Mercy HAS to be rewarded for moving

Could always do this. Just because the passive exists doesn’t mean that they couldn’t prior.

That’s not really an issue. Generally speaking, Tanks have armor that’s generally a better return on healing mitigation over regular health. Barring that, there’s also defensive tools that Tanks have to severely mitigate or eliminate completely while healing, so… kinda irrelevant.

Ultimates help here. Plus AMP does a pretty good job mitigating. Not every support is supposed to be equal or healing at the same rates.

But there’s now passive healing and Tanks get a little extra help here while not taking damage.

With rather strict timing and largely unlisted or unknown about for the general playerbase. Yeah, long time gamers and those that “know” things about Overwatch, but Overwatch needs to be more concerned with the general playerbase and they need to be able to perform similar techs with both the knowledge they get through the game, and was as ease of access for those that… really don’t have the kinds of motor skills for it.

You can always request additional features be added to make Guardian Angel easier to work with for you, or other players. Many players wanted additional features for Baptiste to be able to manually reload instead of automatically because he didn’t run out of healing ammo, but damage ammo.

Irrelevant, but I’ve been victim to those on more than just Mercy, so I totally get it.

She is, being harder to shoot at is the reward. She can use some slight buffs but I’d avoid messing with numbers or rez too much, mercys a super easy hero with a super low skill floor, you give her too much free value for no effort and shell become support Sombra with an overbloated kit so the lowest common denominator players can pretend they’re good at the game.

YES it would make her so much healthier for the game immediately

I’d like this although I like one of Valk’s strengths being it’s duration so I’d only wanna see it go down to 10-12 seconds minimum

Yes please

MEGA yes please x100

Not a fan of this at all personally. It was one of the many Mercy mains vocally asking them to remove it when it was added that one season. It’s free value all the time that she doesn’t need and doesn’t increase her complexity at all but rather makes her much more one dimensional as instead of having to weave in heal and damage boost beams effectively you just hold right click on people until they are low and then instantly heal them up and repeat. Makes her beam gameplay a lot less engaging.

Not to mention it outright buffs pocketing on squishies immensely. We saw last time it was in game how useless sustained damage characters like Winston, Rein, Zarya, Tracer, etc. were against a Mercy pocket. They physically could not kill through her healing. There being no limit or duration on this bonus critical healing made it super unfun and unfair to play against as anyone who wasn’t a burst damage hero.

I would rather they do one of the following:

Mercy’s base healing gets lowered but she has a resource meter and can increase her healing by holding down her currently unused R/reload button on her staff which increases her HPS but drains the meter. Each teammate could have their own meter to again discourage pocketing and encourage her to fly around healing everyone. So I could fly to Rein, boost my heals on him for a few sec to top him off, then fly to my Ana and do the same, etc.


Mercy’s healing starts high but decays to a lower number slowly over time. This effect would be on a per-teammate basis to encourage team wide healing and nerf pocketing one person.


Mercy builds resource/charge bar while flying to allies and can then press Reload to burst heal them

I get the thought process behind this although I feel like in practice it would be annoying because there’s a lot of periods of time during the game where no one needs healing and you should just be damage boosting a DPS but now you’re just gonna either sit there not beaming anyone or just be healing full HP targets to avoid your damage boost decaying. Maybe if her new E ability was something she’s doing pretty constantly it would feel fine tho.

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Indeed. It is sad, but there is nothing in between

My average Res over 10mins is pretty high, but my Res are not the best either xD
And I remember getting out from games with 0 Res landed.
There was no room or opportunity for it.

For all the options I’ve seen so far, I never saw one that I can say, this is viable

And Res average ratio is already around 2.5minutes.
There are players that have their ultimate ready in 60seconds

It is a problem. That’s why since Season 9 came out, Mercy is forced to heal more often

It was actually 1.5 all around, and 1 when cancelling GA.
It was the perfect sync for Beam lingering for 1.3 seconds when breaking Line of Sight, so Prop Jumps were something much more usable during games

Devs knew the chain relation and synergy between all this mechanics

That’s the goal

What you just said, makes absolutely no sense

The bigger the gun, the smaller the brain

That’s a fact

I don’t want to be that guy… but from Masters and above, Mercy should never have more heals than any other Main Support

Becuase if you do, it actually means you are cannibalizing heals from your Ana; like healing your Tank for example

If Ana can’t burst heal characters with large health pools, then she can’t charge her ultimate

And if Ana can’t combo her Nano at the same charge rate from other teammates, you got a recipe for low elo right there

Because no one cares about a Blade going out all by itself xD

I always will be in favor of this honestly.


