Mercy HAS to be rewarded for moving

NGL if you’re bad just say that :sob:. Aiming isn’t my strong suit and even I punish Mercy’s everytime I see her.

Considering Bap/Ana/Kiriko/Moira/LW have higher healing per second this is delusional and they have abilites that heal. + The first 4 can damage the enemy team to where they don’t need to heal

What rank are you to be curious? Also even if this was the case you’d just play Ana/Moira/Bap


Yeah, I guess the term I should’ve used instead is “pocket-bot.” It just feels like Mercy can’t take a lot of opportunities to damage boost people outside of whoever the best DPS to pocket on her team is.

Like, holding damage boost on an Ashe sniping people from across the map brings a lot more consistent value over boosting her Reinhardt’s firestrikes to get him more ult charge in the moment. Every time she breaks away from her pocket to help someone else, it feels like a missed opportunity to help them secure a kill, and that’s kind of important when playing a hero who rarely gets elims on her own.

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I thought of that but I also realize that Mercy kinda needs something to do when eberyone is full so I’d rather just have her doing atleast some damage boost.


She could fill the resource by healing, that way she’d be opposite to moira who fills her healing with damage.

A full resource meter could give 4 or 5 seconds of dmg boost, and there’s always a teammate somewhere who needs the heals.

Idk, i’d like to test a build like that at least. See how it would feel in practice.

XD makes more sense.


Mercy’s rewarded for moving. She gets to survive longer. Do you mean changing beam targets? Bc not all of those changes incentivize that.

I thought of this but this would mean that would be what has to replace rez and I don’t think that would be enough to make Mercy viable. It would be interesting to test tho.

Her reward isn’t worth just not pocketing a dps. Also which change incentives something else


It wouldn’t have to necessarily replace rez, although that’s up to the programming wizards at Blizzard to determine. I’ve seen suggestions for Mercy to have an ability on her reload button when she’s using her beams.

Or it could be tied to using rez on someone who’s still alive (with a much shorter cooldown, of course). Rez can be super situational anyways, so it’d be cool to have a second function for that ability slot, if it’s possible.

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I feel like Mercy needs a reintroduction of Triage back with the dps mortal strike nerf because it punishes her design disproportionately with her passive.

She needs either a reintroduction of this to bring her healing and survivability in line with the other supports or maybe longer beams to increase survivability.

I can’t speak for other Mercy players, but “survivability” isn’t an issue with Mercy that I can tell, from my experience with her anyhow. Zero death games are more the norm than not, and average deaths per 10min are extremely low, like in the 2’s. Surviving is kind of her jam IMHO.


The issue with Mercy is that she lost most of her impact over the years.

Before the rework, Mass Rez was her end goal. Tempo Rezzing was her ideal gameplan and end goal of her healing. Removed.

Valkyrie pre-nerfs kept this idea but removed her ability to punish Q2W comps. The rest of Valk isnt worth an ultimate slot at all.

And now her healing beam and her whole gameplan got a massive nerf in the form of the DPS passive, since she is supposed to be the mobile triage healer.

Mercy’s movement rewards good positioning.
Just sucks when you get noobs who think rez rewards letting your teammate die cause you can just rez. I’ve had so many QP Mercy players watch me die.

I just remember hearing from better players than I that it was and I can def see how in higher ranks it could be. I generally don’t have an issue unless I get turbo focused.

My biggest issue is I feel like…I can’t heal or save anyone. Moira has insane burst HPS, maybe Mercy needs like a Torb steroid button to make her staff like uber heal for X seconds or uber damage boost for X seconds.

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Imagine blaming Mercy for this :laughing:
Gamer moment - Blame whatever luuu zkillz


I really want to leave Valk the way it is now. I’ve argued that it’s the highest skill ceiling of any ukt in the game because of its flexibility, which is largely due to its duration. There’s no one right way to use it, and it requires moment-to-moment decision making throughout.

Yes, most people just hold down the heal button and float there, but their wasting it doesn’t make it a bad ult. Those who do a ton of work with it should continue to be rewarded with the opportunity to express their skill. Dumbing it down doesn’t make it more impactful; it just limits its possibilities.

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Tank Healing can make or break a game, which is why i typically play as Mercy when Support. If your team’s Tank keeps dying over and over, its game over!

This is false. Healing from Mercy is still one of the strongest in the game. Consumes no ammo, lasts indefinitely as long as it’s channeled and cannot be blocked except through Biotic Grenade or Rampage.

