good argument to nerf genji
nah it’s disgusting how over time this is how pharah keeps being nerfed when you guys need to learn how to play a character skillfully in a requirement similar to other characters. it’s time mercy stopped being a BOT.
seriously a post with this many likes, and how the problem is OBJECTIVELY MERCY… TURNED TO MAKE PHARAH THE PROBLEM…
the problem is both heroes realistically. the combo is so powerful because of damage boost and pharah being able to be in the air 90% of the time. it is literally so easy to stay in the air and spam your primary and get kills, that’s why pharmercy is so strong. the duo is also hard to hit because PHARAH LETS MERCY STAY IN THE AIR WITH HER
this is a MERCY AND PHARAH PROBLEM!!! both heroes need absolute changing. pharah needs a completely hover jets rework, mercy honestly needs a soft rework because E rez does not work as an ability and valkyrie is completely lacking in the ultimate compartment. stop trying to put the blame on one hero when the reality is pharah is JUST as unhealthy as mercy is
nah people need an aim upwards rework
I mean… why wouldn’t the near impossible to kill support hero that also provides infinite source of healing and an infinite source of damage boost, while also being able to bring people back to life through intercontinental travel be strong.
No one who actually plays the game is shocked by this. The hero (like most of the support roster) is just too strong and designed poorly.
In terms of the ladder. You don’t need a pharah to have success on mercy.
Mercy can pair well with pretty much any hero over 10m of range.
I wouldn’t shy away from playing mercy just bc you don’t have a pharah.
Now if you have sombra tracer and Moira… mercy might not be optimal.
But if you have any hero with range or an ana or zen that need protecting mercy is a great pick. Top tier actually.
Every support brings infinite healing and damage to this game because ammo is unlimited, stop being dramatic and maybe people will take you half seriously.
Damage boost adds to a team less than half of the damage other supports bring. On a good day.
Hmmm true could be changing their MO.
If I need to explain to why it’s infinite compared to finite, and how other supports need to reload because you wanna be ignorant.
I’m not even going to bother trying to have a discussion with you.
And if you don’t understand why damage boost is strong… I’m not going to bother. It really isn’t rocket science.
Comparing 2 people having to shoot one target, to just boosting one person to do the damage of 2 and delete people that way?
THAT’S why it’s strong. The mercy doesn’t need to work that 2nd person job, just make the dps do both at the same time.
But at this point her survivability is the biggest part of her kit.
You can argue your case for her. The proof is in the game and her being constantly played. If she wasn’t too strong, this wouldn’t be the case…
Half the supports dont have to reload and the ones that do have higher, better healing that Mercy even with that reload in mind.
In fact Mercy in high ranks minimizes her healing because her ult is garbage and the other supports’ arent.
You are right, its not rocket science: damage boost is garbage and has always been a garbage filler. People just ran out of things to blame their losses on Mercy for.
Its just that people would rather blame Mercy that accept hitscans are overtuned or that they engaged on a 2v1 and lost.