Mercy HAS to be rewarded for moving

When we look at Mercy’s kit there is 2 main things she does, move around the battlefield with GA and pocket a dps with rez and damage boost. These two things are counterintuitive and Mercy’s GA and healing have been nerfed so much to the point where she’s basically forced into pocketing a DPS.

The issue with this is that this playstyle is boring and not healthy for the game at all. On top of that the playstyle isn’t even viable which is why she’ll never be able to compete with Lucio/Brig for the main support slot. Her ultimate on top of that isn’t impactful and it’s just meaningless passive value.

Here are some changes I suggest

1. - Revert movement back to OW1 Mercy
“Mercy’s movement was at it’s most skillful during this time and most fun to use with how fluid it was”.

2. - Make Valk a more impactful ult by shortening it’s range/duration and increasing it’s stats
“This change would Make Valk a more direct value ult vs a meaningless passive value one”

3. - Lower the projectile size & clip of Mercy’s weapon while increasing it’s fire rate and weapon swap speed
“Rewards Mercy players with good aim and allows her to make more plays with it occasionally while punishing bad Mercy players”

4. - Remove resurrect and replace it with a different form of utilty
“Frustrating ability to use as a Mercy player while being frustrating to play against (widow and hanzo will need to be checked for this to go through)”

5. - Give her healing some sort of boost or have it start high and drain

6. - Increase damage boost back to 30% but have it deplete slowly to 10% if it doesn’t change targets (doesn’t apply to Valk)
“In order to avoid Mercy just hard pocketing someone with the increased healing, this change will punish her for not being interactive”

7. - Melee will now sting for an additional 5 damage
“Kinda niche but cool zapping sound”.

8. - Retain Overwatch 2 movemnt but keep the base cooldown at 1.75 or 2 seconds
“Stop punishing Mercy Players for moving”


Only healthy option for mercy and the other low skill chars is total rework or deleted. Mercys playstyle rewards bad play and poor postioning and is the reason the game is in the state its in.


Mercy’s playstyle is the exact opposite of rewarding bad positioning lol. She gets punished hella hard for messing up


“but muh skill”. there should be accessible heroes. that is what distinguishes overwatch from other games


Agreed as long as they aren’t gamebreaking


The fact is theres tomany now and its ruining the game and it all starts with mercy. Hell i am a moira main an would glady see her reworked or gone for the health of the game.

Thats just not true combined with her fast speed an small hit box shes very hard to punish, hence why shes on both teams in every game up to low gm.


You are right but its not necessarily because GA has been nerfed. Her healing is worse, yes, but without any sort of end reward for it… there is just no point to playing Mercy since her ult is doo doo garbage in the first place.

Look at LW. His entire gameplay cycle was fixed by having a worthwhile ultimate to farm.

And that was Mercy’s original gameplay pattern. Farming your team for healing ult charge to minmax Tempo Rez uptime was considered her optimal game plan, while the very idea of pocketing was considered throwing.

Of course we cant forget that hitscans being overpowered the Always Good choice of the DPS role also feeds into Mercy’s gameplay being warped into pocketing them. Not only they are overpowered, but instant hitscan damage is also much harder to heal reactively, which is what Mercy is supposed to do.


i thought she is; she can do tech jumps whenever she moves

Not dying already seems like enough of a reward for moving. don’t you think?


Not when not dying just means 44 HPS or a quarter the damage of another hero. You could be an invincible floating orb that does that and it still likely wouldn’t be enough to win.


If you are playing mercy and have less heals than anyone but maybe ana, you need a new main.

Heals don’t win games. If Mercy has high heals it means she spent that much time healing at 44 HPS. Ana has anti-heal, sleep, nano, and actual damage output.



Matches are literally decided by whichever team heals their tank more.


There’s no way that you’re arguing that Mercy is a strong support because of tank healing.


She is strong because she is good at everything but kills (which isn’t a job of a healer anyway)

Or put damage boost on a respurce meter like moira’s healing. That also discourages too heavy pocketing. Especially of snipers that don’t even take much poke damage. She’d run out of boost fast.

A lovely idea. And might work better under tha dps passive than it did in season 3.

I would love this. It would make punishing flankers a lot mire satisfying and faster.

Range? I’d reduce it’s duration for higher numbers.

I don’t know if i preferred mercy’s old movement or the new one. Just keeping the crouch jump and reverting all else to ow1 ga could be nice.


Valkyrie should reset Rez CD again, if people are going to be whiny about Mass Rez being too much of a taboo to bring back.

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Please dear god I miss old Mercy movement so much. Being able to control superjump height or slingshot distance made Mercy movement feel so precise and calculated, even if she could only go in 2 directions. With new Mercy movement, I have to do algebra mid-flight to determine if my next jump can get me to the highground based on the length of how far away I am from the nearest teammate, and then I lose 75% of my momentum going up anyways, because the tip of my big toe brushed the top of a fence post. :sob:

Tbh instead of this, I think Mercy should get a burst heal on a cooldown while keeping her default healing the same. I remember that “triage” heal that was added as a passive a while back, and it made keeping tanks alive way to easy. Giving her an active option to heal more would also give her more decisions to make with heal priority.

THIS. If Mercy’s beams can’t consistently provide decent healing or damage boost without her being overpowered, then her kit needs to go in the opposite direction and give her that impact in bursts.

I’d love to see a version of damage boost where Mercy has to consistently switch between targets in order to keep it at max power.


I am going to be honest but maybe we should not blame Mercy for hitscans being overpowered and meta enforced.

Mercy herself is not overpowered and hasnt been overpowered outside of the very early Valk rework.

30% more damage is only an issue on safe instant burst heroes. Every other support hero does far more than Mercy’s average 50~ added DPS with blue beam. Even Mercy herself.