False. New Mercy Guardian Angel is dramatically improved with several new features that allow for more movement, without complicated inputs or abuse of bugs, mechanics or physics.

It’s plenty impactful as it is already. Granting a 500% boost in healing output and nearly equal in damage-boosting.

To say nothing of Mercy’s own physical improvements; improved flight speed; infinite ammo, projectile speed increases and infinite flight.

It’s already in pretty good shape to compete with all other Support weapons and many damage-role weapons. She still does higher damage per second than Lucio, Illari, Genji, Ana, and others.

Projectile speed could probably be improved, though.

Not needed when Guardian Angel has a 30 meter range and a low cooldown of just 2 seconds.

Already increased when health was increased.

Mercy is easily able to outpace Ana.

Eliminations don’t win games, either. Neither do debuffs. The only thing that wins games is surviving on the objective long enough to get it to its destination or longer than the other team.

Which means, Tanks are the predominant choice for this, but it also means healing and surviving extremely valuable. Something that Mercy excels with.

Nope. This is false.

Guardian Angel and general healing already discourages this. It’s is pointless to be damage-boosting just about everyone because very few breakpoints change. The only reasons for Damage-boosting is largely through ultimates or through Tanks and other highly accurate players/heroes. And healing will also negate much of that by another second or two added to kill times.

Not needed, because this has never been discouraged. You are supposed to be actively triaging with all supports, Mercy especially.

She still has the lowest death count amongst the Support roster. And with her current beam range and Guardian Angel range, she has an effective coverage of 45 meters. That’s more than plenty, and far better than many Supports.

Moira runs on healing over time, when you use primary fire, and a healing biotic orb, that’s the only time when she matches Mercy’s healing rates in a half-second. Moira gets better healing output because she’s primarily area effect; but she also has to spend ammo to do that. Mercy does not.

When Mercy enters Valkyrie and starts healing through that, she’s hitting over 200 healing per second in a far easier access healing that Moira does with Coalescence.

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Yeah you’re just an idiot


The DPS passive can easily burn through Mercy’s healing if an enemy’s hitting their shots. A teammate either needs to play around cover more, or Mercy has to bodyblock for them to keep them from getting killed, which isn’t possible when vsing a good chunk of the roster.

Plus healing tanks is painful. Even if you get someone who knows how to back off from a fight, if they’re at critical health and you’re the only support who can help them, you and your tank have to waste extra time sitting behind cover, twiddling your thumbs while you watch their health bar rise agonizingly slow. The only ones who compare are Lucio and Zen; anyone else could heal them up to full twice as quickly.

“Complicated inputs” girl it was 1 extra button. I honestly prefer that, because it gave you more control on whether or not you wanted to superjump after a GA. You held the button if you did, and you didn’t when you didn’t. It made playing with toggle GA a lot easier, which I have to do because carpal tunnel will not let me hold down buttons without feeling like my joints are freezing up.

Also, collision is just terrible in this game with the new superjump. Like I know this is largely personal preference, but I hate whenever I feel the difference in game. Before, collision on roofs or against walls were ways you could manipulate your superjump movement. Now, touching anything while trying to superjump slows your momentum significantly, making collision something you have to actively fight against or avoid altogether (which is even worse since they ADDED MORE AAAAA-). It’s not great. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve died, because I lost half of my slingshot trying to fly through a doorway.

You can call old superjump “complex,” but it was as complex as riding a bike. You had to practice and understand it to pull it off consistently, just like any mechanical skill. And after that point, you could experiment with it and test how far you could push Mercy’s movement. You had full influence over her superjump height and distance (and the environment wasn’t constantly out to kill you), which gave old Mercy movement a sense of precision and control that the new version just lacks.


I won’t argue with OW1 mobility being an absolute nightmare to master, but how is:
Fly from point A, and slightly maneuver to either side once you reach point B, any better than infinite omnidirectional points?

And right now we are not arguing difficulty anymore, but I don’t understand how some players defend moving into a 2D plane, can have any benefit from doing so in a 3D one

And, at any moment, in any direction, just from the very initial flight.
Are there any Reins longing for the return of OW1 limited strafe and no stop when charging?

