Mercy has a lower winrate in bronze than Ana

Overbuff now has Mercy at 45.23% and Ana at 44.45% winrate in bronze this past week. Looks like Mercy is balanced :slight_smile:

That sure lasted long. This thread is a knee jerk reaction that’s totally oblivious to how balancing works if it trys to make an argument based on the worst players in the game. Let’s just agree any hero can and will be bad in the hands of bronze players.


You probably don’t want to hear this, but Overbuff is not a reliable source for statistics anymore.

Since the introduction of private profiles, the website can now only read the statistics of players who have their profile set to public. Meaning players have to make a manual effort to show their stats.

And there’s a good chance that those who play Ana put more conscious effort into displaying their achievement than those who play Mercy, because Ana is a high skill cap hero and has more prestige in the community, while a lot of the Mercy statistics might just come from people who had to play support with no experience (which would lead to a much lower win rate).

It is highly likely that the official statistics from Blizzard differ from those of Overbuff. Third party sites have never had a lot of accuracy without API support from the game. Of course, it would be nice to have access to those statistics but Blizzard never was big on data sharing and community support (or communication as a whole).


Yeah, it tells us that it still has data from before the support changes

I don’t care to try reading through this thread, but are you implying that Mercy would be more balanced if she had a higher win rate than Ana across ALL ranks?

No, it doesn’t. It’s been longer than a month since that patch has gone live.

I hate to say this, but even if her stats were at the very bottom people would deny her any change and proclaim her fine. They have not forgiven her for what the devs did, and therefor she must be bad to “compensate”.


I can’t agree with overbuff because those numbers aren’t accurate after private profiles but i agree mercy needs some changes (mostly a revert)

Overbuff has terribly inaccurate stats after private profiles became a thing. Please stop thinking it’s giving your correct stats because it’s absolutely not.

It’s a sample size of the audience in question, and it’s the best stats that we have thanks to blizzard not allowing for API requests to get the data in question from the player base. They aren’t going to be 100% accurate, but they should be a representation of the overall data trend.

I don’t get this reaction everytime with overbuff, because it’s not like we have a source of data that can be used otherwise. It’s literally this data…and nothing else.

Umm, what now?

ttps:// (add the h at the start)

You’re just making stuff up or did you click on a wrong button?

No she doesn’t? She is only lower in Platinum +, which isn’t a surprise

The statistical ignorance here is really starting to bug me. Overbuff’s sample is more than large enough for their data to be fairly accurate.


I was only looking on PC since Ana is even harder to play on console.

I agree. As a real life comparison my company recently did a phone survey. In order to have statistically valid information (5% margin of error at a 95% confidence level) we had to have 400 surveys completed out of our population of approx. 240,000 people. Which (if I can math this morning) is 0.17% of the total population. So, assuming we have even 1% of profiles public, the stats should be pretty darn valid.

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It happened earlier today, the statistics have updated since then. This is not even the first time Ana has dropped below Mercy in Bronze since the latest support changes.

It just means the win rates of Ana and Mercy are so close to each other it becomes hard to definitively say if there is any tangible difference. It doesn’t mean Ana has de facto easier time winning as the OP suggests, but it’s still quite interesting that Mercy doesn’t win over Ana even in bronze.

We have 3 and 4 tank metas now too. Mercy has the lowest healing she ever was while Ana is the best in tank healing besides Moira.

Ana only works well when players have at least a basic level of aim, this is true. But keep in mind that as the game ages, everyone’s level of experience is improving.

If you took the entire Bronze tier today and let them play against the player base from a year or two ago, many would probably actually be in Silver/Gold. The overall level of skill is improving, but relative to the existing player base, bronze players are still bottom of the pile. However, their aim *is improving, which makes Ana shine in comparison to Mercy (because of higher skill ceiling)

As a silver player I hate having ana on my team when I am playing tank, which is why I have moved from rein to hog most of the time as she has gotten so popular.

I don’t have much experience with mercy teammates because if there is one on my team usually it is me.

I’m honestly surprised that at low ELO ana is even close to mercy.

ergo…statistics are completely meaningless. You could use a 76 to heal the team at that level and it would be fine.

I never understand why people quote this stuff. WINRATE is an absolutely meaningless stat unless you are comparing the EXACT same team comps on the exact same maps with the exact same people over a very large amount of games.