Mercy has a lower winrate in bronze than Ana

Actually nade is such a good boost that even if all an Ana player can do is run behind people and shoot into their team, they still can heal pretty decently if they use their nade enough. You can use nade 30 times in a 5 minute match, whereas Mercy will never get that kind of value out of res or be able to use it nearly as frequently.

im talking all ranks. should have specified. my bad

Except, in the first few weeks people were still figuring out where their hero stood in the meta. Even in the most massive reworks, there were periods of time where no one knew what was going to happen to the meta or their favorite heroes. This is no different.
Mercy’s been on a steady decline for the last month.

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I would say any 1300+ player today is pretty safely low gold about a year ago if a time machine existed.

It’s pretty clear that most casuals have quit.

This doesn’t make her case unique or different

it makes her -gasp- just like most other heroes in bronze

and therein lies your problem-- you want her to be OP

Something to note that nobody seems to recognize is the herd mentality and hysteria involved in these stats.

As people continue to sensationalize mercys usefulness, while Ana is seeing a marked increase in playtime these statistics that are getting thrown around are perfectly reasonable if not downright prophesied. Anyone parsing this data would expect such an outcome, and it was intentional…

The people that actively maintain overbuff statistics are the people most susceptible to the influence of the hysteria. And around and around it goes.

Dude take the L instead of trying to move the goalposts.

Your original argument was Overbuff’s month data includes data from before the support changes. It doesn’t.

Nobody was talking about the chaotic period during meta shifts.

Sure seems like it. I just wonder for how long Mercy would have to be really bad for people to change their mind about her? 6 months? A year? Until the current healer-meta gets to the point where “I’m so tired of being forced to play Ana” is a thing? Or when people start getting banned for “throwing” because they don’t play Ana, Lucio, or Zen? I am curious to find out what the final trigger will be that causes another series of poorly thought through changes that will once again ruin a hero.

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Oh, sorry, where did I say that I “wanted Mercy to be an OP hero” anywhere in my previous post? Otherwise you are making a subjective opinion, not based on fact.

No matter how you personally feel about it, the fact remains. Mercy has one of the lowest winrates in the game, and certainly the lowest winrate among supports on average. And that’s a problem that people will continue to bring up to the devs attention - and have every right to.

Thanks for projecting your feelings on the matter though! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

But of course you gotta cherry pick to support the narrative bruh.

It’s not like Ana had LOWER winrate than Mercy in ALL levels for a whole year or anything.

All these dps mains claiming they know about supports with random facts. O M G.

You’re not tho, stop contradicting yourself with this cringe signature.

Apologies… Who are you again? And why did you ping me with your non-constructive opinion? :thinking:

I must say, I do find it quite amusing the amount of misinformation. I wonder how many people here claiming that “she’s fine”, actually play her a decent amount in competitive.

“This was a huge success!” :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


You’re lying to yourself with your signature. Nothing you post is constructive. You are a lover of what you see as fun, mass Rez mercy. That is not what is considered fun or balanced by the majority of the community.

Ah, so in other words:

“Here is my opinion, I speak for everyone, so it’s automatically fact.”

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! You have really make a huge contribution towards this community, and me and my staff will be sure to take your concerns into consideration. In the meantime, I will continue to share my views and make my voice heard on Mercy’s current state in the forums. You have a nice day now! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

It’s an “Us vs Them” mentality. Quite honestly, it’s pretty petty to see.

Funny, all of this animosity against Mercy and Mercy mains didn’t exist with such strength before the rework. How convenient that the amount of toxicity has exponentially grown in tandem with Mercy’s new kit. :blush:


~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Wow. Easy there man child. You clearly are to toxic for no reason lol

I hope they teach manners in middle school where you’re at.


I hate how her winrate and pickrate are now falling down below Ana in every rank. This should really show someone that something is wrong.

When this was Ana everyone begged for buffs, but they weren’t shamed for it. Mercy mains want to see her back in working order, but we only want her OP in their eyes.

In bronze, as said, with Overbuff…
Mercy has a 45.44% winrate and Ana has a 44.01% winrate.
I don’t really see your point here.

Agreed, the double standard is simply uncalled for. I think there’s a bit of people that don’t realize that just like nobody wanted Ana to have a lower winrate than Mercy (heck, lots of Mercy mains, myself included, actually WANTED Ana to be viable and surpass her), nobody wanted Mercy to be forced into an OP state for so long either.

We as a community should be advocating for ALL heroes to be fun and engaging. Not just the heroes we personally main, while writing off everyone else. This type of elitist behavior is what I think is one of the major problems with this community in the first place. No other game with defined characters or roles can I think of that has such amounts of hatred thrown at people simply for playing a video game character.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.