Mercy: Face it Blizzard, Rez is simply too powerful to be a base ability

Rez is still too powerful to be an ult

Mentioning Blizzard makes me not want to listen.

By now, most people agree that the invulnerability buff was hot garbage, and should have never been added. Half or less in invulnerability would have been better, not only that it gave her some self sustain, but it also gave her some counterplay.

Tell that to 2016 Mercy ^^

And you just agreed with me. It’s not a problem with the ultimate…

That’s not a problem with the ultimate. It is just a problem with the attitudes of how to use it.

If the ultimate wasn’t the problem, it had no grounds to be removed. With that in mind, removing mass Resurrect because of ”Hide n Res” would be like removing Transcendence because some people were told my their teammates to not use it until the enemy team uses an ultimate.

Can’t wait for that Zen rework then…

I think that this isn’t a bad point, but also it’s one that only comes up in certain moments of gameplay and wasn’t as prevalent as everyone acted, especially not something happening at a frequency that would require her ult to be removed.

You’ve also got to assume that you’re right in thinking you healing that person would have ‘saved your team’. That’s a gamble. That makes everything about the decision a strategic play, and just because the Mercy made the wrong call doesn’t make her kit somehow damaged.

Let’s say you’ve got the choice between flying to your Soldier and healing him while he’s at half health getting dove by a Winston, or staying behind cover on Numbani - You may die if you fly to him and lose mass res, and you’re already down, say, two players. You’ve got a tank on low ground and a Sombra off god knows where and Reaper clomping away in the hallways; saving that Soldier on high ground probably means you wont’ lose the point, that is a valid and strategic point you have there. However. If you fly up there and risk dying to save one person, you can’t heal the two on the ground that are currently taking damage and you’re trying to heal anyway, and you’ll be less likely to be able to use mass res.

I personally would stay not on high ground and wait to see what happens. Maybe my Soldier will win the fight, maybe the two on the ground will die and I’ll be able to get a quick res off and then go and help him - the point is, as Mercy you’ve got to make that decision. That’s just strategy, there’s nothing ‘bad’ about it - I never saw Mercy’s leaving team fights for eons and not healing anyone at the lengths at which people are claiming, ever. I saw them duck in a room for a few seconds at most to try and pull off a sneaky Res or not die. That’s strategy.

Now, it’s literally ‘Is it on cooldown? Will I get shot in the head?’ Which is not a very tactical, strategic, or exciting decision to make.


Funny story. I suggested giving her a cast time before the invulnerability kicked in to give mass rez some counterplay without bringing it back to its old garbage status, and was absolutely avalanched with downvotes.

(this being back when downvotes were still a thing).

It’s actually very disconcerting to see some of the things I had to struggle to argue for (like LoS checks on resurrect) on these forums to now be taken as baseline “why didn’t they just do this” things.

Just wouldn’t in todays disrupt meta.

In the “Here is Mercy: take a look at her!” video from about 2 years ago, Mercy’s Res animation was rather slow, maybe that should have been the cast time? Or just 1 sec cast time?

Wouldn’t what? Fit in the game?

Just think how Sombra players who react to this change.

Yes…that’s what I’m saying. You agreeing with me obviously means that I agree with you, too. It takes two to agree.

As far as removing the ult, when the nature of an ability completely changes the way the game is played and shapes how people use it to the point that it’s original purpose has been killed, it needs to be changed. If people used Transcendence exclusively to counter ultimates to the point that it changed gameplay in a negative way, it would absolutely be changed. Fortunately, people aren’t riding that train yet. It’s only happened once and I don’t think it’ll happen again.

Oh, we and they did. None responds.

I don’t understand what you are saying :confused:

Just wouldn’t work Mercy needs something else reworked in her kit, like her pistol

I once stood on B on Temple of a Anubis right on the edge of the Graviton my team was in… they all died… did the enemy team see me? Nah… good rez going off and the enemy prolly went to the forums to complain about their own failiure.

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Again, with this in mind, Transcendance should not exist because I’ve gotten cases where my teammates would just tell me to never use ult until the enemy team expends an ultimate.

You’d be incredibly surprised how many people in GM have asked me to not ult unless the enemy team ults or just to wait for the enemy team to use Grav or something.

Fortunately, this does happen and it is just as common as ”Hide n Res”; both strategies are uncommon.

Her pistol is barely a problem. It is there just for trying to keep you alive against a flanker, really, or just Battle Mercy.And whole thing with “it wouldn’t work”: how did it work for one year and suddently it doesn’t anymore? If they knew what to do to her Res, instead of just making it really safe to use, then everything would have been fine. She was fine before the whole rework. Yeah, there were some minor problems with her Res, but it was in a way better shape than what we have today. This will go down in history as the worst rework Overwatch has ever faced. And the fact that they deny it, and try to cover it with nerfs, don’t listen to the people who actually play her, and say “It is fine lol, we got this” makes it even worse. Her STILL being meta is not right, but wrong because of the fact that Resurrect- an ultimate forced to be an ability, and Valkyrie- an ability forced to be an ultimate. This is bad game designing, and what Goldlantern, Carver and DvaSlaysEU said is all true. Props to them for writing what I am too lazy to do ^^

If hide and res was so popular why is Mercy’s avrg healing then and her avrg healing now is basically the same even tho she has valk now? I’ll tell you why, because most mercies weren’t hiding. Only players that were new to Mercy liked to play her as “hide and res”

And bug fixes.

”Mercy being able to boost Dragonstrike and D’Va bomb was a bug” – That was in the game for more than a year… NICE TRY. Also, this: