Mercy doesn't feel empowering anymore

Smells like projection.


LOL please projection of what? I didn’t even play during those times, I didn’t fall to any rank and even if I did I solo q climbed myself back.
I started 2017 summer and since then I’ve climbed 2800+
but stopped playing because I’m waiting for 2-2-2 to be a permanent season (season 18)

Sit this one out.

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You have people unironically arguing for hide and go seek and other players in the thread flat out denying it used to happen.

It’s revisionist history at its finest. I used to see it all the time in my games in gold>plat back then. I would also see it in much higher ranked games from streamers who would also complain about it all the time.

I remember even seeing a guide on reddit on how to game the stat system (via hide and res) to the achieve maximum sr. Let’s not pretend like one trick Mercy low to high sr without knowing how to play literally anything else wasn’t a problem back then. If people want to argue about the direction the devs went with the rework that’s fine, but to basically lie or be ignorant about the problems that caused them to change her in the first place is silly.

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Awful defensive for someone who’s not projecting.

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I was a Mercy main before they changed her ult, and I agreed with the change. What I don’t agree with is her having such low healing, considering it’s really all she has. It’s so low you never feel like you can damage boost.

No one is arguing it didn’t happen. People are arguing that 1.) it didn’t happen as often as you guys make it out to be, and 2.) that there would have been tons of other fixes less drastic (edit: esp. regarding that SR exploit). Heck, from this very thread:


Yes, very similar to how Lucio/Zen do it


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Wow, a bad player playing poorly and their team losing because of it! Notice the enemy team immediately countering it by ulting the people that got rezed?

This is a great example of the version of “hide and rez” that people here like to throw around, but isn’t the one I’m talking about whatsoever.

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It feels really weak at times but it’s usually when DPS or tanks just don’t back off a little to let me heal them. LIke just diving in 1 v 6 or Rein and they expect me to follow. Or even if they are taking large amounts of damage and expect my heals to keep healing through it. If they don’t come out for cover behind a wall or something yeah it’s not feeling very goo but sure it’ on them but I get blamed for not keeping them alive.

" Projection is a psychological defense mechanism in which individuals attribute characteristics they find unacceptable in themselves to another person"

Umm, like I asked projecting what? I don’t even relate to the situation the mercy mains I was targetting in my paragraph lmfao, besides that we’re all mercy mains? even then I still do flex to other supports despite them not being on the same level as my mercy gameplay.

From the looks of it, you have nothing to say because I proved you wrong on how I am apparently “projecting”

pathetic, like I said sit this on out. :clown_face:

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All I said is that you’re awfully defensive. Then you go and get even more defensive. Thanks for proving me right. :clown_face:


Wow, a bad player playing poorly and their team losing because of it! Notice the enemy team immediately countering it by ulting the people that got rezed?

He only killed one person, 3 were rezzed. The irony is, had the Mercy not hid and healed the SOldier instead, the visor would kill the pharah and mercy before they could even do that.

This is a great example of the version of “hide and rez” that people here like to throw around, but isn’t the one I’m talking about whatsoever.

No, hide and rez is always hide and rez. Zen and Lucio don’t hide to save their teams. Or actively encourage them to die. No matter how you try to spin it, nothing goes around that

Neither does mass rez Mercy. “Hide and rez” is only effective when the enemy dumps all of their ults into one fight, in which case Mercy would absolutely not be able to do anything to stop it regardless of where she is.

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You said that I was projecting, “Smells like projection”
then refuse to explain why I was projecting, because I had already proved that wrong with my reply, then continue to act like a smarta**

Embarassing, sit this one out babe
Imagine private profile and everything calling people defensive, Most likely had nothing to say when I pulled my stats out because it went against everything they assumed about me, CLOWNERY jumped out.

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“Hide and rez” is only effective when the enemy dumps all of their ults into one fight, in which case Mercy would absolutely not be able to do anything to stop it regardless of where she is.


As long as enemy uses any ults and you don’t use any (Except mass rez) or as long as they use more than you, you pull it off.

Neither does mass rez Mercy.

It absolutely does

And yet here you are, still getting desperately defensive. :clown_face:

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Not true at all. At that point, all you’ve done is trade 1 ult for 1 ult and reset the fight. That doesn’t give you any clear advantage, and if you do so at the cost of your team, you’re at a disadvantage.

It absolutely doesn’t. Mass rez is at its most powerful when you’re using it to keep a fight going, not using it to reset to a neutral state.

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you didn’t reset the fight because the enemy likely had some casualties as well but you just reverted yours
the only thing that reverts it for the enemy is a mass rez of their own

even if you got them to use crucial cooldowns to kill you and just reseted it, you are at an advantage

It absolutely doesn’t. Mass rez is at its most powerful when you’re using it to keep a fight going, not using it to reset to a neutral state.

it’s not a neutral state

anyhow, i’m done talking to you

i would much rather hit my head in a brick wall than keep doing this with you


What? How is that at all likely when your team walks in 5v6 without their healer and the enemy ults you? The enemy has the advantage here, a mass rez is extremely unlikely to do much. The fight resets, the enemy has time to reposition around your team while you’re rezing, and you die again.

It is.

It seems like you already have.


Mercy doesn’t feel overpowered any more**

If you don’t have fun playing a hero that functions the way she’s supposed to, find a new hero to play.