Mercy has a higher win and pick rate than both genji and doomfist. In GM

Doomfist and genji… two hero’s people seem to think need nerfs… Have a lower pick and win rate than mercy

Mercy is more than viable

She has a %55 win rate in GM.

Here’s the thing tho. OW is a game of switching. If someone makes a switch to counter the mercy pick you might need to briefly counterpick to get the enemy to F off then go back to mercy…

So maybe playing 1 hero isn’t ideal in ow right now bc counterplay is happening.

Maybe this is why ppl arnt happy with mercym they want mercy to be the only viable pick so they don’t have to swap off

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Since when are people asking for Genji nerfs?


I haven’t seen any serious calls for nerfs to Doomfist or Genji recently

Also keep in mind that support pickrates cannot be directly compared to DPS pickrates because they have less than half as many competing options


You are comparing Apples and Oranges, in an attempt to make it seem like recent nerfs are not needed. They fill two different roles, the DPS Pool is larger in comparison to the Healer pool


I think the balance is perfect rn.

Saying mercy is more viable than both genji or doom. We’re not asking for buffs to those hero’s…

So why are people asking for mercy buff.

Do you understand how numbers work?

There are 17 DPS and only 7 supports. DPS heroes will have, on average, lower pickrate #'s than supports because there are TWICE AS MANY DPS and so the pool is much larger, meaning there is more competition and a higher chance that DPS will not be played.

With only 7 supports, the pool of choices is MUCH lower and thus all heroes in the pool will have higher pickrates than the lower picked DPS players. It’s basic logic and math.


No, she isn’t. She’s been the worst main healer/one of the worst supports in masters+ for almost 10 seasons now. I know because I actually play in GM…I know you are plat so you are just making assumptions but take it from someone who actually plays support in GM: Any other support is a better pick 99% of the time. Mercy doesn’t heal enough to be played as a main support in most comps, her ult isn’t defensive enough to be played as an off support in most comps, and her midfight utility pales in comparison to that of Ana and Lucio etc.

Mercy isn’t even viable in GM outside of right clicking a Pharah or Widow sometimes, hence the 1% pickrate, and calling her “more than viable” is a rather hilarious exaggeration.

And what counters the Mercy pick? You don’t seem to understand how metas/viability works. Ana and Moira and Brig and Lucio all have immensely high pickrates right now because they are GOOD, and even if the enemy picks a hero that “counters” them like Doom you can still run them because in GM your team peels for your backline and protects the supports. That’s now how GM works.

Because she’s been statistically the least viable main healer for almost a year now and has been unviable/off meta in masters+ since her HPS nerf in Season 10. Ask any OWL or top500 support player and they will tell you Mercy is not a good healer, much less a good main healer.

And yeah, we know Genji sucks too. But just because Genji is also bad doesn’t mean Mercy shouldn’t be buffed? You also realize that Mercy being better makes Genji better? The only time Mercy was picked in OWL was with a Genji, and vice versa. She’s one of the best supports for his viability.


Because, again, you can’t directly compare their statistics due to them being in different roles

If all DPS had equal usage, they’d each have a 2.08% pickrate. Genji overall exceeds this and only falls short in higher ranks; Doomfist is a bit under across the board. Either way, neither gets serious nerf requests at the moment–while Genji gets considerable usage, he is a bit of an underperformer (see winrate), while Doomfist is just kinda meh right now, so naturally folks aren’t too motivated to get him nerfed.

If all Supports had equal usage, they’d each have a 4.76% pickrate. Mercy overall is higher than this, but largely because of lower ranks–she quickly tapers down so that by Diamond, she’s underutilized (compare to Genji, who doesn’t reach that point until GM). Hence, you’ll find a lot of people are in favor of reworking/buffing Mercy to increase her high-end viability and potentially even reign in her low-end usefulness.

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THIS ^ It’s basic math, it’s not complicated.


The undefined “them”, who always want something bad.


Now Mozts, I know I saw you asking for nerfs to his weeaboo ability :wink: Too much anime power in a single move

I’m sorry, I did wut now?

Nothing lol, I’m yanking your chain

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Well, it worked.

Guess the joke’s on me twice.

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What counters mercy you say?

  • mercy unlike the the rest of the healing roster can focus almost purely on healing.

Mercy does well by being harassed and still healing.

