Mercy highest win rate all tiers!?

are you watching the world cup matches ? it is weird that you do not see how wicked pharmercy combo is . Literally you and half of the overwatch forum takes are “learn to aim to counter pharah” , but mercy “lets nerf mercy” , “lets delete mercy”

The misunderstanding is that you’re filtering specifically for Grandmaster but I was referring to all ranks like the OP. Grandmaster players average over 50% win rate.

Remove damage boosts.

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If we want to get technical, Mercy has about a 1% higher winrate than Ana until Diamond, then that drops to 0.5% in Diamond and Ana has a better winrate in M/GM.

Ironically, the highest winrate duo in M/GM is Brig/Zen, proving that that duo is just strong in any environment, with Zen being essentially a third DPS and Brig having enough peel to keep him alive.

atleast they need to remove boosting “burst damage” like the pharah or junkrat bombs , certain damage abilities , etc

He says in the OP that this is the case “at all tiers including gm” so I figured he meant that Mercy had the highest win rate at each and every tier, not the all tiers option in the drop down. But yes, it’s true that if I use the all tiers option then Mercy does meet the random and meaningless requirements the OP has set out.


Remove damage boosts.

I’d take it with a grain of salt. Overbuff just hasn’t seemed to function quite properly since OW2’s release. At the start of the season it usually just fails to report any data for weeks, and often fluctuates a lot when the day changes. If you look at the daily stats you’ll see that her win rate fluctuates by almost 10% which should tell you how reliable it is. Similar idea with pick rate.


I don’t trust the matchmaker, so I’m still going to hold off on picking mercy for most of my game in ranked haha. But that’s surprising to know that mercy has the highest winrate now.

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Wasn’t this around triple tank meta or am I tripping and that was more late 2016?

her healing is not even close to bad, clunky yes, but she excels at everything. damage, utility, healing, survivability.

you wonder why? because even if we nerfed/removed dmg boost, and buffed pharah to be strong, she would substantially be meta everywhere (GM-top500 is debatable). pharmercy is a problem because of 2 things. pharahs 90% air-uptime and mercys dmg boost. if we nerf dmg boost but keep pharah the way she is now, pharmercy will still be a problem because pharah is the issue. mercy is only 1 part of it.

nerf/rework pharahs jets, give her 100 health and 100 recoverable shields, nerf damage boost, and the duo wouldn’t be so strong. pharah would also be better since she would have recovering shields so she doesn’t need mercy clinging onto her 24/7. look, i main mercy, i understand damage boost is a problem, but you also have to understand that damage boost is genuinely her only value and utility. if you nerf that, you HAVE to buff her elsewhere. if you don’t, she’ll be the worst support in the game. it’ll be like OW1’s 50 hps again lol.

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im pretty sure triple-tank was 2016, early or late. i forgot what made it not meta though.

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what data are you using to support this claim?

its never functioned properly since its creation lol. anyone using overbuff, would immediately be false with their takes since overbuff is 100% wrong information. the only way it would be accurate, is if it counted private profiles. THEN we could use overbuff as a means of pick/winrate.

Even if Overbuff was absolutely correct in all things down to the hundreth decimal point, Ana is only slightly behind while dwarfing everyone else in terms of pick rate. It’s not just the matchmaker you shouldn’t be trusting; OP’s claim is about as amazing or relevant as Mercy has the highest winrate all tiers of any support whose name begins with the letter ‘m’.


Well yeah, pharahmercy is good. But the thing is, Pharah should be good, and she just isn’t without Mercy.

Meanwhile Mercy is an amazing hero even without Pharah.

Mercy just has a lot more room to go down in power without becoming underpowered. I also don’t think Mercy should necessarily be quite so strong in top skill brackets, whilst Pharah probably should be at least decent.

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Glad to see that you fully understand the situation . But it is very rare to find a Pharah without a mercy . Hitscan a pharah who is constantly pocketed and can 2 shot you when the second one need not even be direct hit ?
Not fun at all .

Indeed, which is why I think the strength of pocketing gameplay should be weaker for top brackets.

It doesn’t help that basically all the heroes capable of shutting down a pharah, like Ashe, Echo and Sojourn have had major damage nerfs in no small part due to the strength of them being pocketed.

Like, requiring a mercy amp in order to kill a mercy pocket just isn’t smart design imo.

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Best? Not sure… Broken? – That’s more realistic statement! A hero that turns 5v5 into potential 6v5 every 30 seconds, considering game dynamic and how hard it is to kill anything in this game, can not be considered fair. Supports are so broken rn, so easy to get value of their broken utility and damage.
Like imagine, all the hitscans follows the rule of fall-off damage, but Ana. How would you call that?

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EDIT: Oh wait, I think I understood what you’ve said. No you’re right, you do need mercy amp to deal with pocketed sojourn/ashe etc especially as hitscan (unless you go hanzo/widow and one shot).