Mercy hides far more now than she used to btw

So it has limits and doesn’t work well with every comp.

Still miles better than what other healers can do.

Or maybe it wouldn’t have it, since there are obvious counters for hide and rez like Hammond. Also, I can bet something that even in the worst possible scenario, she wouldn’t hide as much as she hides right now.

I never had the need to hide. Now it’s hide and rez or die. That simple. Even Seagull has admitted that he prefers mass rez over what we have now, because even he knows that hide and rez were “only a bunch of Mercys hiding” not every single Mercy all the time.

Right. Yet the ult that could be used behind walls 100% of the time, required no LoS and had a bigger radius required less hiding? You haven’t explained why this Rez inspired less hiding than E rez.

rez wouldnt have to exist if one shots stopped being a thing tbh

What do you mean? Masters and GM were riddled with players hiding for mass rez. I was there.

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More so than the lower ranks :stuck_out_tongue:

This is coming from someon that says that brigitte’s shield bash shouldnt stun.

No but see your idea would ONLY work in deathball though. And deathball isn’t even a widely used meta.

Taking away the ability to fly to souls is a huge nerf in order to fix a single problem: flying in after everyone died. You’re taking a sledgehammer to Mercy to fix one little issue. I don’t get how you can’t see the fallacy there.

Just give her a small cast time, that’s all it takes. Removing the ability to fly to souls would be a HUGE nerf to her mobility. It’s just so obvious you have no idea how to balance Mercy.

Brig is a joke of a hero who threw balance out the window.

Good player’s don’t hide. They sustain their team until they can no longer be sustained. Weird, you got hiding Mercy’s in Masters and GM. Either one, you’re confusing common sense with hiding or two, you’re referring to a Mercy hiding when the last team fight is about to start which is again, risky and bad, but usually works when you’re about to fight your last fight. In other words, common sense.


GreyFalcon is very biased, he won’t be happy until Mercy’s pick rate is below Bastions.

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Who would have thought the most defenseless hero that has a constant KILL THIS neon sign hanging over her head 24-7 would want to hide? Def not to avoid damage or death or anything.

She should totally stand in the open all the time and just body block damage like Roadhog, she has self regen anyway

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Honestly think people are confusing common sense with “Hide n Res”.

If a large cast time isn’t enough to prevent current rez from being “too powerful”, why would a short cast time stop mass rez from being the same?

One’s an ability and the other would be an ultimate.

it wouldn’t be on a 30 second timer to back.

This. This is stupid. Current Resurrect will always be too powerful because of the simple fact that it’s a mini ultimate on a static cool down.

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Easy, because as an ultimate mass rez would be saved for special situations, not simply used on cd, as it’s used now because it’s given. Abilities are used way more than ultimates, that’s why abilities are abilities and ultimates are ultimates (Ron Obvious)

Also, as an ultimate, Mercy wouldn’t have her ez mode that makes her good for every situation and would fit with her own character again, once removed the obnoxious slow down.

Because the reason it was removed was because of “Hide and Rez” as people like you always say. Adding a cast time to Mass Rez adds counterplay. The one thing people said it lacked. During the cast all you have to do is stun her (and there are a lot of stuns in the game now), and there you go, Mass Rez cancelled.

The reason her current rez is still really powerful is because it’s on a cooldown. She doesn’t have to do anything to earn that Rez.

But denying a Mass Rez with a stun is a big deal, because then she needs to work to get it back again, not just wait.

How many rez per game do you figure is typical?

Because Mercy mains seem to act like it’s somewhere near 20.