Yeah damage boost kinda hard to balance as if you remove it she has nothing to do, if you nerf it with just flat numbers it’s always useless and if you buff it it’s always too much value

Yeah you’re right I didn’t really think of this. It might just be better to give it a Flat Buff to 60HPS considering she can only heal 1 at a time.

I like this but in order for this to work, the dps passive will HAVE to go cause her base healing will be outlandishly useless.

I like this too but it could hurt the hero as Mercy doesn’t have an ability to stop damage coming into her team like an Anti, Brig Whip, Kiri Flank, Lucio Boop/Flank etc so it could feel really bad for Mercy players where the teammates don’t play around cover. I guess a way around this is if the ability that replaces rez is valueable enough to allow her healing to go down sorta how you were suggesting earlier about the damage boost change

Another idea is it could just boost flat damage and doesn’t boost the HS multipler.

Bros, mercy players’s ults should increase with each breath they take

This is very good lore wise, but we would still land on the same problem with Mercy being stationary

I think this mechanics, if applied to GA, would be a lot better

It would encourage a much more aggressive gameplay in exchange of the low risk hard pocket on a single teammate for the entire match, and it would also push new players to learn the character in depth, while rewarding high skilled players in the same process

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See you say that like tanks haven’t been upset for several seasons at how easily they get demolished by other heroes. That might be a role issue, but Mercy’s healing during a team fight exemplifies this issue, while other supports can generally make up for it with good usage of their own abilities… aka, pouring all of their healing/immortality resources into the tank. Two things Mercy doesn’t have outside of her ult. :upside_down_face:

I understand that a change was needed, because Blizzard couldn’t really give guides on how a bug worked, but that doesn’t mean they had to change it to that in order to make it a feature. Omnidirectional slingshotting outright broke the ability, which is why the GA cooldown had to be nerfed for the first time since Overwatch has existed.

That nerf pushed Mercy harder into the pocket healer role than anything else Blizzard could’ve done, and people still say she moves around too much because of omnidirectional slingshots. I don’t get why the devs couldn’t have put in more effort to implement a similar system to the old superjump while making the mechanics for it simpler.

I’d fight god for OW1 GA. 100% want it back.

If we must bring back Triage can we at least try gating it at a higher HP value?
Like “Mercy heals 50% (or w/e) more when allies are above 60% HP.”
It makes the DB vs Heightened Healing an interesting decision, letting an ally drop below by focusing on DB is risky as you’ll be working with less heals and it’ll be easier to secure a kill through your heals, but healbotting someone won’t win the duel/fight just buy them time. Having that dilemma potentially on multiple allies feels more interesting than once they get below this health just heal and hope it’s enough time you can buy.

I hate Rez, please take it and give me something better (less disruptive and more like… interesting?).

Valk adjustments would probably need to cut the duration depending on how much buffage and where those buffs go. Like just upping her HPS by like 5? Probably won’t need a nerf, the more drastic the changes the shorter the ult would need to get. I wouldn’t mind a more burst impact ult tbh, but sometimes Valk being so long is the value I get from it.

Overall, I agree with the basic statement. The more movement she’s using and active Mercy is in fights the more risk and skill she takes, so looking to encourage that active constant moving playstyle is the best way to break Mercy from pocketing and notably increase her skill curve/demand.

Bring it! xD

The spirit/enthusiasm and determination made laugh a lot

I don’t agree with going back to it, but such passion always deserves respect xD

Like I can still remember Niandra’s workshops

And King’s Row.
We will always have King’s Row xD

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There’s very little you showed in the second set of clips that couldn’t have been accomplished by old superjump, because old superjump gave you full control over how high your jumps were or how fast your slingshots were, no matter the distance of your normal GAs.

