Mercy has too much going on

has nothing to do with the moth meta for me

i am playign in diamons elo and all i see is the team witha mercy wins way more often than other healers

and when you focus her she just flies out of reach of every character in a blink of an eye effortlessly
while ofc being able to quickly change direction mid dash

and most of all…all of this without having to aim for her heals (that could justify her insane mobility if she had to aim just a bit for her healing…a good mercy would be able to keep up with her speed and keepign her beam on allies…but no at the moment you can even heal people behind you (for real)

hurr durr, skill issue

they already removed the triage healing and her movement was nerfed last patch? Her ga used to be 2-3 secs but now if she uses any mechanic with her ga it becomes 3-5 seconds.

I think Mercy is allowed to be the ultamite jack of trades support because she can’t figut back, sure she can fly away but whethere she lives or not is dependent on whoeverbis protecting her

It’s people like you who made her super clunky. She’s actually so easy to kill now, and if you’re still struggling then I’m sorry but you don’t deserve to climb.

Which was something so many Mercy players said was bad to incorporate-Aspen called it ALL the way back in season 1.

Really the only Mercy player that made a fuss to keep it was Skietsi. Others went “it’s good and cool but could become broken”-and didn’t want to chance it getting it.

No no what justifies it is that she literally cannot defend herself without stopping her heals. She has to swap out of healing or damage boosting to pistol.

Her mobility it literally how she peels for herself without the need of the other support or teammates to do so.

So yeah I’m going to continue to think you’re bitter cause you got out played by a Mercy player and just parroting the arguments that have been disproven and have even been talked about by Mercy players since the launch of OW2.

she canot defend herself because she doesnt have to

And also most healers in the game have to stop healing in order to defend themselves
except they dont have such a high mobility as well

so no thats not an excuse for her ease of healign while being basically untouchable by players that arent top 500 on hitscans

mercy was just a character designed to be easy to play and to master, but was more balanced because having a healer mono target wasnt that insane when two tanks were around
now that only one tank is around… keeping 2 dps alive and boosted with mercy is easier than ever (you can let your other healer deal with the tank easily now)

also no more 2nd tank to put pressure on her, no more winston jumping on her while the 2nd tank portects the frontline

just a stupid moth flying everywhere, with regen, and giving valeu to her team even when she isnt looking at them

i wish my ana shots were also hitting 100% of the time no matter where i look :stuck_out_tongue:

Ana doesn’t need to weapon swap. Bap doesn’t need to weapon swap. Moira doesn’t need to weapon swap. Moira has orb. Bap has regen burst. Ana has gnade. All have the ability to heal while doing damage.

Mercy doesn’t.

I get it you hate Mercy. Just say that and be done with it.

Again you still sound like you’re just salty being outplayed by a Mercy player and it’s evident the more you try to argue it.

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they dont need to swap yes, but they cant heal while using their kit

mercy doesnt need to swap she just have to ignore whoever is attacking her

not all have ability to heal while dealing damage btw (lw-zen-kiriko)

yes i hate mercy because she is braindead, easy to use, and rewards 0 efforts while my healers have to watch their cooldown, think about their positoning and their aim or else as a tank i die

Mercy : hold left click, use shift when she is attacked… done

mercy outplays nobody in this game, dont make it look like she is actually doing anything spectacular lmao XD
She just vomits on her keayboard and call it a day

if most people, me included makes our GF, or beginers play her when they still struggle with the game its for a reason X)

Nah I’m done, I saw how you rewrote history in another thread. You don’t care about actual balance or possible issue with Mercy, you just want her trashed.

Got me going though, so good job on that.

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No, she’s still easy to take out, you just are in lower ranks where the dps are too lazy or inaccurate to shoot down a skilled Mercy. In upper ranks she’s a free kill if she zips around in open field like that.

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“skilled mercy in a low rank”

Somethign isnt right there XD

the skills involved in playing a Mercy well are generally not the same skills used to play another character well

that doesnt mean there arent skills involved…they are quite simply a different set of skills

even if the required skills are different

a gold dps has a gold aim and a mercy has gold movements (even tough most mercys have top tiers movement since its pretty easy to do now)

She literally only heals 55 HPS single target, just focus fire whoever she is healing instead of shooting her then

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this paints with far too broad a brush

not every player in every tier has the exact same set of skills

and skill is hardly the only factor that places a player in a given tier. Some are blessed with higher hand to eye coordination than others, for example

Incidentally, any thoughts on this set of Mercy changes, and related changes that “solve” her pocketing issues?

[OW2] Weekend PatchNotes I'm in the mood for:

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I think that’d be great and also would allow Pharah to be her own hero

There are a lot more “skilled hitscan” in low ranks destroying the field so the last thing anyone should complain about is a harmless skilled hummingbird flapping around.

Well, admitting it’s a skill issue’s a good first step. Where next?