I mean, how is this:

Better than this:

And we do agree than one is incredibly harder than the other, but the risk, the lack of dynamic and Play-Making Reward, don’t match the effort it takes to master that OW1 mobility. Its why you only saw specialists in top500, while the rest of all our favorite support streamers, sucked so hard at playing Mercy

I got nothing against it. But I think most players in the match don’t understand the value of +25% damage boost to all affected allies for a 15 sec duration.
It can also happen that the optimal team composition for Mercy is never too Optimal for capitalizing the ult. Because Mercy doesn’t excel at Brawl or Dive comps

This is really good. But I don’t want any more nerfs to mobility at expense of 5 additional bullets in the magazine or whatever changes that deviate from the fact that Mercy’s core design, is all about movement control

This sure brings a lot of frustration for low elo players, but let’s face it, thinking Mercy design without Res, is like thinking of a Rein rework with no shield

It simply cannot happen. And devs were pretty clear about it when they said that for as long as there are characters capable of 1shoting heroes, Res will stay.

And god forbids from this trash Arcade mode that came out like a troll meme joke for an ability that counter itself by undoing what the player executed with precision

If Mercy can’t res a player because his soul landed in the most terrible spot, why would anyone take any risk at bringing that player again? … for 10seconds? and in middle of a fight? Yeah, keep cooking Eskay. Lucio’s Sound Barrier goes brrrrr! xD

I got 3000hours as a specialist, and this subject is exhausting. And the problem is not high elo. Res in Masters and above is garbage; just like Mercy’s current state.
And I’m not even thinking of solutions because I personally do not care anymore. I’m tired with this subject.
So all I’m going to bring is why something will cause more issues than solutions.
Just like that guy who wanted Mass Res to come back xD

We already had this…

I know Mercy’s healing right now is a joke. But introducing such effect on top of additional ones, it already proved to be a catastrophe

Hanzo-Zarya combo
Sigma’s Ult
Ramattra infinite thing

All you had to do was land a Nade from Ana, pop Valk for the diferential base healing, and you had 135 hit points per second, to all allies affected by links

On top of that, targets that drop to a critical state… just won’t die

Just buff her base healing if you ask me. Try 60 or 65hp/s.
But the problem with increasing healing, is that the faster the ally gets stabilized, the quicker Mercy can swap again to amplifying

“This change will encourage Mercy to move more to get the most effective value of healing”
and no. I’m sorry but I don’t know and I don’t really care what Devs were thinking, but Triage Healer… never happend

It was nothing but a troll change so Tanks thought Mercy was now going to be amazing for healing them, while a Zarya or a Ramattra deleted her face by just ignoring everyone on that short distance; with GA being ready again for OW3 release

Cool Victory Pose, but sorry; Triage Healer, never happened

Now you are cooking!
I asked for this not so long ago

Because the issure right now, is that Mercy has a low skill floor, and a Very decent impact. But high skill specialists, are not being properly rewarded from reaching Mercy’s skill ceiling. Which is, Mastering Micromobility

So what you get from combining such change for Damage Boost, and restoring mobility to Season 1… with the current Leech effect… we can now have a serious talk about Triage Healer being a something more but a Shop or Gallery item

This is like thinking about Mercy without Res. But the way around xD

Why would Mercy, in her design, cause a Damage Over Time effect on an enemy? xD

And don’t get me wrong, it looks amazing. But such effects like Poison, are much better for a different character. And since we have overbloated mechanics on brawler heroes such as Doomfist, perhaps this could fit a lot better, in a new character

Could have been Venture!
But you know… enjoying life, culture, ice cream and brain freezes xD

The ability itself is calling for Talon or even Omnics; as in an acid burn.
There’s nothing cool or heroic about acid xD

Bring back S1 mobility and call it a day

Maybe you said it in the wrong way, but I’ll take this as Stop nerfing mobility for making her completely stationary? Making everyone miserable in the process? As in the no-gameplay style of gameplay? Meme Mercy? You have a point on that one

I think all players should be punished for bad calls. Because… it is not fair to reward bad decisions.
But, if Mercy is a mobility hero, from tip to toes, then she should have the proper tools to excel when needed

I agree thats why I buffed mobility lol

Rez in it’s current state is either too oppressive or not useful and it’s usually the not useful part.

This might just force a pocket playstyle even more + amplifying when no one needs healing isn’t a bad thing same way as other supports DPSing when no one needs heals

That’s basically it the mobility cooldown is just 1.75 instead of 1.5

Yeah this post is meant to ENCOURAGE Mercy to move instead of just sitting back pocketing.