Distance-based superjumping and slingshotting always have a randomness factor to it, because you never really know for sure where you’re teammates are going to position or move, or what situaitons you’ll end up in during team fights. Sometimes teammates positioning can be the difference between getting to a better position or not getting to a better position. Whereas with old superjump, if you wanted to get somewhere… you just could! It was always within your control, so long as you could pull off the mechanic in the right way.

Same thing with going through doorways or being stuck in a tight corner with a teammate. You always had the option to just slide right past your teammate by going the minimum distance for a GA and slingshotting past them with good timing. But with the new version of slingshot, you’re pretty much stuck behind whoever you’re with. You don’t get enough distance to build the momentum to maneuver around those tight spaces if someone’s just a little too close to you. You have to try and make that extra distance yourself, which only wastes time if you’re trying to survive in a pinch.

It doesn’t feel good to play a hero who’s only defense is movement, and you can’t use that movement, because the mechanics just don’t allow it when you’re too close to your team. Combine that with the way OW2’s collision will sometimes halve your momentum mid-flight, and it makes the new Mercy movement feel a lot more restrictive.

Moving on that 2D plane was also just healthier for the game, I think. If you knew how Mercy movement worked, you could generally predict how a Mercy was going to move if you saw her flying to a teammate. By making Mercy’s slingshots omnidirectional, that predictability is gone almost entirely, which is why GA’s cooldown had to be nerfed for the first time ever, further restricting Mercy’s movement. Less movement only discourages Mercy from being a part of team fights. There was a partial revert for the cooldown, but I doubt we’re ever really going to see the old GA cooldown again unless something changes about slingshotting.

Okay I think I’m good, ty for coming to my TED Talk. :bowing_man:


Yeah, but that L shape flight or U turns is what wins more games xD

And that is not correct! xD
SJ had no control over height back in OW1. Its why Mercy could skyrocket to the roof at minumum distance. The trick was to delay the jump and wait for the 90* allignment with your target

SJ Res worked in a similar way by jumping a bit earlier. Like you would do when projecting a V shape SJ

But GA had no control over the speed of slingshots either. That’s also why Mercy can feel “slower” in Overwatch 2.
That critic I understand and it is valid. Mercy’s previous GA would run at maximum speed from start to end, but something must be given in exchance for the 3D mobility

Otherwise it would completely broken.
And I already thought to myself we could have a 30% flight speed increase back in Season 2 xD

is what wins more games xD
it also saves more lives :dancing_women:

Because the second segment of GA had no requirements.
If your ally was at minimum distance, you would always travel at maximum speed

This is also a thing. But only for the second segment of GA.
You can only get body-blocked during the inital flight, but if you touch an enemy during second one, you loose about all speed

OKAY, reward for good movement, but then, If she hits any walls or ledges with her head, that should be a 1 second McCree stun effect. Clean should be clean for a reward, right? xD

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As long as exactly 1 player, at best, is most optimal to rez/boost, pocketing will remain. But all things being suggested, instead of resolving that, just try to force Mercy into following suboptimal targets.

With ult being pathetic, even saving yourself from enemies becomes less of a reason to use GA, since you won’t be rewarded for prolonged survival anyway.

A mini mercy rework which somehow empowers her for arguably being on the move would be interesting. It would force her into cooldowns on GA more often possibly. Which means more mismanagement opprotunities if spammed without purpose.

Could encourage more total activity within a team than sticking to one hero. However, this effect on movement would need to be pretty massive. I’m happy with the idea of a lingering beam effect where say if you swap targets, you refresh the staleness of the dmg bst and allow multple people to benefit.

There are many ways this could be done, but Mercy’s pretty balanced as is I’d say. Very middle of the road it seems in terms of success.

You need Mercy to actually be powerful with more, than one teammate, for that to happen.

And Mercy has a resource called Revive.

No, it didn’t. Mercy is still the second fastest hero in the game next to Wrecking Ball, and still more mobile than more than half of all the heroes in the game with an extremely low cooldown, besides.