Mercy doesn't feel empowering anymore

You’re absolutely right, with a source to verify it. This article has a section where they took data from winston labs and showcased mass res’ true impact on a game. Needless to say, it was horrible, often just feeding the enemy even more ult charge.

It even goes on to say tempo ressing was the better solution, and even then it wasn’t a good solution.

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Most of that article supports what I’ve said, though. The problem is her kit revolved around rez. It could have easily been fixed by adding more limitations to rez that mostly only affect mass rezes and not tempo rezes, and place the power back into her mid-fight. There is literally no reason for rez to be anything but an ulimate, though.


I find mercy much more empowering to play now than I did when former friends forced me to play mercy for mass rez. I like playing mercy, but I hated being forced to play her.

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Well, the article does make an argument for that too, seeing as tempo ressing wasn’t all that impactful either. Keeping it as her ultimate was ultimately hurting her, which is why they opted to rework it entirely.

I agree i feel like they probably could have balanced it and put power towards the rest of her kit, but remember what the time was like when these things were happening. Something needed to be done at the time because people were getting fed up. Mercy’s sr glitch completely through off ladder putting bad players in high elo, people in low elo absolutely wanted a mercy at all times due to res being a great play against uncoordinated teams who would all press q at the same time. It was a mess they were trying to correct to the best of their ability.

They just took it an entirely different direction from what most expected, especially mercy players themselves. It’s unfortunate, but that’s where we’re at now.

It wasn’t rez as her ultimate that was hurting her, it was her lack of anything other than her ultimate. Rez as a cooldown ability hurts her far more.


He was in the top 3 of heroes overall as well.

Reinhardt was statistically balanced. There was no need for a change and if anything he could have used a nerf. Feeling was entirely the catalyst and is what was mentioned as the reason for the change.

Thats not what was stated.

Only they were based on what they are saying/

I Disagree. In fact it brought more agenecy into her character, having to make micro decisions on who should she res, when, and gain the aid of her team, making her even more team reliant in a team based fps.

Is it a different? Of course, but it didn’t hurt her any. She was already in a horrible spot.

She doesn’t have to make “micro decisions”. Deciding when to rez is almost entirely “will I die?” and if the answer is yes, you don’t rez. It absolutely does hurt her, it takes up way too much space in her kit, which leads to the rest of her abilities being lackluster.

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thats not what the devs stated

Gold is average…

This is patently false. Even EeveeA made a video about when and where to hide and rez. There’s millions of videos of mercy hiding spots on YouTube, indicating it was quite common.

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Except, she literally does? Like. What do you call a mercy who has to decide between damage boosting the Widow or trying to heal the winston? Or maybe she needs to res the zen but the genji is about to go down, whats the decision then? Does she res the zen with the aid of her defense matrixing her, or does she hold res and wait for genji to fall before bringing him back? Does she damage boost him or heal? Maybe she has valk, does she pop it now? She can now heal both her winston and genji. Or damage boost them, that’s another decision. Or does she pull out her pistol and take out the widow that nobody has been paying attention to, who took out your zen in the first place?

I’d say those are all great examples of micro decisions.

No offense intended, but in times like this wouldn’t it just be better to ask a team mate to cover you? Body blocking and barriers go a long way. Pro Mercy’s pulled this off in the heat of fights all the time.

why if one enjoys playing Mercy would one wish for a rework?

Those are needed for teammates, who are still alive, and not in same poor position dead teammate is.

It’s almost like you’re using those things to keep your mercy alive, who is in fact still alive. So she can then make somebody else alive.

Don’t start Cleo, that snark reply in the last thread

And now you’re just arguing to argue with basic mechanics employed by people who actually still enjoy playing this game and do so on a regular basis.


the devs stated that they had observed this behavior quite a bit, and as such, it did occur

I saw it in many games at multiple tiers of play as well


Between keeping 1 Mercy alive, and keeping 3 more teammates alive, tank should choose teammates. In other words, don’t attempt to save someone, who wanted to die.

What a totally not loaded and completely resonably founded example. Keep the person alive who’s going to bring your team up a player, or somehow keep 3 other separate people alive who are totally not on opposite sides of the map doing things.

No, you protect the mercy as she res’. It’s a team game, and that play requires team work, which will ultimately help the team even more.

The tank should peel for their healers, and’s job in dive was exactly that, protect the healers.

Your other words are hollow and unfounded even by basic principle.

You protect those, that try to survive. Teammate who died tried to die, just like Mercy trying to rez him.

And since you talk about what tank “should” - no one said that one would do that.

You say that but Sombra…