Mercy getting nerfed

No canceling, as soon as you press E you commit

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Look, criticizing Mercy on these forums is a death sentence. I don’t think she’s OP, but I agree that Mercy is a problematic hero. I think most of the issues are social, though.

Enabling smurfing/pocketing, creating a bad learning environment, low skill floor and ceiling, and worst of all, probably, favoring to girls. Because now there’s a hero that’s perfect for bullying. There’s a reason people insult others just by calling them a ‘mercy main.’ If this character wasn’t portrayed by a thin, conventionally pretty white lady, I think there’d be a lot less sexism in overwatch. Serious.


It has nothing to do with the character being female. Everything to do with the hero being the easiest character in the game and unhealthy with resurrect being on cooldown, enabling smurfing.


This has to be a joke right?


Mmm, click-bait title is click-baity.


God that was a dark time :weary: Never wanna go back to that


You mean the literal last buff they gave to Mass Rez before they decided to rework Mercy, since before Mercys often died after using non-tempo rezes? (Not saying the invincibility was a good buff, it was too much or at least too much without some compensating nerfs)


This was something that was brought up before in the past too. The idea of a single target instant (or near instant) rez as an ult. Make it so its a bit cheaper (not like D.Va remech obviously, but on the lower side for ults, since its only one target) and you can have high impact rez that rewards good gameplay versus every 30ish seconds. Plus, could just make E into like a increased beam, give it like 3 seconds of spread, or even just have enabled both healing and damage boost for a bit.

OW players think every single character is problematic except their own main.


With Bap Ana Brig and Zen being better options or popular picks. Be very lucky to see her get any nerfs

At this point some bitter part of me actually hopes for Mercy to be absolutely trashed in OW2, just so I can go and still pick her in every game. Then watch as my team has a meltdown about it.

The people always crying for Mercy nerfs, will be the same who will cry the loudest about how she is a throw pick if she does end up getting nerfed.


Not when brig is pretty much just an all around better pick. Mercy is like the 4th best/3rd worst support right now

I hate to bring this off topic, but this is pretty much identical situation with zarya right now… and I mean literally.

  • She’s picked in lower ranks so people say she’s fine
  • In higher ranks she’s really only picked as winston home girl. (With mercy it was pharah)
  • But otherwise worst tank in the game in higher ranks, people yell at you to swap off zar, it sucks.
  • Zarya has pretty much identical pickrates to what mercy saw (although zaryas OWL pr is much lower)

Hopefully we see a buff like we saw to mercy :pray:


Ball hook being removed entirely because he had just too much mobility. He shouldn’t be able to move, at all.

Dva health is being reduced to 1.337hp

Hanzo arrows will split into 5 when crit procs (which almost never happens, let’s be honest folks…) as such the hitbox to all large heroes such as hog, Dva and ball have all been increased.

That buff is what made people realize how broken this thing is.

Also pharah, cassidy, reaper, hog, bastion all had and still have ults that makes them easy targets. So mercy dying while ulting in a middle of the enemy team (which is totally deserved if you do that) isn’t something that affected only her.

Whatever. If this game keeps pushing for more lethality, picking Mercy would be matter of avoiding death, rather than saving anyone.

Tempo resurrects simply do not work in most situations, when teammates fall one after another. Invulnerability offered some extra uses.

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Now, you see this man here, I respect him. He loves his queue times, and will do anything to get more of them.


As they say, do not stop your enemy, when they are making a mistake.

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I’m a DPS player…

If that mistake is to nuke your home, I’m not sure I really want to stand aside here.

But yeah, the Panic buffs when OW works out that need the support players will be pretty amazing.


Insert the “Ah s**t here we go again” meme here

People complained about Mass Rez, it got nerfed for over a year until we are here with her ability to do one rez every 30 seconds, where she is as slow as molasses during the cast and easy as hell to kill.

How much more are you going to take from her kit until you are satisfied? If you take away Rez you take away a huge chunk of Mercy’s identity as a character, what next? taking her healing? I’ve seen people complain about her damage boost, then what? what will she have left if you take what makes Mercy who she is away?

She doesn’t need a nerf, she is one of the most balanced heroes Overwatch has and is being outclassed by Ana, Bap and Brig, so leave her be, please.