Mercy: Face it Blizzard, Rez is simply too powerful to be a base ability

I said it as soon as the rework was announced and I still say it today; Rez as a base ability is simply too powerful, and you’re going to spend the rest of your time trying to “fix” Mercy around have Rez as a baseline ability. And that no matter what you do she is either going to be OP as hell and the best healer in the game, or you’ll “balance” her but she’ll suck to play.

Or the third option of admitting failure and breaking her with a nerf so badly she is unplayable so you don’t have to worry about it.

You were correct that the old Mass Rez style was simply not a ton of fun to play against and not the most interesting use of this kind of skill, but what you came up with didn’t make it any better.

Take Rez off E and tie it into her Ult somehow, give her something else on her E and work with her that way, instead of this constant “REZ ON E IS FINE WE’LL FIND A WAY TO MAKE IT WORK EVENTUALLY” balancing you’ve been going on with since the rework launched.

My personal suggestion is to make Valkyrie last longer overall - but you can use the Ult Button to revive people with a .5 second cast time, but drains a notable portion of your Ult’s Remaining time to do so. So Mercy has to pick between having a longer period of time where she can do super healing + perma flight or reviving dead allies. Give her a Cleanse/Purify as her E that remains negative status effects/crowd control (but doesn’t block damage) with a decent CD.



I have but one problem with your suggestion. If Resurrect is now only exclusive to Valkyrie, don’t you think punishing players for using it is a bad idea? I mean, it’s the only time they will ever get to use Resurrect. Furthermore, Blizzard have already went out and said that they don’t like the idea of Valkyrie being defined by Resurrect. Making Resurrect exclusive to Valkyrie will surely do that.


Then remove rez, rez in Q will never work because it encourage mercy players to play her against her design by hiding then rez.


All I know is that rez on e needs to go, and MAYBE revert her heaing? I’m not sure.



It forces you to make a choice; is it more important to do super healing + high mobility, or do you really need to bring that player back to life?

Gives a notable difference in experienced/inexperienced Mercy players on how they use it.

Valkyrie wouldn’t be “defined” by Rez - it would be defined by how you balance your use of Rez vs. your use of super healing. If you only use Valk to Rez you’re essentially pissing away your Ult to revive 2/3 people who will likely get immediately shredded or yourself killed.

I agree that rez is too powerful, but I wish we’d stop with this “admitting failure” angle. Let’s be right for the right reasons.

The rework was a success in that it got rid of the unhealthy terribleness that was mass rez. Though I do think rez is too strong to be in her base kit, it’s still miles better than Mercy 1.0.

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If you only use Valk to Rez you’re essentially pissing away your Ult to revive 2/3 people who will likely get immediately shredded or yourself killed.

No. Only idiot players throwing games to pad their SR gains did that. 4/5 man Rez were actually very rare. Resurrect is balanced as an ultimate since it has to be earned, and its use isn’t 100% reliable and useful, unlike Rez as a static cooldown ability.


Instead of asking for a revert , why don’t you/we ask for a rework - but this time the rework would add more fun and skill to Mercy. Now , You might wonder how would can that be even possible?
Let’s start with the easy part - Let’s make her staff work like Moira’s secondary fire. I mean - It will feel better and will add more skill than holding one button for a certain amount of period.
Then , we can continue with Rez. Now ,now , this will be a hard one but I’ll try to make it easy and understandable. Ressurect - E-ability , works like Torb’s Armor packs but it charges with how much healing you’ve done. For example : 1000 healing done will grant you one charge of ressurect. You can decide whether you wanna use it or keep stacking it. How would the stacking work?
If you use Rez , and you have more charges , You can still use them but after a certain amount of period , let’s say 20-30 seconds after you used Ressurect. That way It would be more fun to use because You’ll basically work for it then just use it every 30 seconds. And I personally don’t know why it’s so hard to do.
Then we go the next thing - Valkyrie. Ah , Valkyrie - the ultimate that can basically AFK during it’s duration and still be effective. Honestly , I haven’t thought about any changes about it but I’m sure something can be done with it just to increase Mercy’s skill level.
P.S. Had to copy it from the original post that I’ve made.

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They are not equal though. Resurrect is infinitely more powerful than 50HP AoE heals. It won’t exactly be a choice. Any good player will always use it for Resurrect.

On the contrary, hiding Resurrect behind Valkyrie means that Valkyrie is indeed defined by Resurrect.

Problem being, 50HP per second for allies close to each other is not what most would call ”super heals”.

The point being, because Resurrect is infinitely better than 50HP AoE heals, every player is only going to be using Valkyrie for Resurrect.


I wouldnt necessarily call it a success. True it might have succeeded in the goal of getting rid of a bad playstyle, but it did cause more problems that lasted for nearly a year.

Mercy’s beam is fine. It s incomparable to moira’s, imo. It’s supposed to allow mercy to look around for threats, and her allies hp without hindering her consistent healing. Because unlike moira, mercy’s movement is entirely dependent on her team. Not only that, mercy’s beam is her only way to support/heal her team. Moira has her balls, her healing is an aoe. The only reason her rmb requires tracking is because it deals damage and needs counterplay. Mercy’s healing can easily be outdamaged despite being consisted.

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That’s why her HP/S should be reverted to 60 again, imo the changes that’ve been already done to the other support would have put them in par with Mercy , maybe Moira should’ve get more love. But overall I think the nerf was unnecessary

60HP was pretty decent and balanced tbh. 50HP just feels awful.

If blizzard removes mass Rez in Q, then mercy will be perfectly balanced. Rez 1 teammate in Q is how Rez must be working.

I never said the nerf was justified. Even at 60hps it could still have been easily outdamaged. My point was that mercy’s beam is fine as it is. It needs to be a lock on cause she needs to be constantly surveying around cause she has the lowest fighting potential and she requires the presence of her team to use her mobility. Again her hps was never mentioned, im saying her beam is fine as it is. It doesnt need to be changed

Tell me, what do you do when an enemy Ults? Do you stand there and stare the Deadeyeing McCree in the face and take the shot? Do you punch Soldier in the face as he’s pumping you full of pulse ammo from his tactical visor? Do you let the Roadhog spray you down with scrap? No, you hide, get out of the way, whatever. You survive, so you can keep the fight going. Saying ”Hide and rez is toxic and bad don’t revert” is extremely idiotic, especially when I didn’t hide, I died from the enemy targeting the team with their ults.

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That’s open for discussion for sure, but my point was that it’s not constructive to push the “Blizzard won’t admit failure” angle when it comes to balance wishes. We’re much more likely to have a relevant and useful conversation if we just discuss the game itself rather than taking shots at the developers based on what little knowledge of the game’s inner workings that we have as players. It’s more harmful than helpful with that angle.


Mass rez was fine before they introduced invincivility. In fact in those times mercy was considered a liability. A lot of offensive ults average maybe 2-3kills per usage. That s the same most mercy player’s mass rez usage. All they really need to do to balance mass rez is to keep the said average 2-3 man rez then make higher numbers being rezzed more risky. Like say removing invincivility and adding a mechanics wherein cast time is dependent to the number of heroes being rezzed. Meaning 4-5 man rezzes would be riskier

No need to bring back 4-5 Rezzes, I want to use Rez in Q for Rez 1 teammate.