So the best counter to mercy is sustained healing. Or countering the dps/support she has synergy with.

Sadly if you want to focus down Moira you really can’t. So her sustain beats mercy. Then ana can top Moira is people arnt diving. If people were diving mercy would work well with ana.

Really Moira is the reason mercy isn’t good rn. You can focus and counter ana quite easily but then they will just go Moira and counter your entire teams strategy …

So moira’s high sustain with little downside is directly countering mercy rn tbh…

Yes ana is being played alot but teams are slow to try and counter ana bc the ana will just go Moira and the enemy already has Mei.

Genji hasn’t been viable since Moira and Brig was introduced. And now Mei is broken too. No fun for Genji. Game sucks.

None of that changes the fact that Mercy has been unviable since her HPS nerf in season 10 throughout the various metas we have gone through and continues to be the worst main support, even after Moira and Bap have received pretty heavy nerfs.

She needs more healing, even if it’s only 5 more HPS. 60 was too high? Well 50 is too low. 55 is the literal sweetspot.

That would break the game she already dwarfed the entire support class when she had 60hps. Literally everything else was unplayable compared to her.

If they wanted to give mercy 60hps they would have to seriously nerf her survivability

The truth of the matter is mercy good. Still really good. Mei being top meta is bad for mercy. Moira being meta is bad for mercy. Dive being unplayable into Mei is bad for mercy.

Honestly if Mei gets nerfed mercy playtime will skyrocket.

Also I believe mercys balance is accurate there are 7 supports and she’s picked 12-15% in gm and Lucio gets 25%.

Lucio is a much harder to maximize and synergizes better with Mei.

Lucio/brig/zen compete with current mercy for playtime rn.

Lucio is just better at high levels of play.

Think the gm/pro stats are accurate since Lucio is harder

No she didn’t, she literally hardcore fell out of meta after her 4 valk nerfs in January and then was heavily outclassed by Moira for most of season 9 until the Hanzo rework happened and Grav-Dragon became meta, whereby she became a “must pick” in the meta to purely right click Hanzo ult so it could kill through Trans and in the double sniper meta. As soon as this interaction was removed in a “bug fix” and Grav Dragon and Double Sniper died she promptly dropped back out of meta even before her 50 HPS nerf hit live, as shown in this video from the week it happened:

6:30 timestamp

"Now a Hero that didn’t get any changes so far was Mercy. The Mercy nerfs (50 HPS) are still on the PTR as I said, yet Mercy was played very very little. She was not seen at all in these games we’ve seen so far (pro matches)). She was picked up a couple of times on point B defenses, but really that was it. But why, Ryan, if she hasn’t been changed why has she been played so little? Well it has to do with Widow maker, another hero who rarely reared her head in these games. She was only really played on Gibraltor, those kind of maps where she’s going to be really good and was good before the double sniper meta. And guess what, Mercy was there too alongside Widow enabling her with the damage boost and the rez.

This of course is a big concern because Mercy has a pretty heft nerf on the PTR, so that could really sort of knock her into obscurity if the pros aren’t even playing her now."

AND GUESS WHAT, IT DID. She was out of meta before the HPS nerf even came, and then the 20% nerf to her primary fire and output (healing) cemented her grave as a trash pick in 99% of situations. She had literally only been held up in the meta for a bit because Hanzo and Widow were dominating and Mercy was the best main healer to pair with them. Mercy wasn’t outclassing all the other supports, she was just the only one that worked in double sniper.

Fast forward a year and a half and she hasn’t been viable since. Almost like the HPS nerf made her really, seriously bad. Not to mention Widow and Hanzo have both been nerfed pretty hard since then (WIdow grapple nerfs, now the charge nerf. Hanzo storm arrow nerfs and arrow speed nerfs) and with the booster buff Double Sniper is probably never coming back as a big meta.

No, they wouldn’t. She would not at all dominant the support meta with 60 HPS, I’d bet you all 4,000 of my SR on it.

Any high rank support player can tell you Mercy is not a good nor viable healer and hasn’t been for a while. Especially not as a main support.

It’s hard to believe mercy isn’t getting calls for her to be nerfed. You know it’s really frustrating when she one-shots you with her 6 second CD. /s


High winrate/pickrate in GM? Time to double nerf her! (Rule 85: the Brig principle) :roll_eyes:

(this is a joke pls don’t get angeri)